
1100-1199 - DBEnterprise

Error code Message and description
1100 I/O error on filename: description
Enterprise Server encountered an I/O error on the indicated file.
1101 Open error on filename: description
Enterprise Server was unable to open the indicated file. This is not necessarily a fatal error. For example, there are no cache files present the first time Enterprise Server is run to cache a particular source.
1102 Error reading from filename: description
Enterprise Server encountered an error trying to read the indicated file.
1103 Error writing to filename: description
Enterprise Server encountered an error trying to write the indicated file.
1104 Allocation of number bytes failed
The operating system could not provide the requested number of bytes of memory from the heap.
1105 Deallocation of number bytes failed
The operating system could not return the specified number of bytes of memory to the heap.
1106 Selection limit maxselects exceeded: numselections
The Databridge Client tried to select more data sets than the maximum allowed.
1107 WinSock initialization failure. description
Windows Sockets couldn't be initialized. This means TCP/IP is unavailable.
1108 Invalid command line parameter: 'parametername'
Check the spelling of the parameter you are entering, and make sure that parameter is valid for the command.
1109 Client protocol level (clientlevel) must be at least minimumlevel
The Databridge Client's protocol level is obsolete and must be upgraded. To access Enterprise Server, the client's protocol level must be the equal to or greater than the specified minimumlevel.
1110 ** Filter routine failed**
An error was encountered in the filtering routines. Remove the associated filter files from the Enterprise Server Config directory and rerun the client:
If the error persists, contact Customer Support.
1111 Trouble closing audit file afn
Enterprise Server encountered an error while trying to close a cache file.
1112 DBSelect requires data set name (#structurenum)
The data set selection Remote Procedure Call from the client did not include a data set name, which is required. structurenum is the DMSII structure number.
1113 Source does not have a base
Enterprise Server could not find the base source associated with a local source. Delete the local source, add the base source, and then create the local source from it.
1114 Audit file afn corrupted
A cached audit file is corrupted. Remove it and any later cached audit files for that source and then run Enterprise Server with the CACHE command to rebuild them.
1115 Corrupted data in data set block blocknum
A file block in an ORDERED data set is corrupted. Report this to your DMSII database administrator.
1116 Incorrect MCP label headerfield = 'value' on drive drivenum unit unitnum
The disk label is incorrect for an MCP disk. Enterprise Server will not try to use that drive for direct disk cloning.
1117 Structure #structurenumber format level mismatch: Filter (filterlevel) vs. record (datasetlevel)
The loaded filter has a different data set format level than the record currently being filtered. Remove the associated filter files from the Enterprise Server Config directory and rerun the client:


If the error persists, contact Customer Support.
1118 Source sourcename does not have a cache
You attempted to use the Enterprise Server cache command for a source that does not have caching set up yet. This error may appear in the log the first time the source is cached but Enterprise Server will continue creating the cache files.
1119 Audit file afn is not open
The cached audit file was expected to be open but was not. If this error persists, contact Customer Support.
1120 Unrecognized file type version in cachefile
The cache file was created by an unsupported version of Enterprise Server or the file is not a cache file at all. Remove the file(s) from the cache directory before reprocessing.
1121 Audit location not found: AFN afn, ABSN absn, Inx index
The client specified an audit location that was missing or incorrect. Either correct the client control tables or reclone the database.
1122 DBEnterprise can not clone an ALTERed data set: datasetname
Enterprise Server cannot clone altered data sets that require a REFORMAT routine. These data sets require special formatting routines on the mainframe, so they can be cloned only by the Databridge Host software (unless you create a user-written .dll to perform the reformatting).

If there is an altered data set that you don't need in one of your local (filtered) Enterprise Server sources, right-click it and select Exclude all rows. The red square appears in the data icon, indicating that it will be omitted from replication.
1123 Family familyname has no local disk units
Enterprise Server does not have visibility to the disk units comprising the indicated family name. It will not use direct disk cloning to access the data on that family.
1125 Checksum error reading data set
The block checksum in a data set was incorrect and therefore the data in the block is suspect. Notify your DMSII database administrator. Enterprise Server will not use direct disk cloning to process this data set.
1127 Unable to access configuration directory. Please use setup.exe to install DBEnterprise
The Config directory is created by Enterprise Server during a successful installation. Reinstall Enterprise Server to create the directory and the associated registry keys. If the registry keys were incorrect and the directory is still on disk, the setup program will preserve the sources you have already defined.
1128 Unable to access configuration file 'filename'
Make sure that the configuration text file you are trying to import is in the Enterprise Server Config directory.
1129 Errors in configuration filefilename
Review the configuration log file to determine where the error occurred.
1130 Unable to determine client IP address
Enterprise Server was unable to retrieve the IP address associated with a specified host name. The operating system was unable to reach a DNS to convert the host name to an IP address. This might be due to firewall restrictions.
1131 Unable to determine client IP address
You must select both of the specified data sets. To include both of the data sets in a local source, right-click and select Include all rows for each data set. The green square appears in the data icon, indicating that it will be included in replication.

The Databridge Client must select both data sets during replication. For example, you cannot clone just the virtual data set or just the data set it is derived from.
1132 Audit file afn audit level auditlevel is not supported
The audit file that Enterprise Server reads from the MCP server has an unsupported audit level and therefore can't be interpreted properly. Enterprise Server will try to request the audit data from DBServer.
1133 Host 'hostname' interrupted data transmission
The specified host transmitted a new request before Enterprise Server finished responding to the previous request. This caused Enterprise Server to discard the rest of the previous response. This error could indicate problems in the network configuration or hardware.
1135 Operator terminated programname
Someone stopped Enterprise Server. It terminated at the first quiet point after receiving the quit command. If you run the Databridge Client again it will begin at that quiet point.
1136 Unable to load filename filter for update level updatelevel
Someone stopped Enterprise Server. It terminated at the first quiet point after receiving the quit command. If you run the Databridge Client again it will begin at that quiet point.
1137 Unable to load sourceinfoname source information
Enterprise Server was unable to find the source information file for the requested source. The source information file should be in the Config folder and have the file extension ".source". Correct the source name if it is in error. Otherwise, use Enterprise Server to define it.
1138 Unable to start description
Enterprise Server was unable to start a process or thread. It will not be able to use direct disk cloning (or whatever the description indicates).
1139 Unsupported function
The requested RPC is not supported in the current release of Enterprise Server. This can occur in some situations with "cascading" Enterprise Server.
1140 Unable to change to directory directoryname
Either the directory is missing or Enterprise Server does not have access rights to change to it.
1141 XML parser error: description
The flat file schema file had syntax or semantic errors. Correct the schema file.
1143 Unable to find filename (reason)
A necessary file is missing. Restore the file or regenerate it.
1144 Fatal error: Unable to open a log file for functionname
Enterprise Server was unable to create a log file in the Logs subdirectory. Either the subdirectory is missing or corrupted or out of space. Enterprise Server will not continue if it can't write a log file.
1145 Unexpected EOF reading from filename
Enterprise Server encountered the end of the input file before it found data it expected to be there. If the filename is LastSchema.txt, make sure that it contains a valid number.
1146 Update level requested (updatelevel) > LastSchema update level (currentupdatelevel)
A flat file "audit" or clone subdirectory requires a schema level greater than the current schema level, which is specified in the LastSchema.txt file. Provide a schema for the desired update level and change the LastSchema.txt file to contain the new level.
1147 Update level is schemaupdatelevel not clientupdatelevel
The flat file schema update level is schemaupdatelevel but the DATASOURCES table in the client database had update level clientupdatelevel. You must provide the proper flat file schema or redefine and reclone the client database.
1148 SQL ODBC initialization failed
When Enterprise Server tried to process the VALIDATE command it was unable to access ODBC. Make sure that ODBC is supported in your Windows operating system.
1149 SQL Server login failed
The username/password was missing or incorrect on the VALIDATE command. Make sure that the username is valid for the Client database.
1150 Unable to connect to database 'databasename'
Enterprise Server cannot connect to the Databridge Client database. Verify that the Client, server, and relational database are running.
1151 Unable to append SQL text 'text'
While constructing an SQL command, ODBC returned an error. If this error persists notify Customer Support.
1152 Unable to execute SQL command: command
The SQL command failed probably due to a syntax error or security restrictions. If the command has a syntax error, notify Customer Support. Otherwise correct the problem and rerun the command.
1153 SQL Free Statement failed
The SQL Free command failed. If this error persists, notify Customer Support.
1154 SQL Prepare Statement failed for: statement
The SQL Prepare command failed. If this error persists, notify Customer Support.
1155 SQL Fetch failed for: statement
The SQL Fetch command failed. If this error persists, notify Customer Support.
1156 SQL variable bind failed
The SQL Fetch command failed. If this error persists, notify Customer Support.
1157 SQL data conversion failed
Enterprise Server was unable to convert an SQL variable to a text string for comparison with a text file. If this error persists, notify Customer Support.
1158 Unexpected SQL data type: datatype
The VALIDATE command encountered an SQL variable type that is not currently supported in Enterprise Server. If you need this data type, contact Customer Support with this error for a possible new feature enhancement.
1159 ** No data items found for 'datasetname' in source 'sourcename' **
This can occur when all of the data items were filtered out by DBServer (via the Databridge Support library), or that the local filter has filtered out the data items.
1160 Table 'tablename' key 'keyvalue' row not found for record number %recnum
The VALIDATE command read a record from the flat file but no matching row was found in the client database. Most likely the record was filtered out.
1161 Table 'tablename' key 'keyvalue' data mismatch for record number recnum, offset offset
The VALIDATE command has found a mismatch between the record in the input text file and the row that was stored in the relational database. Report this to Customer Support.
1162 Table 'tablename' key 'keyvalue' duplicate rows
The specified key was found in more than one row in the specified table. Check to see that the index in the Client database is UNIQUE. You will probably have to reclone the table after the problem is corrected.
1163 Unable to connect to server servername at port portnumber
This can occur in the following circumstances:

  • The destination server is down.
  • The server name or IP address was entered incorrectly
  • Server access is prohibited by a firewall
1164 Winsock initialization failed
This is a Windows error indicating that there is a problem with TCP/IP.
1165 Error opening communication socket
Enterprise Server was unable to establish a TCP/IP connection with the remote host (either DBServer or a Databridge Client). Make sure the remote host is still responding to TCP/IP requests.
1166 Host 'hostname' closed communication socket
Communication may have been interrupted on the specified host. This error occurs when the remote process terminates abnormally, such as a Ctrl-C on the Databridge Client or a DS on DBServer. Check the host, make sure it is running, and then try again.

When tracing is enabled in Enterprise Server, the log will contain these messages when the Client or DBServer disconnects. If replication is complete these messages can be ignored.
1167 Error sending network message
This message indicates a problem sending messages on the network. Replication will terminate immediately. Usually this means the remote process has terminated abnormally.
1168 Error reading network message
This message indicates a problem reading messages on the network. Replication will terminate immediately. Usually this means the remote process has terminated abnormally.
1169 Message sequence error (expected requestnum but received responsenum)
The response from the remote process has a sequence number different from the last request sent to it. This could indicate network errors or messages leftover from a previous replication run.
1170 Protocol level (DBServerlevel) must be at least minlevel
The DBServer protocol is too low to be compatible with Enterprise Server. A new release of the Databridge Host software must be installed.
1171 Unrecognized update type: updatetypenum
The DBServer has sent an update containing an unrecognized update type in the UpdateInfo. If this persists report it to Customer Support.
1172 Internal software error: description
Contact Customer Support.
1173 Invalid source type (sourcetypenum) for sourcename
The source information found in sourcename.source contains an unrecognized source type number. Source types can be Remote, File, or Local. The source information file has been corrupted. Remove it and use Enterprise Server to create it.
1174 Unable to determine client host name for ipaddress
The operating system is unable to retrieve the host name associate with an IP address. Typically this means the reverse-DNS is not accessible. Contact your network administrator.
1175 Please use setup.exe to install DBEnterprise
You are attempting to use an Enterprise Server feature that is not successfully installed.
1176 Tree item description removed
This is a status message informing you that the source you selected to remove was removed successfully.
1177 Audit Mirroring is not enabled for sourcename
Audit mirroring is disabled because the Mirroring parent directory option is blank.
1178 Audit read size (length) too short for block
The amount of data read from the audit file is less than the declared size of the audit block. The entire audit block has to be readable in order to process it. Enterprise Server will automatically retry the read after a brief waiting period. If this error persists, notify Customer Support.
1179 Audit block size (length) exceeds max (maxlength)
The value in the audit block size field exceeds the maximum size declared in the DASDL. Usually this error indicates that data read is not really an audit block, just leftover data on disk. Enterprise Server will automatically retry the read after a brief waiting period. If this error persists, notify Customer Support.
1180 Block first ABSN (absn) not = dup ABSN (dupabsn)
The ABSNs in the current audit block do not match. An audit block contains its ABSN in two places for integrity checking. Usually this indicates that the audit block has not been completely written yet. Enterprise Server will automatically retry the read after a brief waiting period. If this error persists, notify Customer Support.
1181 Username/password encryption error: errormsg
The Windows encryption routine encountered the error identified by errormsg when encrypting the username and password.
1182 Username/password decryption error: errormsg
The Windows decryption routine encountered the error identified by errormsg when decrypting the username and password.
1183 Logon to user 'username' failed
The Windows logon using username and password failed. This error occurs when Enterprise Server attempts to use an invalid username/password pair. Correct the username and password in the appropriate configuration dialog box.
1184 Checksum error in Afn afn Absn absn sector seg
The computed checksum and the stored checksum for an audit block do not match. This error indicates this audit file has experienced some type of I/O error. Enterprise Server will automatically retry the read after a brief waiting period. If this error persists, notify Technical Support.
1185 Address Check error in auditfile sector seg found address
The audit block read at the specified sector has an AddressCheck value of address, when sector was expected. This error indicates this audit file has experienced some type of I/O error. Enterprise Server automatically retries the read after a brief waiting period. If this error persists, notify Customer Support.
1187 Invalid Julian date (YYYYDDD): date
The date conversion routines received a request to convert a Julian date but the supplied date was not a valid Julian date.
1188 Invalid Gregorian date (YYYYMMDD): date
The date conversion routines received a request to convert a Gregorian date but the supplied date was not a valid Gregorian date.
1189 Invalid type parameter 'param'
The parameter value was not legal for the indicated parameter. Correct the parameter value and try again.
1190 DBServer protocol level does not support RPC function
A remote procedure call (RPC) was attempted for a function that is not supported by the attached DBServer. Upgrade DBServer (Databridge Host software) to a later release and try again.