Windows Event DBDirector Messages
The following messages can appear in the Windows Application Event log associated with source DBDirectorrelease (for example, DBDirector66) when running Enterprise Server. Message numbers 30005-30013, 30112, 30117, and 30125 in the following list are for information only and do not indicate an error. Some of the messages have a suffix of the form
winerror winerrormsg
where winerror is a Windows-defined error number and winerrormsg is the associated error text returned by the Windows FormatMessage system call.
30001 DBDS_Unauthorized | Administrator rights are required for controlling DBDirector. |
30002 DBDS_BadParam | Bad DBDirector parameter |
30003 DBDS_NotInstalled | DBDirector not registered |
30004 DBDS_StatusFailed | Unable to retrieve DBDirector status |
30005 DBDS_ContinuePending | DBDirector continue pending |
30006 DBDS_PausePending | DBDirector pause pending |
30007 DBDS_Paused | DBDirector paused |
30008 DBDS_StartPending | DBDirector start pending |
30009 DBDS_StopPending | DBDirector stop pending |
30010 DBDS_Installed | DBDirector registered |
30011 DBDS_Removed | DBDirector unregistered |
30012 DBDS_Started | DBDirector started |
30013 DBDS_Stopped | DBDirector stopped |
30014 DBDS_InstallFailed | DBDirector register failed |
30015 DBDS_RemoveFailed | DBDirector unregister failed |
30016 DBDS_StartFailed | DBDirector start failed |
30017 DBDS_StopFailed | DBDirector stop failed |
30018 DBDS_AlreadyStarted | DBDirector already started |
30019 DBDS_AlreadyStopped | DBDirector already stopped |
30020 DBDS_StillActive | DBDirector query still active |
30021 DBDS_Unknown | DBDirector unknown result num |
30022 DBDS_NoDBDirector | DBDirector program not found |
30100 DBDS_EventLogOpenErr | Unable to open EventLog key |
30101 DBDS_EventLogKeyErr | Unable to create EventLog subkey |
30102 DBDS_EventFileErr | Unable to create EventMessageFile value |
30103 DBDS_EventTypesSuppErr | Unable to create TypesSupported value |
30104 DBDS_NoModuleName | Unable to get module name for install |
30105 DBDS_ServiceMgrErr | Open Service Control Manager failed |
30106 DBDS_ServiceCtrlErr | Open Service failed |
30110 DBDS_ServiceOpenErr | Start Service Control Dispatcher failed |
30111 DBDS_BadCommandOp | Unrecognized command line option option |
30112 DBDS_ServiceCtrl | Calling Service Control Dispatcher. Please wait. |
30113 DBDS_WinSockErr | [WinSock error num] errormsg |
30114 DBDS_NoListenPort | Databridge registry entry ListenPort not found. Using default port num. |
30115 DBDS_NoProgFiles | Databridge registry entry ProgFiles not found |
30116 DBDS_NoConfigFiles | Databridge registry entry ConfigFiles not found |
30117 DBDS_EventRunServer | DBEnterprise for client at host 'hostname' Process: id, thread: num, socket: hexnum ConfigFiles: dir, Command: command |
30118 DBDS_RunErr | CreateProcess failed for processname |
30121 DBDS_BlockingReset | Reset to blocking mode failed |
30122 DBDS_SocketOpenErr | Can't open TCP socket |
30123 DBDS_SocketBindErr | Can't bind local address to socket |
30124 DBDS_ListenErr | Listen failure |
30125 DBDS_EventListen | Listening for Databridge client connections on port num |
30126 DBDS_MgrReportErr | Service manager error |
30127 DBDS_WaitErr | Event wait failure |
30129 DBDS_WinSockInit | WinSock startup |
30130 DBDS_WinSockTerm | WinSock cleanup |