This section describes the fields listed in the Data Changer properties window as shown below:
Figure 1. Data Changer properties Window

The fields listed in the Data Changer properties window are:
- General Properties
- Format selector – Name of the exit routine for the format recognition.
- Write program – Write program of the Output file.
- Process ID – Identifier of the process.
- Select program – Selection program of the individual record.
- Input Data Store Properties
- Unload data store type – Type of the Unload Input data store.
- Unload data store name – Name of the Unload Input data store. This is for the z/OS environment only. It can be different from the original name
loaded into the Knowledge Base. In order to do this, the process ID associated with the elaboration should be created with
characteristics for an Unload File Access (For example: GENUN).
- Unload data store version – Version of the Unload Input data store.
- Unload Data Store Properties
- Unload data store type – Type of the Unload Output data store.
- Unload data store name – Name of the Unload Output data store.
- Unload data store version – Version of the Unload Output data store.