To use the utilities, you need the connection alias, username, and password for your data store.
If your Windows machine does not have direct access to your data store, data can be loaded into the Data Express Knowledge Base from files. The dxegenloadfile utility works with the Distributed Loader to load table metadata and referential integrity information from files into the Knowledge Base.
The syntax is:
dxegenloadfile -c - d<path> -i<input method.rc>
-c specifies that there is no console interaction. The information about the connection comes from the standard method.rc file. It contains the connection information including database name.
If -c is the only parameter specified, Data Express reads the method.rc file from the default configuration folders. The dxegenloadfile utility generates files which are written to the default configuration folders.
-d <path> specifies Data Express reads the method.rc file from the folder indicated by <path>. For example:
dxegenloadfile -d "C:\Testlib1\config"
This example reads the connection information from the method.rc file in C:\Testlib1\config and creates the list and log file in C:\Testlib1\log.
If not specified, Data Express uses default configuration directories.
-i <input method.rc> reads the input connection information from a different .rc file (named [FileName].rc, where [FileName] is a name you specify for the file). This file is the functional equivalent of the method.rc file. Specify the name and the path to the new .rc file in this parameter. For example:
dxegenloadfile -d "C:\Testlib1" -i "C:\Testlib2\method1.rc"
This example reads the connection information from the file method1.rc that resides in the C:\Testlib2 folder creates the file list and log file in the folder C:\Testlib1\log.
See Creating an Encoded Connection File for instructions on creating the input connection file that can be used with the -i parameter.
To load data from files, you must first install the ODBC Extension or Oracle Extension and then run the dxegenloadfile utility to generate the text files DataStoreLoader.txt and RILoader.txt, which are placed into the log folder.
For more information about the Distributed Loader, see section Load from File in Part 2. Using Distributed Data Stores in this guide.
dxegentypeinfo is an ODBC Extension utility used by Micro Focus for diagnostic purposes. The utility generates a file dxe_odbcdiag.txt that lists details of ODBC data types supported by the data store, which is placed into the log folder.
For the Data Express for Distributed Systems solution, run-time statistics recorded during subset extraction execution are not automatically loaded into your Data Express Knowledge Base (KB).
The Distributed Statistics Loader is a utility that lets you load run-time statistics into the KB. Once you have executed the Extension Technology to subset your data, a log filed called dxe_statistics.txt is created. This file is used to load the run-time data into the KB so that the statistics are available in Data Subset Extraction.
Use the Distributed Statistics Loader after you have executed the Extension Technology to subset your data.
To use the Distributed Statistics Loader:
See Starting Data Subset Extraction in your Data Subset Extraction Guide for specific instructions.
The remaining fields in the Distributed Statistic Loader windows populate from information specified from the dxe_statistics.txt file.
A Statistic loaded successfully! message is displayed.
You can view the run-time statistics in various places in Data Subset Extraction. For example:
Run-time statistics include the following: