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Databridge Client Manager Service/Daemon Messages

Log Messages

The following messages are only written to the Client Manager Service log file, which is located in the logs directory in the global working directory. These messages are prefixed by the timestamp hh:mm:ss (where hh is hours, mm is minutes, and ss is seconds).

Bindsocket({AF_INET | AF_INET6}, portnumber)

This message, which is logged at the start of the service, indicates that the service is binding the socket to listen for connect requests on the specified port number using the given protocol. AF_INET6 is IPV6 and AF_INET is IPV4.

Closing [{CNS | IPC}] Session dd, socket = nnn[, userid = 'userid ']

This message indicates that the corresponding Console or IPC socket is being closed. IPC sockets are used to pass messages between spawned Client runs (DBClient or DBClntCfgServer) and the service/daemon (DBClntControl). The userid is provided for Console Sessions.

CNS Session dd, socket = nnn initialization complete

This message indicates that a console session has successfully been initialized. After the signon RPC is received and validated, the following message appears ("CNS Session nn, ... signon complete").

CNS Session nn, userid = 'userid', role = role, signon complete

This message indicates that a Console session has successfully signed on the service. The supplied userid and role are listed in the log file for reference. The defined roles are “administrator”, “operator” and “user”.

CNS Session nn, userid = 'userid', security = 0xhhhhhhhh,0xhhhhhhhh, signon complete

This message indicates that a Console session has successfully signed on the service. Instead of using a predefined role the userid is using customized security with the given attributes, represented as two 32-bit numbers displayed in hexadecimal format. Refer to Client Console documentation for a definition of these bits.

Configuration information read from binary file "dbcontrol.cfg"

This message, which is logged when the configuration parameter debug is set to True, confirms that the service has successfully read the binary configuration file “dbcontrol.cfg” from the “config” subdirectory.

CreateProcess: cd = "workingdir"

This message is logged when the configuration parameter debug is set to True. It shows the working directory used by a spawned run.

CreateProcess: cmdline = "cmdline"

This message is logged when the configuration parameter debug is set to True. It shows the command line for a spawned run.

CreateProcess: module = "filename"

This message is logged when the configuration parameter debug is set to True. It shows the program file used to spawn a run.

Current activity: nnn console sessions, mmm ipc sessions

This message shows the number of active sessions for Consoles and spawned runs. Each spawned run uses one IPC connection.

Data Source name disabled (client exit_code = nnnn)

This message indicates that the service disabled the specified data source because the run’s exit code indicates an unrecoverable error. The reason for disabling a data source is to prevent any further Client runs in situations where the client will keep encountering the same problem. After the problem is resolved, you must enable the data source from the Client Console and restart the Client.

Data Source name disabled after number retries failed

The service automatically performs error recover for most exit codes that are thought to be recoverable. It does so by restarting the client after a brief delay and repeats this process a few times. If the client keeps failing it gives up after the max_retries value for the data source is reached. When this happens it disables the data source and logs this message.

Databridge Client Control Program Version version

This message identifies the version of the code. It is logged when the program starts.

DBClntControl automatically launching a {generate | redefine} command for data source name

This message is logged when the auto_redefine or auto_generate options are enabled for a data source. It indicates that the service has launched a DBClntCfgServer run to perform the specified command. These options are designed to automate the handling of simple DMSII reorganizations without interrupting production.

DBClntControl automatically launching dbfixup for data source name

This message indicates that the service encountered a client exit code of 2056 that indicates that the Client Control Tables are out of date and need to be updated by running the dbfixup utility. Starting with version 6.6 the Client Manager Service automatically does this.

DBClntControl shutting down; listen socket closed

This message is logged when the service shuts down and its associated socket closes.

Deleting working directory tree for data source name

This message is logged when a request is received from the Console to remove a data source and its directories.

End_of_run: data_source = name, process_id = nnnn, exit_code = dddd [(Run terminated prematurely)]

This message is logged when a launched Client notifies the service that the run is terminating. To determine which type of run it is, you must find the corresponding “Start_of_run: …“ message, with a matching process_id. In the unlikely case when the Client run crashes or it loses the IPC connection to the service, the exit code will be followed by the text “Run terminated prematurely”.

IPC Session dd, socket = nnn initialization complete

This message indicates that a launched run has initialized its IPC session and the two programs can now communicate with each other using this socket.

Launching script: "filename"

This message indicates that the specified command file (shell script for UNIX) is being launched by the service.

Manager for data_source name timed out -- stopping DBClntCfgServer

When the Console connects to the service, it requests information about the data source that the service does not have. The service launches DBClntCfgServer to run a manage command, which allows the service to indirectly get access to the database. To avoid tying up resources, such runs are brief in duration and terminate after a minute of inactivity. This message indicates that the launched run is terminating.

Non-standard data source working directory for srcname, files not deleted

This message is logged when processing a request from the Console to remove a data source's working directory. If it is not a subdirectory of the service’s working directory, it is not removed and this message is logged. This prevents the deletion of a directory that has been moved to a different location for safekeeping purposes. We recommend that you always use the directory structure imposed by the service.

OPER: cmd command for data source src issued from console, userid = 'name'

This message indicates that the operator, whose userid is name, has issued the given Client console command for the given data source. This allows the auditing of operator actions to include actions that are directed at launched Clients.

OPER: Data Source name {enabled | disabled} by the console, userid = 'name'

This message indicates that the operator, whose userid is name, has enabled or disabled the given data source.

OPER: Data Source src added from console, userid = 'name'

This message indicates that the operator, whose userid is name, has added the specified data source.

OPER: Data Source src removed from console, userid = 'name'

This message indicates that the operator, whose userid is name, has removed the specified data source.

OPER: Data Source src signon information modified from console, userid = 'name'

This message indicates that the operator, whose userid is name, has changed the signon parameters for the given data source.

OPER: Default password changed from console, userid = 'name'

This message indicates that the operator, whose userid is name, has changed the default password from the Client Console. The default password is used for a new userid or after a userid's password is reset.

OPER: Existing Data Source src added from console, userid = 'name'

This message indicates that the operator, whose userid is name, has added the given data source, which already exists but it not known to the service.

OPER: Password for userid 'name1' reset from console, userid = 'name2'

This message indicates that the operator, whose userid is name2, has reset the password for the userid name1. When a password is reset, it will assume the value of the default password. It is subject to the rule that it must be changed at first use when this option is enabled. This provides an easy way of dealing with a user who does not remember his password.

OPER: Password security bits and parameters set to 0xnn, aa, bb, cc from console, userid = 'name2'

This message indicates that the operator, whose userid is name, has changed the password security bits and password security parameters from the Client Console. The bit mask nn determines what constitutes a legal password and whether or not a new user needs to change his password on first use. The value aa, bb and cc are the minimum password length, the maximum signon retry count, and the length of time for which a user gets locked out after he exceeds the maximum number of signon retries.

OPER: Permissions for userid 'name1' updated from console, userid = 'name2'

This message indicates that the operator, whose userid is name2, has customized the permissions for the userid name1.

OPER: {Service | Daemon} Data Source srcname parameters modified from console, userid = 'name'

This message is one of a series of messages that are designed to allow auditing of all operator actions. Such messages always start with the string “OPER:”, thus making it easy to find them by searching for this string in the log file. They also specify the userid of the operator that performed the action.

This message indicates that the operator, whose userid is name, has changed one of the parameters of the data source srcname.

OPER: {Service | Daemon} debug mode {enabled | disabled} from console, userid = 'name'

This message indicates that the operator, whose userid is name, has enabled or disabled debug mode for the service. You should almost never need to do this, except when you are having trouble getting the service to run. Besides the log file, you should also look at the Windows Application Event Log, as the Client service also writes some message in the Event Log if it encounters problems during startup.

OPER: {Service | Daemon} enable_status_file set to dd from console, userid = 'name'

(Clustered Windows systems only) This message indicates that the operator, whose userid is name, has changed the value of the parameter enable_status_file. If this parameter is set to True, the service maintains a status file, which contains information about the state of the various data sources it controls. This file is named "dbstatus.cfg" and it resides in the config sub-directory. It is used to restart runs that were active before the service is restarted. The difference between using this method and setting run_at_startup to True for a data source, is that latter causes the run to always be started, even if it was not active when the service was taken down. If you attempt to set this parameter to true on a system that is not clustered, the parameter will be ignored.

OPER: {Service | Daemon} listen port set to ddddd from console, userid = 'name'

This message indicates that the operator, whose userid is name, has changed the port number on which the service listens. The service starts out by using the port number that is defined at install time, after that you can change it from the console. But if you do so, the change will only take effect after you stop and restart the service.

OPER: {Service | Daemon} log parameters updated from console, userid = 'name'

This message indicates that the operator, whose userid is name, has changed some of the logging parameters for the service.

OPER: {Service | Daemon} log file switched from console, userid = 'name'

This message indicates that the operator, whose userid is name, has made the service switch log files. The current log file is closed and a new one with a different name is opened. The new log file will use today’s today date as part of the name, unless the old file was already doing so, in which case it will also add the time to the file name to make it unique.

OPER: {Service | Daemon} n_script_threads set to dd from console, userid = 'name'

This message indicates that the operator, whose userid is name, has changed the number of threads for handling scripts that are launched by the service.

OPER: {Service | Daemon} startup_delay set to ddd from console, userid = 'name'

This message indicates that the operator, whose userid is name, has changed the startup_delay parameter in the service’s configuration file.

OPER: {Service | Daemon} trace mask set to dd from console, userid = 'name'

This message indicates that the operator, whose userid is name, has modified the trace mask, which causes tracing of Console and/or IPC traffic to be enabled or disabled, based on the value specified.

OPER: Script "filename" launched from console, userid = 'name'

This message indicates that the operator, whose userid is name, has launched the given script file from the Client Console.

OPER: Userid 'name1' added from console, userid = 'name2'

This message indicates that the operator, whose userid is name2, has added userid name1 to the service’s configuration file.

OPER: Userid 'name1' removed from console, userid = 'name2'

This message indicates that the operator, whose userid is name2, has removed userid name1 from the service’s configuration file.

OPER: Userid 'name1' unlocked from console, userid = 'name2'

This message indicates that the operator, whose userid is name2, has unlocked userid name1 which was locked out because of too many consecutive bad signons. Locked out userids will automatically get unlocked when the lockout period expires. This command allows the operator to make this happen immediately.


This message, which is logged when the debug option is enabled, identifies the RPC being executed. This is intended to be used in conjunction with a service trace.

Removing data source name

In some cases, the removal of a data source and its directories must be deferred until the spawned DBClntCfgServer run terminates. In those cases, this message appears when the process of removing the data source begins.

Scheduling for data source name delayed by ss seconds due to blackout_period

This message indicate that the service cannot start a scheduled run because there is a blackout period in effect. The service simply postpones the start time of the run to coincide with the end the blackout period.

{Service | Daemon} Log file switched to "filename" (reason)

This message is logged when the log file is about to be switched. It contains the new filename and the reason for the switch, which includes Operator Keyin, Max File Size, and Date Change.

Start_of_run: data_source = srcname, process_id = dddd, command = name, originator = who[(sched_type)]

This message is logged whenever the service launches a Client run for a data source. The command name is process or clone for DBClient runs and manage, configure, verifysource, redefine or generate for DBClntCfgServer runs.

The launched run can be initiated by any of the following: scheduler, select, console, config, verify, auto-redefine or auto-generate. If the run is started by scheduler, the sched_type value defines the type of scheduling used for the client run. Possible values for sched_type include: daily, fixed delay, err_retry or startup.

Starting scheduled process command for data source name

This message is logged when the service launches a process command as a result of scheduling.

Starting Session dd, socket = nnn, IP address = ipaddr

This message is logged when a connect request is successfully handled. These requests include Console, Client Configurator connections and IPC connections from spawned runs.

Starting verifysource command for data source name

When the service adds a data source, it launches DBClntCfgServer to execute a verifysource command. This command determines whether the database and server access parameters are valid. If they are invalid, the Console operator must correct them.

Too many consecutive bad signon attempts for CNS Session nn (userid = name), session terminated

This message indicates that the given userid failed to signon after the maximum number of retries, which is currently 3. You should never see this message when using the Client console, as it disconnects after a failed signon.

Userid 'name' locked after nnn bad signons

This message indicates that the given userid failed to sign on after the maximum number of retries, which is currently 3. As a result the userid is locked to protect against password guessing.

Userid 'name' unlocked after ddd seconds

This message indicates that the given userid is automatically unlocked after the lockout timeout period expires.