Install Updates

Data Express Updates can be found on the Micro Focus Customer Care web site as WebSyncs. Download the appropriate zip files and extract them into an installation directory so that they can be uploaded to the mainframe.

To install the Update:

  1. On the Micro Focus Data Express for z/OS - Main Menu panel, select option 24 to display the Installation New Modification Level - Main Menu panel.
  2. Select option Allocate Tempory PDS to submit the job SEQALC to create a temporary PDS to contain PTF objects. You must specify the first and second qualifier for the PDS and you must customize the Unit name and Volume name. However, the Volume name can be left blank for SMS managed DASD.
  3. Press Enter to return to the Installation New Modification Level - Main Menu panel.
  4. Select option Allocate Sequential File for PTF to submit the job FTPALC to create the working sequential files. You must specify the prefix to be used for the sequential files, and you must customize the Unit name and Volume name. However, the Volume name can be left blank for SMS managed DASDs.
  5. Press Enter to return to the Installation New Modification Level - Main Menu panel.
  6. Transfer the CD content into the previously created sequential files. First navigate to the installation directory containing the unzipped files and edit the file ftpput.txt so that each SEQ prefix is replaced with the fully qualified prefix for the data set name. Then from a command prompt, change to the installation directory and execute the following command:
    ftp -s:ftpput.txt
  7. Select option Load Temporary PDS from Sequential Files to submit the job LOAPTF to load the temporary PDS with PTF objects from the working sequential files. You must specify the first and second qualifier used to allocate the temporary PDS and the prefix used to allocate the sequential files created previously. To ensure a large enough limit for output lines, add the following parameter in the JOB statement: LINES=(999999,WARNING)
  8. Press Enter to return to the Installation New Modification Level - Main Menu panel.
  9. Select option Save old PDS of PTF to submit the job SAVPTF to save the PDS containing the latest PTF into the previously created temporary PDS. You must specify the same parameters as you did when executing the Allocate Temporary PDS option.
  10. Press Enter to return to the Installation New Modification Level - Main Menu panel.
  11. Select option Rename PDS to create a JCL with a new PDS containing the last PTF and to rename the previously created temporary PDS. You must specifiy the name of the temporary PDS used previously as the first parameter, and the name of the PDS that will contain the latest PTF as the second parameter.
  12. Exit Data Express.
  13. Exit the TSO session to release holds on data sets, and start a new session.
  14. Execute the JCL you created using the option Rename PDS (job RENPDS from your JCL library).
  15. Restart Data Express. On the Micro Focus Data Express for z/OS - Main Menu panel, select option 24 to display the Installation New Modification Level - Main Menu panel.
  16. On the Installation New Modification Level - Main Menu panel, select option Create all Alter Table (PTF) to submit the creation of alter table jobs for PTF libraries. When prompted, type R followed by the WebSync number for the current installation, which is usually one increment less than the number of the WebSync you are installing. For example, when installing Data Express 4.0 WebSync 23 on a system that currently runs WebSync 22, type R22.
  17. On the Installation New Modification Level - Main Menu panel, select option Submit all Alter Table (PTF) to submit the execution of alter table jobs for PTF libraries.
  18. On the Installation New Modification Level - Main Menu panel, select option Create all Bind Packages and Plan JCL (PTF) to submit the creation of bind jobs for PTF libraries.
  19. On the Installation New Modification Level - Main Menu panel, select option Submit all Bind Packages and Plan JCL (PTF) to submit the execution of bind jobs for PTF libraries.
  20. On the Installation New Modification Level - Main Menu panel, select option Create all Bind Packages and Plan JCL (PER) to submit the creation of bind jobs for PER libraries.
  21. On the Installation New Modification Level - Main Menu panel, select option Submit all Bind Packages and Plan JCL (PER) to submit the execution of bind jobs for PER libraries.
  22. Select option 14 Update Modification Level to execute a command to update the modification level. The RELEASE field on the Installation New Modification Level - Main Menu panel is updated.