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1600-1699 - DBGenFormat

Error code Message and description
1603 Duplicate name: at line nnn
You have used the same name twice (for example, two filters have the same name or a format and a filter have the same name). All declared names in the GenFormat parameter file must be unique. Choose a new name for the duplicated name and rerun the GenFormat program.
1604 Translation not defined: translationname at line nnn
The translation table name you entered for a particular FORMAT declaration has not been defined. Check your spelling of the translation table name or create the translation table in the GenFormat parameter file.
1605 Duplicate definition: optionname at line nnn
This message indicates that you have entered the same option twice in a FORMAT declaration. optionname can be one of the following:

  • TEXT
  • NULL
  • TRUE

In a FORMAT declaration, you can specify each option only once. Remove the duplicate option and rerun the GenFormat program.
1606 Variable format type recordtype already specified at line nnn
The specified variable format type recordtype has already been specified. This can occur when you declare a SELECT statement for a variable format data set and specify the same variable-format part twice. Combine or remove the duplicate clauses for the specified recordtype and rerun the GenFormat program.
1607 Duplicate SELECT for datasetname at line nnn
Within a FILTER, you have declared multiple SELECT statements referring to the same data set. Each data set can have only one SELECT statement in a FILTER. Combine the duplicate SELECT statements into a single SELECT statement and rerun the GenFormat program.
1608 Data item dataitemname not found at line nnn
This message can occur anytime you reference a data item, as in the following examples:

  • When you declare an ALTER data set
  • When you declare PRIMARY keys
  • When you use a SELECT statement in a filter

In all cases, the data items you use in the parameter must have the same name they have in the
DASDL or in a preceding ALTER or VIRTUAL data set. Correct the spelling of the data item and rerun
the GenFormat program.
1609 count errors detected
This message indicates the number of errors the GenFormat program encountered in its parameter file.
1611 OCCURS nnn exceeds the maximum mmm at line rrr
The ALTER or VIRTUAL declaration contains a data item having OCCURS nnn but the limit is mmm. Change the OCCURS to a legal value.
1612 Version version compiled compiletime
version indicates the release of the GenFormat program and compiletime indicates when the
GenFormat program was compiled. This is an informational message.
1613 Warning: Boolean strings truestring and falsestring are different lengths in formatname
The true and false strings must be the same length. This is a warning that the data items following a Boolean will be in different positions depending on whether the data item is true or false.
1614 Invalid for non-tailored. Restart compile with database name at line nnn
This message indicates that you referenced a data item in the parameter file. Any time you specify a data set or data item name in a FILTER, ALTER, PRIMARY KEY, etc., declaration, you must create a tailored support library.
1615 Name is too long: name at line nnn
The data set or data item name you have entered for an option exceeds the length allowed by DMSII. Currently, data set names are limited to 17 characters and data items names are limited to 30 characters. Correct the spelling of the name and rerun the GenFormat program.

NOTE: There is no limit on the size of user-declared names for FORMATs, FILTERs, TRANSFORMs,
1616 Duplicate KEY for datasetname at line nnn
The parameter file contains two PRIMARY key declarations for the same data set. Each data set can have only one PRIMARY key declaration. Remove the duplicate PRIMARY key declaration and rerun the GenFormat program.

NOTE: A single PRIMARY key declaration can specify a compound key.
1617 Duplicate ALTER: datasetname at line nnn
You have already declared an ALTER statement for the specified data set name. You can use only one ALTER declaration per data set.
1618 Can't ALTER item in occurring group: groupname at line nnn
You cannot convert a data item that is part of an occurring GROUP. Instead, you must convert the entire GROUP. Refer to the Databridge Programmer’s Reference for ALTER restrictions.
1619 Dataset datasetname not found at line nnn
This message can occur anytime you reference a data set, as in the following examples:

  • When you declare an ALTER data set
  • When you declare PRIMARY keys
  • When you use a SELECT statement in a filter

Correct the spelling of the data set and rerun the GenFormat program.
1620 Record type recordtype not found at line nnn
The parameter file contains a SELECT statement that references a record type of a data set. The specified record type was not found in the DMSII DESCRIPTION file. Enter a valid record type.

NOTE: VIRTUAL data sets do not allow variable format records, and variable format records are not referenced in ALTER declarations.
1621 ALTERed data item dataitemname not allowed in WHERE clause at line nnn
You are attempting to use a converted data item in a WHERE clause of a SELECT statement in a filter declaration. Refer to the Databridge Programmer’s Reference for ALTER restrictions.
1622 Duplicate structure number number at line nnn
You have used the same structure number for two VIRTUAL declarations. All virtual data sets must have a unique structure number. Also, the structure number for a virtual data set must not match the structure number of an existing, real data set or set. Choose a different structure number and then rerun the GenFormat program.
1623 Structure number must be > previous structure numbers: number at line nnn

This message indicates that you have tried to define a virtual data set with a structure number that was not greater than the structure numbers of existing, real data sets and sets and previously defined virtual data sets. Choose a larger structure number.

Guidelines for selecting structure numbers include the following:
  • Do not use actual DMSII structure numbers.
  • Once you declare a virtual data set, subsequent data set numbers must be greater than previously declared virtual data sets.
  • Each structure number must be unique.

Complete details on virtual data set structure numbers are listed in the Databridge Programmer’s Reference.
1624 Duplicate REFORMAT declaration at line nnn
This message indicates that there are duplicate reformat declarations in the GenFormat parameter file. Refer to the Databridge Programmer’s Reference for REFORMAT restrictions.
1625 dataitem original size: nnn but REDEFINE size: mmm at line nnn
This message indicates that the REDEFINE size differs from the original size. The REDEFINE size must be the same as the original size. Refer to the Databridge Programmer’s Reference for REDEFINE restrictions.
1626 REDEFINE of dataitem requires byte-alignment at line nnn
This message indicates that the original data item was not on a byte boundary but the REDEFINE data type requires it to start on a byte boundary (as for GROUP items). Refer to the Databridge Programmer’s Reference for REDEFINE restrictions.
1627 Dataitem in WHERE clause must not have an OCCURS clause: dataitem at line nnn
This message indicates that the specified data item in the WHERE clause has an OCCURS clause, which is not allowed. Refer to the Databridge Programmer’s Reference for WHERE clause restrictions.
1628 subset is not a (sub)set of dataset at line nnn
The USING clause of a SELECT statement refers to a set or subset (subset) that is for another data set. The USING clause must specify a set or subset of data set dataset.
1629 non-tailored Support, DBInterface level n
Support update level mmm, DBInterface level n

These are informational messages. The first form indicates you are compiling the nontailored (generic) DBSupport. The second form indicates you are compiling a tailored DBSupport using database update level mmm. In both cases, n indicates the Databridge Interface level number, that is, the value of DBV_VERSION of SYMBOL/DATABRIDGE/INTERFACE.
1635 Merged data item dataname is in a different parent group
To merge data items, all of the data items must be in the same parent group.
1636 Merged data item dataname is not adjacent to previous item
The specified data item does not start where the previous data item ends. To merge data items, all of the data items must be adjacent.
1637 VIRTUAL dataset datasetname must have DERIVED FROM datasetlist
The DERIVED FROM clause is missing from the virtual data set declaration in the GenFormat parameter file. (In previous releases, the DERIVED FROM clause was optional.) Add the DERIVED FROM clause to the virtual data set declaration and then recompile the tailored support library.
1638 Filter filtername excludes datasetname, from which virtualdatasetname is derived
A filter includes a virtual dataset but excludes its DERIVED FROM dataset clause. The filter must specify the DERIVED FROM clause.