
Sockets Errors

Sockets errors appear onscreen and in the log file. If tracing is enabled, messages are also captured in the trace file.

Sockets errors typically indicate the following:

  • LAN problems
  • Host TCP/IP problems (for example, you have reached the maximum TCP/IP session quota)

SOCKETS ERROR: connect call failed, error=number(errortext)

The client is unable to connect to the Databridge server. In this case, check the following:

  • Is the host name or IP address entered correctly?
  • Is the port number entered correctly? The port number you enter must match the port number as it is defined in DBServer parameter file.
  • Is the host running? If so, are Databridge Engine and DBServer running?
  • If you use DBEnterprise Server, is the DBDirector service running?

SOCKETS ERROR: dbtls_start returned number

This message occurs when the SSL negotiation fails. The TLS SOCKETS error that precedes this message should provide you with more information about what happened.

SOCKETS ERROR: getaddrinfo call failed, error=number (errortext)

This message appears when the client cannot resolve any of the host names supplied to the client via the define command. Check the following:

  • Is the host name entered correctly?
  • If you entered the host name, did you set up the domain name resolution parameters correctly in the Windows Network folder (in control panel)?
  • If you entered the host name, is the domain name server running? If the domain name server is down, change the host name in the DATASOURCES table to the IP address and try the command again.

SOCKETS ERROR: gethostname call failed, error=number (errortext)

This message appears when DBClient or DBClntCfgServer tries to get the host name when trying to connect to the service. This is an internal error that should never occur. If it does, contact Customer Support.

SOCKETS ERROR: recv call detected a closed {server | console} connection

This message appears when the client is reading TCP data. It denotes that the client received an abnormal status that indicates the connection to DBServer is closed.

SOCKETS ERROR: recv call failed for {server | console} connection, error=number (errortext)

This message can occur during a define, process, clone, or switchaudit command. It indicates that the client encountered an error while receiving data. This error typically occurs when DBServer aborts or resets the TCP/IP connection. The errortext should help clarify what happened.

SOCKETS ERROR: recv call returned 0 after select reported data available

This message, which occurs only when the connection to DBServer is being initialized, indicates that the client could not obtain the requested data. This occurs only when DBServer closes the connection.

SOCKETS ERROR: select timed out after sss seconds for server connection

This message appears when the client is starting up a connection to the Databridge server. We use an echo RPC to determine if the line is operational or not. We use a sockets select call to time out the receipt of the response to the ATM_Echo RPC. When you get no data after the prescribed timeout period, you will see this message. Typically, the client does not immediately give up; it tries to recover from this error.

SOCKETS ERROR: send call failed for {server | console} connection, error=number (errortext)

This message can occur during a define, process, clone, or switchaudit command. It indicates that the client encountered an error while sending data. This error typically occurs when DBServer aborts or resets the TCP/IP connection. The errortext should help clarify what happened.

SOCKETS ERROR: setsockopt(SO_KEEPALIVE) call failed for TCP port, error=number (errortext)

This message, which can occur during any command that involves a TCP/IP connection, indicates that the client was unable to set the keep-alive option for the socket. When the connection is idle, the keep-alive option prompts a message to be sent so that the client can determine if the connection is still alive.

SOCKETS ERROR: socket call failed, error=number (errortext)

This message can occur at the beginning of a define, process, clone, or switchaudit command. It indicates a problem in the Windows sockets software. The errortext should help clarify what happened.

SOCKETS ERROR: WSAStartup error ddd

This message applies only to the Windows client. This message can occur at the beginning of a define, process, clone, or switchaudit command. It indicates that the Windows sockets software is incompatible with that used by the client. In your Winsock documentation, look up the error code indicated by ddd. If you cannot resolve the problem, contact Customer Support.

TLS SOCKETS ERROR: Certificate not in PEM format or invalid file path

This error indicates that the SSL/TLS client failed to find user credentials.

TLS SOCKETS ERROR: connect failed with number

This error indicates that the attempt to establish the SSL connection failed. number is the error number.

TLS SOCKETS ERROR: initialize context failed

This error indicates that the SSL/TLS handshake failed.

TLS SOCKETS ERROR: Invalid server certificate

This error indicates that the server did not provide a valid certificate.

TLS SOCKETS ERROR: load default verify paths failed/code>

This error indicates that client could not load the default location of certificates. This is a fatal error, the client will use either or both the CAFile and CAPath parameters to locate the certificate.

TLS SOCKETS ERROR: No server certificate

This error indicates that the server did not provide a certificate.

TLS SOCKETS ERROR: Want read/write

This error should not occur.