This version of
Data Express includes the following new features:
- It is compatible with Suse 11, and supports the Windows 10 operating system
- VSAM Support is extended to include RRDS files
- ODBC extension is enhanced to allow the creation of text files for Oracle masking and subsetting processes
- The select count parameter for tables is included in DB2 catalog synchronization processing
- Combined data elements management is enhanced, enabling you to substring and add prefixes/suffixes to data elements
- The installation process is enhanced for easier use
- Format selector programs now utilize API call KURFMT, which retrieves the data store name, allowing the same program to be
shared across multiple data stores
- Extended technology batch processing is extended to include
dxeexport, a batch version of the Distributed Exporter
- User roles and associated capabilities are introduced
- You can limit the number of written records during the execution of a subsetting method (z/OS only)
- XML masking additionally supports DSNTIAUL output format (z/OS only)