Using the Databridge API
This chapter explains how to use the Databridge ALGOL API and provides information about the entry points and values that the API contains.
Databridge API Overview
Using the API, you can write an Accessory that uses entry points to request information from DBEngine or DBSupport. This information is usually structural and layout information about a DMSII database and data from the database and the audit trail. In addition, the DBSupport entry points can filter and format the data you request. To see a list of entry points grouped by their functions, read Entry Point Procedure Values.
The ALGOL API file (SYMBOL/DATABRIDGE/INTERFACE) contains all of the definitions an Accessory needs to call entry points in DBEngine or DBSupport. This file is installed with the Databridge Host software, and it includes brief descriptions of the expected parameters and the constants specific to DBEngine and DBSupport.
Databridge must be installed on your host before you can use the Databridge API. (If it is not, see the Databridge Installation Guide for instructions on installing Databridge.) Locate where Databridge has been installed and make sure it is visible to your Accessory, based on standard host security.
Information about the library entry points is divided into two sections in this chapter—one for DBEngine entry points and one for DBSupport entry points. Each of these sections include the following:
- Reference tables that list and briefly describe the DBEngine or DBSupport entry points as follows:
- DBEngine Entry Points
- DBSupport Entry Points
- Separate sections describing each entry point in detail
Sample Accessories
For sample Accessories that illustrate the API, see the following files installed with the Host software. Each sample Accessory also has an associated WFL job, WFL/DATABRIDGE/SAMPLE/ programname for each sample Accessory that includes the necessary file equation.
This sample illustrates one way of generating structured query language (SQL) CREATE TABLE statements to build a relational database similar to a DMSII database. The DBSQLGen sample Accessory reads a DMSII database DESCRIPTION file and then generates SQL CREATE TABLE statements to build a relational database similar to the DMSII database.
This sample generates a DASDL source for the data sets and sets in a given DESCRIPTION file. It does not provide the physical attributes, audit file attributes, parameters, etc.
This sample causes an audit switch by closing the current audit file and switching to the next audit file. When you run this program, file-equate the DASDL to the title of the DESCRIPTION file. The following example shows how to do this for the BANKDB database description file:
This sample generates a COBOL source for the data sets in a given DESCRIPTION file.
This sample reports on the programs and database events contained in the audit trail. When you run this program, file-equate the DASDL to the title of the DESCRIPTION file. The following example shows how to do this for the BANKDB database description file:
Entry Point Procedure Values
All entry points are a specific type of procedure based on the kind of value returned. Procedure types can be one of the following:
Type | Description |
BOOLEAN | BOOLEAN procedures return a value of TRUE or FALSE. See Boolean Callback Procedures for a description of BOOLEAN procedures and Callback Return Values for the meaning of these values. |
DBMTYPE NOTE: The Databridge API defines DBMTYPE to be REAL. |
DBMTYPE procedures return real numbers as their values, and the numbers correspond to the Databridge error and status messages. These numbers are listed in the API file. DBMTYPE values indicate the following:
Most of the entry points return DBMTYPE values. For a description of the messages associated with these values, see the Databridge Host Administrator's Guide. To retrieve a message that describes the DBMTYPE value, call the DBMESSAGE entry point in DBEngine. You can then display this message or write it to a log file. |
EMATYPE | EMATYPE (error manager) procedures return EMATYPE values that indicate how a Databridge Accessory should handle errors. EMATYPE procedures use AIDTYPE values, which are ID numbers that identify Databridge Accessories. See Error Manager Types for a description of EMATYPE and AIDTYPE values. |
Using the DBMTYPE Values
One way to use DBMTYPE values is to program your Accessory to respond based on the DBMTYPE value returned. Following is an example of how you can do this.
You must include SYMBOL/DATABRIDGE/INTERFACE before you can use DBMTYPE values in your Accessory. See Accessing the DBEngine and DBSupport Libraries for a description of how to include this file.
DBRESULT := engine_entry_point (parameter_1, . . . parameter_n);
Boolean Callback Procedures
Many of the Databridge API entry points return a list or series of items, such as a list of data sets or a series of records. To accommodate these returned lists, Databridge uses callback procedures. The purpose of the callback procedure technique is to allow your Accessory to manipulate data, item by item, as it is returned from an entry point.
A callback procedure is a Boolean procedure that you name, declare, and write in your program. The callback procedures are referenced in the Databridge API, but they exist in your Accessory. You name the callback procedures whatever you prefer, and you define what the callback procedure does (for example, print, display, and so on). However, the Databridge API file determines the types of parameters the callback procedure receives; the callback procedure in your Accessory determines what to do with the received data. Therefore, you must write your callback procedure to accommodate the parameter values returned to it from the DBEngine entry point.
The Databridge API entry points pass values to the callback procedure based on the type of data that
the API entry point retrieved. The Databridge API references your callback procedure as a formal
parameter called CALLBACK
. The program you are writing must supply the actual parameter for
CALLBACK as it is defined in your program.
How Callback Procedures Work
Before you can call a Databridge entry point that has a callback procedure as a parameter, you must declare a Boolean procedure with the same parameter list as the callback procedure. The types of the parameters must match what is in the API, but the parameter names can be whatever you want. This Boolean callback procedure returns TRUE if the entry point should continue to return more items from the list. It returns FALSE to discard the rest of the list.
For example, suppose you want to enumerate the keys of a set using the entry point DBKEYS. The second parameter to DBKEYS is a callback procedure, which the API defines as follows:
boolean procedure Callback (ItemNum, DESCENDING);
% Input: procedure to call back for each key item
value ItemNum, DESCENDING;
integer ItemNum;
% Input: item number
% Input: true if item is a descending key
You would define a procedure matching that declaration, such as the following:
boolean procedure GetKey (KeyItemNbr, IsDescending); value
KeyItemNbr, IsDescending;;
integer KeyItemNbr; boolean IsDescending;
if IsDescending then
display ("Key #" !! string (KeyItemNbr, *) !! " down")
display ("Key #" !! string (KeyItemNbr, *) !! " up");
GetKey := true;
end GetKey;
The program can then call the entry point, passing it the callback procedure. This example would use the following call:
if DBKEYS (SetStrNum, GetKey) NEQ DBM_OK then
... % an error occurred
This example callback procedure, GetKey, is called once for each of the key items of the set indicated by SetStrNum.
When you call an entry point with a callback procedure, the program follows this general sequence:
The program calls the entry point, passing it the callback procedure name as well as any other required parameters.
The entry point that your program calls then prepares the data it retrieves for a single item and calls the callback procedure in your program.
When your callback procedure exits (or finishes), control returns to the entry point.
The entry point retrieves and prepares the data for the next item and calls the callback procedure in your program.
StepsStep2 on page18–Step4 on page19 are repeated until there are no more items in the list. The entry point exits, and control returns to your program.
If the Databridge entry point retrieves 100 items, the callback procedure will be called 100 times.
Callback Return Values
Callback procedures return Boolean values as follows:
TRUE—Continue calling the callback procedure
FALSE—Stop calling the callback procedure. The entry point will typically return a
result in this case.
DBEngine Entry Points That Use Callbacks
The following DBEngine entry points use the procedure callbacks:
DBSupport Entry Points That Use Callbacks
The following DBSupport entry points use procedure callbacks:
Accessing the DBEngine and DBSupport Libraries
Different options exist for accessing the libraries, depending on whether you are using entry points from one library or both.
Requirements for Both Libraries
Each ALGOL Accessory you write to access the DBEngine or DBSupport library must do the following:
Set the appropriate $INCLUDE_ENGINE or $INCLUDE_SUPPORT options before including the interface. Be sure to include both if you are using entry points from both libraries.
Call the appropriate entry point to verify that your program was compiled against the same API file (SYMBOL/DATABRIDGE/INTERFACE) as DBEngine, and if applicable, DBSupport. See the table below for details.
If you are using Then use this entry point DBEngine only DBINTERFACEVERSION or DBVERSION DBEngine and DBSupport or DBSupport only DBSUPPORTINIT -
Meet the requirements listed later in Additional DBEngine Requirements and, if applicable, in Additional DBSupport Requirements.
The following example shows the interface file $INCLUDE statement:
Additional DBEngine Requirements
In addition to the requirements listed previously, you must also do the following to access DBEngine:
Invoke the DBLINKENGINE define to link to DBEngine.
If you are not using DBSupport, then call DBINTERFACEVERSION to verify that your program was compiled with the same version of the DBInterface as DBEngine was.
Call the DBEngine entry point DBINITIALIZE, passing the title of the DMSII DESCRIPTION file to use.
Additional DBSupport Requirements
In addition to the requirements listed previously, you must also do the following to access DBSupport:
Put the title of the DBSupport library in a string variable and call DBSupportTitle. For example:
DBMTYPE DMR; string SupportTitle; SupportTitle := "OBJECT/DATABRIDGE/SUPPORT/BANKDB"; DMR := DBSupportTitle (SupportTitle);
Call DBSupportInit to do the following:
Verify your program was compiled with the same version of the DBInterface as DBEngine and DBSupport were
Specify the names of the filter, format, and transform. For example:
if DBSupportInit (DBV_VERSION, "MyAccessory:", "MYFILTER", "COMMAFORMAT", "DBTRANSFORM") NEQ DBM_OK then begin display ("Interface version mismatch"); end;
These filter, format, and transform names can be ones you created or ones predeclared in DBSupport. Refer to the Databridge Host Administrator's Guide for more information about DBGenFormat.
Accessing DBEngine Only
The following example shows how to access DBEngine only (and not DBSupport). The declarations for many of the variables used in this example are not shown.
% ----------
FILE DASDL (DEPENDENTSPECS); % for file-equating only
SetMsgParam1(DBVERSION, *);
SetMsgParam2 (DBV_VERSION, *);
INITIALIZE := NOT DONE; % no fatal errors
DBEngine Entry Points
Use the DBEngine entry points to request information from DBEngine.
The table below summarizes the DBEngine entry points and their functions, and each of these points is explained in detail later in this chapter. The Entry Point column in this table contains the name of the entry point, the Type column indicates what type of procedure the entry point is, and the Description column describes what the entry point does. See Entry Point Procedure Values for an explanation of the various procedure types and the values they return. DBMTYPE values are listed in the API file (SYMBOL/DATABRIDGE/INTERFACE) and the Databridge Host Administrator's Guide.
Entry Point | Type | Description |
DBATTRIBUTE | DBMTYPE | Returns a specified file attribute value of a disk file |
DBAUDITATTRIBUTE | DBMTYPE | Returns a specified file attribute value of an audit file |
DBAUDITMEDIUM | DBMTYPE | Specifies where DBEngine looks for audit files |
DBAUDITPACK | DBMTYPE | Specifies an alternate audit pack location |
DBAUDITPREFIX | DBMTYPE | Specifies a non-standard file name prefix for audit files |
DBAUDITSOURCE | DBMTYPE | Specifies where to access remote audit files |
DBAUDITSOURCEX | DBMTYPE | Specifies how to access remote audit files |
DBCANCELWAIT | DBMTYPE | Cancels the wait (set by DBWAIT) for audit files to become available |
DBCLOSEDATASET | DBMTYPE | Closes a dataset previously opened with DBOpenDataset. |
DBCOMMENT | DBMTYPE | Copies the DASDL comment associated with a structure or data item into the caller's array |
DBCOMPILESUPPORT | DBMTYPE | Compiles the DBSupport library |
DBDATABASEINFO | DBMTYPE | Returns information about the database, such as the update level and timestamp |
DBDATASETINFO | DBMTYPE | Returns layout information about the data set or remap as described in the DATASET_INFO array |
DBDATASETNAME | DBMTYPE | Returns the structure name for the specified structure index |
DBDATASETNUMS | DBMTYPE | Returns an array containing the structure numbers of all the data sets and remaps in the logical database |
DBDATASETS | DBMTYPE | Lists the data set names, structure numbers, and other information about each data set |
DBDATASETVFINFO | DBMTYPE | Loads the DATASET_INFO array with information about the data set, remap, or set |
DBDATETIME | DBMTYPE | Converts a timestamp from TIME (6) format to a binary format time and date |
DBDESELECT | DBMTYPE | Deselects a data set previously selected with DBSELECT so that it is not processed by subsequent DBREADs or DBWAITs |
DBDIRECTORYSEARCH | DBMTYPE | Returns the file names within a specified directory and its subdirectories |
DBDISPLAYFAULT | DBMTYPE | Displays a message describing a program fault, such as INVALID INDEX |
DBDISPLAYMSG | DBMTYPE | Displays the error message associated with the result code returned from the call to the previous entry point |
DBENGINEMISSINGENTRYPOINT | STRING | Returns the name of the first entry point missing from the library code file that the Accessory expected to be present based on the interface file |
DBFAMILYINFO | DBMTYPE | Returns the date, time, and system serial number when the family was created. |
DBFILEATTRIBUTE | DBMTYPE | Allows an Accessory to retrieve file attribute information about any file |
DBGETFIRSTQPT | DBMTYPE | Finds the first quiet point in the audit trail beginning with the Audit File Number and Audit Block Serial Number given in STATE_INFO. STATE_INFO is updated to reflect the audit location of the quiet point. |
DBINITIALIZE | DBMTYPE | Initializes DBEngine by specifying the title of the database DESCRIPTION file |
DBINTERFACEVERSION | DBMTYPE | Validates the Accessory's DBInterface version against DBEngine's DBInterface version and returns an error if they are incompatible |
DBIOERRORTEXT | DBMTYPE | Copies the error text describing the READ/WRITE result value into the caller's array |
DBIORESULTTEXT | DBMTYPE | Copies the error text describing the I/O result value into the caller's array NOTE: This entry point is now called DBOPENRESULTTEXT. |
DBITEMINFO | DBMTYPE | Returns information for a data item in a data set |
DBITEMNUMINFO | DBMTYPE | Retrieves information about a single data item |
DBKEYDATAREMAP | DBMTYPE | Enumerates the items of the KEY DATA for a set using the item descriptions of the designated data set or remap |
DBKEYINFO | DBMTYPE | Returns information for each key item in a set |
DBKEYINFOREMAP | DBMTYPE | Enumerates key items in a set using item information in a remap |
DBKEYS | DBMTYPE | Lists the key items in the specified set |
DBKEYSREMAP | DBMTYPE | Enumerates key items in a set using the item numbers of the specified data set of a remap |
DBLAYOUT | DBMTYPE | Lists the data items in the specified data set |
DBLIMITTASKNAME | DBMTYPE | Sets the processing limit task name |
DBLIMITTIMESTAMP | DBMTYPE | Sets the processing limit timestamp |
DBLINKS | DBMTYPE | Enumerates LINK items in a data set |
DBMAKETIMESTAMP | DBMTYPE | Converts a date and time to a timestamp in TIME (6) format |
DBMAXRECORDS | DBMTYPE | Returns the estimated maximum number of records currently in a data set |
DBMAXRECORDSVF | DBMTYPE | Returns the estimated maximum number of records currently in a data set |
DBMESSAGE | DBMTYPE | Copies the error message associated with a DBMTYPE value to the caller's array |
DBMODIFIES | DBMTYPE | Specifies whether data set record updates should be returned as a DELETE/CREATE pair or as an update |
DBMODIFYTIMESTAMP | DBMTYPE | Increments or decrements a timestamp by days, hours, minutes, and/or seconds |
DBNULL | DBMTYPE | Returns the NULL value for the specified data item |
DBNULLRECORD | DBMTYPE | Returns a record with all data items NULL |
DBOLDESTAUDITLOC | DBMTYPE | Finds the oldest audit location on disk |
DBOPENAUDIT | DBMTYPE | Opens an audit file and returns audit file information |
DBOPENRESULTTEXT | DBMTYPE | Copies the error text describing the OPEN/CLOSE/RESPOND result value into the caller's array |
DBPARAMETERS | DBMTYPE | Specifies various run-time processing parameter values |
DBPRIMARYSET | DBMTYPE | Returns the structure number of the NO DUPLICATES set having the fewest key items for the given data set |
DBPRIVILEGED | BOOLEAN | Indicates whether or not the caller is a privileged program or running under a privileged usercode |
DBPUTMESSAGE | DBMTYPE | Sets the DBMESSAGE parameter values |
DBREAD | DBMTYPE | Receives a transaction group (up to the next quiet point) of changes to data set records from the audit trail |
DBREADAUDITREGION | DBMTYPE | Reads the audit file region, starting with the indicated audit block serial number (ABSN) and block offset |
DBREADERPARAMETER | DBMTYPE | Allows an Accessory to specify the title of the FileXtract Reader library and the parameter string that is passed to the Reader library |
DBREADTRANGROUP | DBMTYPE | Receives a transaction group (up to the next quiet point) of changes to data set records from the audit trail. If a transaction group is not available, it waits for a specified number of seconds before retrying |
DBRESETOPTION | DBMTYPE | Turns off DBEngine run-time options |
DBSELECT | DBMTYPE | Selects a data set to be processed by a subsequent DBREAD or DBWAIT, and validates the client format level when a data set is selected for cloning |
DBSELECTED | DBMTYPE | Checks to see if the specified data set has been selected |
DBSETINFO | DBMTYPE | Returns information describing a set as given in the SET_INFO array |
DBSETOPTION | DBMTYPE | Turns on DBEngine run-time options |
DBSETS | DBMTYPE | Lists the names, structure numbers, and other information for the sets of the specified data set |
DBSETSINFO | DBMTYPE | Returns information for each set of a given data set |
DBSPLITTIMESTAMP | DBMTYPE | Converts a timestamp from TIME (6) format to a date and time in yyyy, mm, dd, hh, mn, ss form |
DBSPLITTIME60 | DBMTYPE | Splits a timestamp in TIME (60) format into separate components |
DBSTATEINFOTODISPLAY | INTEGER | Converts state information into readable format |
DBSTATISTICS | DBMTYPE | Returns statistics for the specified category NOTE: To accumulate statistics, DBEngine must be compiled with $ SET STATS , which is available as OBJECT/DATABRIDGE/ENGINE/STATS. |
DBSTRIDX | DBMTYPE | Returns the structure index for a selected data set |
DBSTRNUM | DBMTYPE | Returns the structure number for the specified structure name |
DBSTRUCTURENAME | DBMTYPE | Returns a structure name for a DMSII structure |
DBSUBSETSINFO | DBMTYPE | Enumerates information for each subset of a given data set |
DBSWITCHAUDIT | DBMTYPE | Forces an audit file switch |
DBTIMESTAMPMSG | DBMTYPE | Converts the timestamp from TIME (6) format to the following form: month, day, year @ hh:mm:ss |
DBUPDATELEVEL | DBMTYPE | Returns the database update level and timestamp |
DBVERSION | REAL | Returns the version number of the API file (SYMBOL/DATABRIDGE/INTERFACE) that DBEngine was compiled against. |
DBWAIT | DBMTYPE | Receives the transaction group (up to the next quiet point) of changes to data set records from the audit trail If a transaction group is not available, it waits for a specified number of seconds before retrying. |
DBWHEREDASDL | DBMTYPE | Returns the DASDL source expression associated with the WHERE clause of an automatic subset or the SELECT cause of a remap |
DBWHERETEXT | DBMTYPE | Returns the ALGOL source code fragment associated with the WHERE clause of an automatic subset or the SELECT clause of a remap |
This entry point returns a specified file attribute value of a disk file. Contact Micro Focus Customer Care for additional information.
This entry point allows an Accessory to specify where DBEngine looks for audit files and whether to look for primary, secondary, or both.
DBMTYPE procedure DBAuditMedium (AuditMedium,AuditType);
Input | Type | Definition |
AUDITMEDIUM | INTEGER | The medium on which to look for the audit file. Possible values are as follows:
If this parameter is invalid, DBEngine returns a DBM_BAD_AUDMED (110) error |
AUDITTYPE | INTEGER | The type of audit file for which to look, such as primary or secondary Possible values are as follows:
If this parameter is invalid, DBEngine returns a DBM_BAD_AUDTYPE (111) error |
This entry point returns a specified file attribute value of an audit file, if the specified attribute number is VALUE (TITLE), VALUE (FILENAME), or VALUE (FAMILYNAME).
This function looks for the audit file first on the Alternate pack and then on the original audit pack. This allows DBEnterprise to access audit files in either location. Contact Micro Focus for additional information.
This entry point specifies where audit files may be located. DBEngine looks on the pack specified by the DMSII control file, the pack specified by DBAUDITPACK, or both, depending on DBAUDITMEDIUM.
Input | Type | Definition |
PACKNAME | STRING | The name of the pack where DBEngine should look for normal DMSII audit files |
This entry point can specify a non-standard file name prefix for audit files. Normally, the prefix for audit files is:
Using the DBAuditPrefix entry point, the prefix can have a different usercode, different first node, and/or additional nodes.
This entry point specifies where audit files may be located. DBEngine looks on the pack specified by the DMSII control file, the pack specified by DBAUDITPACK, or both, depending on DBAUDITMEDIUM.
If the prefix is badly formed, the entry point will return DBM_BAD_PREFIX (137) (Invalid audit file prefix: ' prefix ')
This entry point specifies where to access remote audit files.
Input | Type | Definition |
HOST | STRING | The name or the IP address of the DBServer host where the audit files are located |
SOURCENAME | STRING | A source identifier that is the name of a SOURCE in the DBServer parameter file |
PROTOCOL | INTEGER | The network protocol value, such as TCPIP See Network Protocol Values for possible values. |
PORT | INTEGER | The port number that matches PORT in the DBServer parameter file |
This entry point specifies how to access remote audit files. This entry point is identical to DBAUDITSOURCE except that the PORTNAME is a string rather than a number to allow names for BNA and HLCN ports.
DBMTYPE procedure DBAuditSourceX (Host, SourceName, Protocol, PortName);
Input | Type | Definition |
HOST | STRING | The name or the IP address of the DBServer host where the audit files are located |
SOURCENAME | STRING | A source identifier that is the name of a SOURCE in the DBServer parameter file |
PROTOCOL | INTEGER | The network protocol value, such as TCPIP See the DBV_NET_xxx values in Network Protocol Values for possible values. |
PORTNAME | STRING | The port name, such as 3000 or BNA350 This value must match the PORT in the DBServer parameter file. |
This entry point cancels the wait for more audit files to become available via DBWAIT or DBREADTRANGROUP.
This entry point closes a dataset previously opened with DBOpenDataset. Contact Micro Focus for additional information.
This entry point copies the DASDL comment associated with a structure or data item into the caller's array. These comments must have been declared in the DASDL using the double-quote Declaration. For example:
ACCT-YTD-INT "year-to-date interest" NUMBER (11, 2);
DBMTYPE procedure DBComment (StrNum, ItemNum, pText, Len);
Input | Type | Definition |
STRNUM | REAL | The structure number of the structure you are requesting. Since no comment can be associated with the global record, a structure number of 1 is invalid. |
ITEMNUM | REAL | The item number of the data item you are requesting. Use 0 to request the comment associated with a data set, set, or remap. |
PTEXT | POINTER | Destination for the comment text |
Output | Type | Definition |
LEN | REAL | The length, in bytes, of the text copied into PTEXT Possible values are as follows:
This entry point compiles the DBSupport library. If an Accessory determines that DBSupport needs to be compiled with the current DESCRIPTION file, it can call this entry point. Any local patches to DBSupport are ignored if they are not specified in the DBGenFormat parameter file.
If DBEngine determines that a DBSupport library already exists for the desired update level, it copies the new title of the DBSupport library into the caller's array and then returns immediately without actually compiling it.
DBMTYPE procedure DBCompileSupport (pTitle);
Input | Type | Definition |
PTITLE | POINTER | The pointer to the title of the DBSupport library |
Output | Type | Definition |
PTITLE | VALUE | The new title of the DBSupport library (the update level node to be appended to the file name) |
This entry point returns layout information about the database, such as the update level and update timestamp.
Output | Type | Definition |
DATABASE_INFO | ARRAY | An array of information that describes the database. For a description of the array, see DATABASE_INFO Layout. |
This entry point returns layout information about a data set or remap. If the data set has any links, DBDATASETINFO sets the DATASET_INFO [DI_LINKS] = 1.
DBMTYPE procedure DBDATASETINFO (DSStrNum, Callback);
Input | Type | Definition |
DSSTRNUM | REAL | The structure number of the data set or remap |
CALLBACK | BOOLEAN | The procedure that receives the data set information |
This is the procedure that receives information about the data set. For fixed-format data sets, this procedure is called once. For variable-format data sets, this procedure is called once for each format type.
boolean procedure Callback (pDatasetName, Len, DATASET_INFO);
Parameter | Type | Definition |
P_DATASETNAME | POINTER | The pointer to a data set name The caller must copy the actual data set name into its own local memory. |
LEN | REAL | The length of the data set name |
DATASET_INFO | ARRAY | Information about the data set For a description of the array, see DATABASE_INFO Layout. |
This entry point returns a data set name corresponding to the specified structure index.
DBMTYPE procedure DBDATASETNAME (StrIdx, pDSName,Len);
Input | Type | Definition |
STRIDX | REAL | The structure index from UPDATE_INFO [UI_STRIDX] |
P_DSNAME | POINTER | The pointer to the array that is to receive the data set name |
Output | Type | Definition |
LEN | REAL | The length of the data set name in bytes |
This entry point returns an array that contains the structure numbers of all of the data sets (except virtual data sets) and remaps in the logical database.
DBMTYPE procedure DBDatasetNums (DSNums, LastIdx);
Input | Type | Definition |
DSNUMS | ARRAY | Contains the structure numbers of all data sets (except virtual data sets) and remaps in the (logical) database. |
LASTIDX | REAL | The subscript of the last valid entry in the DSNUMS array (above). If the array is too small, it is automatically resized to the appropriate size. |
This entry point provides data set names and their structure numbers. Use DBDATASETS to generate a pointer to a data set name, the data set name length, and an array that contains information about the data set, such as its structure number.
DBMTYPE procedure DBDATASETS (Callback);
Input | Type | Definition |
CALLBACK | BOOLEAN | The procedure that receives data set information |
For fixed-format data sets, DBDATASETS calls this procedure once. For variable-format data sets, DBDATASETS calls this procedure once for each format (record) type.
boolean procedure Callback (pDatasetName, Len, DATASET_INFO);
Parameter | Type | Definition |
P_DATASETNAME | POINTER | Points to a data set name The caller must copy the actual data set name into its own local memory |
LEN | REAL | The length of the data set name |
DATASET_INFO | ARRAY | Information about the data set For a description of the array, see DATABASE_INFO Layout. |
This entry point loads the DATASET_INFO array with information about the data set or remap, according to the record type number.
DBMTYPE procedure DBDatasetVFInfo (DSStrNum, RecType, DATASET_INFO);
Input | Type | Definition |
DSSTRNUM | REAL | Structure number of the data set or remap |
RECTYPE | REAL | Record type number (0 for fixed format) |
Output | Type | Definition |
DATASET_INFO | ARRAY | Information about the data set as contained in the DATASET_INFO array See DATABASE_INFO Layout for a description of the array. |
This entry point converts the timestamp in TIME (6) format to a binary format date and time.
Input | Type | Definition |
TIMESTAMP | REAL | TIME (6) timestamp |
Output | Type | Definition |
YYYYMMDD | INTEGER | The date in binary format |
HHMMSS | INTEGER | The time in binary format |
This entry point deselects a data set that was previously selected by DBSELECT so that it is not processed by subsequent DBREADs or DBWAITs.
DBMTYPE procedure DBDESELECT (StrIdx);
This entry point returns the file names within a specified directory and its subdirectories. DBEngine calls the Accessory-supplied callback procedure with the name of each file. This function will translate the filename or directory name to UPPERCASE, avoiding error DBM0125.
DBMTYPE procedure DBDirectorySearch (pDirName, FilenameHandler);
Input | Type | Definition |
PDIRNAME | POINTER | Pointer to the period-terminated directory name NOTE: Do not include /= in the name. For example, to get a list of files in SUMLOG/1234/= ON SYSTEM, use the following: SUMLOG/1234 |
This procedure receives the name of a file in the specified directory and is called once for each file. If the procedure returns TRUE (no more file names are available), DBEngine aborts the search.
boolean procedure FilenameHandler (pFilename, FilenameLen);
Parameter | Type | Definition |
PFILENAME | POINTER | Pointer to a file name in the directory |
FILENAMELEN | INTEGER | Length of the file name in bytes |
This entry point displays a message describing a program fault, such as INVALID INDEX, along with the line number in the application program that caused the fault.
The sample reformatting routine (SYMBOL/DATABRIDGE/SAMPLE/REFORMAT) captures and identifies errors and uses this entry point to help sites debug their reformatting routines.
DBMTYPE procedure DBDisplayFault (Prefix, FaultNbr, pFaultHistory);
Input | Type | Definition |
PREFIX | STRING | The prefix of the message to be displayed This prefix is usually the program name followed by a colon. Example: DBSpan: |
FAULTNBR | REAL | The fault number returned by the ALGOL ON statement |
PFAULTHISTORY | POINTER | The stack history returned by the ALGOL ON statement |
This entry point displays the error message associated with the result code returned from the call to the previous entry point.
DBMTYPE procedure DBDisplayMsg (DBMResult);
Input | Type | Definition |
DBMRESULT | DBMTYPE | The procedure value from a prior call to a DBEngine or DBSupport entry point |
This entry point returns the name of the first entry point missing from the library code file that the Accessory expected to be present based on the interface file.
string procedure DBENGINEMissingEntryPoint;
string MissingEP;
MissingEP := DBENGINEMissingEntryPoint;
if MissingEP NEQ empty then
display ("Missing DBEngine entry point " !! MissingEP);
This entry point returns the date, time, and system serial number when the family was created. Contact Micro Focus Customer Support for additional information.
This entry point allows an Accessory to retrieve file attribute information about any file. The caller supplies the file title and a mask of desired file attributes. For example, to request the creation date and time, use the following mask:
DBEngine returns the values in the Attributes array, indexed by the attribute bit number. For example, to reference the creation date value after calling this entry point, use the following:
DBMTYPE procedure DBFileAttribute (pFileTitle, AttrMask, Attributes);
Input | Type | Definition |
PFILETITLE | POINTER | The pointer to the period-terminated file name. This function will translate the filename or directory name to UPPERCASE, avoiding error DBM0125. |
ATTRMASK | REAL | Mask of desired file attributes See File Attribute Mask Bits for a list of attributes and their corresponding bits. |
Output | Type | Definition |
ATTRIBUTES | ARRAY | An array containing file attribute values |
This entry point finds the first quiet point (QPT) in the audit trail beginning with the audit file number (AFN) and ABSN given in the STATE_INFO array layout. STATE_INFO is updated to reflect the audit location of the quiet point. For a description of the STATE_INFO array layout, see STATE_INFO Layout.
Input | Type | Definition |
STATEINFO [SI_AFN] | REAL | The starting AFN |
STATEINFO [SI_ABSN] | REAL | The starting ABSN This ABSN does not have to exist in the specified audit file. It simply functions as a lower bound. |
Output | Type | Definition |
STATEINFO [SI_AFN] | REAL | The AFN of the quiet point |
STATEINFO [SI_ABSN] | REAL | The ABSN of the quiet point |
STATEINFO [SI_SEG] | REAL | The segment of the quiet point |
STATEINFO [SI_INX] | REAL | The word index of the quiet point |
STATEINFO [SI_TIME] | REAL | The timestamp of the quiet point |
This entry point returns individual values corresponding to the Info_Enginexxxx values listed in DBInterface.
DBMTYPE procedure DBGetInfo (InfoId, InfoSelection, InfoValue);
Input | Type | Definition |
InfoId | INTEGER | One of the Info_Enginexxxx or Info_Sourcexxxx values in DBInterface |
InfoSelection | INTEGER | Unused |
Output | Type | Definition |
InfoValue | STRING | Value of the requested information |
This entry point returns the value of a Boolean run-time option. The options are named DBV_OP_xxxx and listed in DBInterface.
DBMTYPE procedure DBGetOption (Option, Setting);
Input | Type | Definition |
Option | INTEGER | One of the DBV_OP_xxxx options in DBInterface |
Output | Type | Definition |
Setting | BOOLEAN | Value of option: true or false |
This entry point will be removed.
This entry point initializes DBEngine by specifying the title of the database DESCRIPTION file (without the DESCRIPTION node). You must initialize DBEngine by calling DBINITIALIZE before you can use any of the other DBEngine API entry points that access database information either directly or indirectly. See Accessing the DBEngine and DBSupport Libraries to see what else you must do before using the DBEngine entry points.
Input | Type | Definition |
DBDESCTITLE | STRING | The title of the database DESCRIPTION file (without the DESCRIPTION node) Example: "(PROD)PAYROLLDB ON SYSPACK." |
DB | STRING | Optional. The name of the logical or physical database associated with the DESCRIPTION file (the database to which you want access) If a logical database is specified, the Accessory cannot retrieve layout or update information for any data sets or remaps outside of the specified logical database. |
Output | Type | Definition |
DB | STRING | If you leave this parameter empty on input, the program returns the name of the physical database. See the Input parameter definition for DB above. |
This entry point validates the Accessory's DBInterface version against DBEngine's DBInterface version and returns a DBM_VER_MISMATCH (115) error if they are incompatible.
If you are using DBSupport, you do not need to call DBINTERFACEVERSION explicitly because your call to DBSupportInit automatically calls DBINTERFACEVERSION to validate the DBInterface version of the Accessory against DBEngine.
For related information, see DBINITIALIZESUPPORT.
DBMTYPE procedure DBInterfaceVersion (AccessoryVersion, AccessoryID);
Input | Type | Definition |
ACCESSORYVERSION | REAL | The version of DBInterface that was used to compile the Accessory |
ACCESSORYID | STRING | A descriptive string inserted in an error message that identifies the Accessory Example: DBSpan: |
This entry point copies error text describing the READ/WRITE result value into the caller's array. The READ/WRITE result value is a Boolean value returned from a READ or WRITE function that was passed to the entry point by the calling program.
procedure DBIOErrorText (IOResult, pText, TextLen);
Input | Type | Definition |
IORESULT | BOOLEAN | Result value from the READ or WRITE |
PTEXT | POINTER | Destination for error text |
Output | Type | Definition |
TEXTLEN | INTEGER | Length of the error text |
This entry point is now called DBOPENRESULTTEXT (see DBOPENRESULTTEXT), and it is recommended that you use DBOPENRESULTTEXT. However, for compatibility, the name DBIORESULTTEXT still works.
This entry point returns the ITEM_INFO array layout for a data item in a data set or remap. The only difference between this entry point and DBITEMNUMINFO is that DBITEMNUMINFO specifies the data item by name rather than number.
DBMTYPE procedure DBITEMINFO (DSStrNum, RecType, ItemName, ITEM_INFO);
Input | Type | Definition |
DSSTRNUM | REAL | The structure number of the data set or remap that contains the data item |
RECTYPE | REAL | The record type number (0 for fixed format) |
ITEMNAME | STRING | The name of the data item for which you are requesting the array |
Output | Type | Definition |
ITEM_INFO | ARRAY | The information about the data item For a description of the array, see ITEM_INFO Array Layout. |
This entry point retrieves the ITEM_INFO array layout for a single data item. The only difference between this entry point and DBITEMINFO is that DBITEMINFO specifies the data item by number rather than name.
Input | Type | Definition |
DSSTRNUM | REAL | The structure number of the data set or remap that contains the data item |
ITEMNUM | INTEGER | The number of the data item for which you want information |
Output | Type | Definition |
ITEM_INFO | ARRAY | The information about the data item For a description of the array, see ITEM_INFO Array Layout. |
This entry point enumerates the items of the KEY DATA for a set using the item descriptions of the designated data set or remap. If the set does not have any KEY DATA, it returns the following DBM_NO_KEYDATA (122) message:
setname does not have key data
KEY DATA is not the same as the KEY of a set. The KEY determines the order of the set entries, while KEY DATA contains additional data items that are not part of the KEY.
Input | Type | Definition |
SETSTRNUM | REAL | The structure number of the set whose key items are to be returned |
REMAPSTRNUM | REAL | The structure number of the data set or remap that contains the KEY DATA items If REMAPSTRNUM = 0, the original data set is assumed. Item numbers can very depending on whether the data set or remap is used. |
CALLBACK | BOOLEAN | The procedure that receives information for each KEY DATA item |
This procedure receives information about the KEY DATA item.
Output | Type | Definition |
ITEM_INFO | ARRAY | The information about the data item For a description of the array, see ITEM_INFO Array Layout. |
This entry point returns the key items in a set.
DBMTYPE procedure DBKEYINFO (SetStrNum, Callback);
Input | Type | Definition |
SETSTRNUM | REAL | The structure number of the set whose key items are to be returned |
CALLBACK | BOOLEAN | The procedure that receives information for each key item |
This procedure receives information about the key item.
boolean procedure Callback (ITEM_INFO);
Parameter | Type | Definition |
ITEM_INFO | ARRAY | An array of information that describes the key item ITEM_INFO Array Layout |
This entry point lists items in a set using item information in a remap. The key items have the item number, name, and so on, as they are known in the remap.
DBMTYPE procedure DBKeyInfoRemap (SetStrNum, RemapStrNum, Callback);
Input | Type | Definition |
SETSTRNUM | REAL | The structure number of the desired set |
REMAPSTRNUM | REAL | The structure number of the remap (or data set) If this value is set to 0, the original data set is assumed. |
CALLBACK | BOOLEAN | The procedure that receives information for each key item |
This procedure receives information about the key item.
boolean procedure Callback (ITEM_INFO);
Parameter | Type | Definition |
ITEM_INFO | ARRAY | An array of information describing the key item For a description of the array, see ITEM_INFO Array Layout. |
This entry point returns the key items in a set.
DBMTYPE procedure DBKEYS (SetStrNum, Callback);
Input | Type | Definition |
SETSTRNUM | REAL | The structure number of the set whose keys are to be returned |
CALLBACK | BOOLEAN | The procedure that receives information for each key item |
This procedure receives information about the key item.
boolean procedure Callback (ItemNum, DESCENDING);
Parameter | Type | Definition |
ITEMNUM | INTEGER | The item number of the key, as in ITEM_INFO [II_ITEM_NUM] |
DESCENDING | BOOLEAN | Returns a value of TRUE if the item is a descending key |
This entry point lists key items in a set using the item numbers of the specified data set or remap. If a key item is not found in the specified remap, the procedure returns the error DBM_BAD_ITEMNUM (31).
DBMTYPE procedure DBKeysRemap (SetStrNum, RemapStrNum, Callback);
Input | Type | Definition |
SETSTRNUM | REAL | The structure number of the desired set |
REMAPSTRNUM | REAL | The structure number of the data set or remap containing the key items The item numbers can vary depending on whether the data set or the remap is used. If this value is set to 0, the original data set is assumed. |
CALLBACK | BOOLEAN | The procedure that receives information for each key item |
This procedure receives information about the key items.
boolean procedure Callback (ItemNum, Descending);
Parameter | Type | Definition |
ITEMNUM | INTEGER | The item number, as in ITEM_INFO [II_ITEM_NUM] |
DESCENDING | BOOLEAN | TRUE if the item is a descending key |
This entry point returns the ITEM_INFO array layout for a data items in a data set.
DBMTYPE procedure DBLAYOUT (DSStrNum, RecType, Callback);
Input | Type | Definition |
DSSTRNUM | REAL | The structure number of the desired data set |
RECTYPE | REAL | The record type number (0 for fixed format) |
CALLBACK | BOOLEAN | The procedure that receives information for each data item |
This procedure receives information about each data item.
boolean procedure Callback (ITEM_INFO);
Parameter | Type | Definition |
ITEM_INFO | ARRAY | Information describing each data item For a description of the array, see ITEM_INFO Array Layout. |
The following example calls DBLAYOUT:
This entry point sets the processing limit task name. When DBREADTRANGROUP reaches the specified task name in the audit trail, it stops processing at the next quiet point after the task's database close (if the type is AFTER) or the quiet point before the task's database open (if the type is BEFORE).
DBMTYPE procedure DBLIMITTASKNAME (TaskName, LimitType);
This entry point sets the processing limit timestamp. When DBREADTRANGROUP reaches the specified time in the audit trail, it stops processing at the next quiet point (if the type is AFTER) or the previous quiet point (if the type is BEFORE).
DBMTYPE procedure DBLIMITTIMESTAMP (Timestamp, LimitType);
Input | Type | Definition |
TIMESTAMP | REAL | The limiting timestamp in TIME (6) format |
LIMITTYPE | INTEGER | The type of limit, either BEFORE or AFTER the specified timestamp Possible values are as follows:
This entry point returns information about link items in a data set. The DBEngine option LINKS must be true, and the data set must be STANDARD, fixed-format, and unsectioned.
DBMTYPE procedure DBLinks (DSStrNum, Callback);
Input | Type | Definition |
DSSTRNUM | REAL | The structure number of the data set |
This procedure receives information about the data set. This procedure is called once for each link item.
boolean procedure Callback (ITEM_INFO);
Parameter | Type | Definition |
DSSTRNUM | BOOLEAN | The array of information describing the link item For a description of the array, see ITEM_INFO Array Layout. |
This entry point converts a date and time to a timestamp in TIME(6) form.
Input | Type | Definition |
YEAR | INTEGER | The year in four digits, 1970–2035 |
MM | INTEGER | The month in two digits, 1–12 |
DD | INTEGER | The day in two digits, 1–31 |
HH | INTEGER | The hour in two digits, 0–23 |
MN | INTEGER | The minute in two digits, 0–59 |
SS | INTEGER | The second in two digits, 0–59 |
Output | Type | Definition |
TS | REAL | The timestamp in TIME (6) form |
This entry point returns the estimated maximum number of records that are currently in the data set. The estimate is computed from the size of the file and the size of a fixed-format record. The actual number of records could be anywhere from 0 to the MAXRECORDS value.
DBMTYPE procedure DBMAXRECORDS (DSStrNum, MaxRecords);
Input | Type | Definition |
DSSTRNUM | INTEGER | The DMSII structure number of the data set |
Output | Type | Definition |
MAXRECORDS | INTEGER | The estimated maximum number of records in the data set |
This entry point estimates the maximum number of records (of a certain record type) a data set can potentially hold. When making this estimate, the procedure assumes that all of the records in the data set are the record type you specified.
If the data set contains only fixed-format records (record type 0), DBMAXRECORDSVF returns the same value that DBMAXRECORDS returns.
The estimates returned for data sets containing variable-format records are smaller than those for fixed-format data sets since variable-format records are larger.
DBMTYPE procedure DBMaxRecordsVF (DSStrNum, RecType, MaxRecords);
Input | Type | Definition |
DSSTRNUM | INTEGER | The data set structure number |
RECTYPE | INTEGER | The record type number (0 for fixed format) |
Output | Type | Definition |
MAXRECORDS | INTEGER | The estimated maximum number of records of the specified record type in the data set |
This entry point copies the text that describes the error indicated in the DBM_RESULT code field to the caller's array.
DBMTYPE procedure DBMESSAGE (DBMResult, pMessText, MessLen);
Input | Type | Definition |
DBM_RESULT | DBMTYPE | The procedure value from a prior call to an entry point |
P_MESSTEXT | POINTER | The pointer to the caller's array where the message text is copied NOTE: The caller must ensure that the array is large enough. |
Output | Type | Definition |
MESSLEN | REAL | The length of the output message in bytes |
This entry point specifies whether data set record modifications (updates) should be returned as a DELETE/CREATE pair instead of as an update. This is typically necessary for data sets that allow key changes.
The value of ALLOWED is the default value for all selected data sets. See DBSELECT and the SI_MODIFIES field in the STATE_INFO array (listed under STATE_INFO Layout for information on setting this option for a single data set. DBRESETOPTION can also be used to set this option.
DBMTYPE procedure DBMODIFIES (Allowed);
Input | Type | Definition |
ALLOWED | BOOLEAN | One of the following values:
This entry point increments or decrements a timestamp by days, hours, minutes, and/or seconds. If the adjustment is negative (as indicated by a negative number, such as -3), the timestamp is decremented.
DBMTYPE procedure DBMODIFYTIMESTAMP (Days, Hours, Minutes, Seconds, TS);
Input | Type | Definition |
DAYS | INTEGER | The number of days adjustment |
HOURS | INTEGER | The number of hours adjustment |
MINUTES | INTEGER | The number of minutes adjustment |
SECONDS | INTEGER | The number of seconds adjustment |
TS | REAL | The original timestamp in TIME (6) format |
Output | Type | Definition |
TS | REAL | The modified timestamp in TIME (6) format |
This entry point returns a NULL value for a given data item.
DBMTYPE procedure DBNULL (DSStrNum, ItemNum, NullVal);
Input | Type | Definition |
DSSTRNUM | REAL | The DMSII structure number of the data set or remap containing the data item |
ITEMNUM | REAL | The DMSII data item number, as returned in ITEMINFO [II_ITEM_NUM] For a description of the array, see ITEM_INFO Array. |
Output | Type | Definition |
NULLVAL | ARRAY | The binary image of the data item's NULL value The caller must ensure that the array is large enough to hold the NULL value. If it is too short, DBEngine resizes it so that it is just large enough. |
This entry point returns a record with all data items NULL.
DBMTYPE procedure DBNULLRECORD (DSStrNum, RecType, NullRec);
Input | Type | Definition |
DSSTRNUM | INTEGER | The DMSII structure number of the data set or remap |
RECTYPE | INTEGER | The record type number (0 for fixed format) |
Output | Type | Definition |
NULLREC | ARRAY | The binary image of a data set record with all the data items set to NULL |
This entry point finds the oldest audit location on disk, searching among audit files that have the same update level as the current DESCRIPTION file. An audit location is a set of values that define a specific position in the audit trail. DBEngine starts with the current audit file and works backwards until it cannot find an earlier audit file. Then it retrieves the first audit location in that file. For example, suppose the current audit file is 100 and the following audit files are on disk: 89–92 and 96–100. DBOLDESTAUDITLOC returns the first audit location in audit file 96.
Output | Type | Definition |
AFN | REAL | The audit file number |
ABSN | REAL | The audit block serial number |
SEG | REAL | The segment number |
INX | REAL | The word index within the audit block |
This entry point opens an audit file and returns audit file information.
DBMTYPE procedure DBOpenAudit (AFN, AUDIT_INFO);
Input | Type | Definition |
AFN | REAL | The number of the audit file to be opened |
Output | Type | Definition |
AUDIT_INFO | ARRAY | Information about the audit file For a description of the array, see AUDIT_INFO Layout. |
This entry point replaces the DBIORESULTTEXT entry point; however, you can still use DBIORESULTTEXT.
This entry point returns the error or warning message associated with an I/O result code from an OPEN, CLOSE, or RESPOND, and it copies the text describing the I/O result value into the caller's array.
procedure DBOpenResultText (OpenResult, pText, TextLen);
Input | Type | Definition |
OPENRESULT | INTEGER | The I/O result value from the OPEN, CLOSE, or RESPOND |
PTEXT | POINTER | The destination array for the error text |
Output | Type | Definition |
TEXTLEN | INTEGER | The length of the error text |
This entry point allows the client to specify various run-time processing parameter values, such as the COMMIT frequency and maximum number of WORKER tasks during a clone.
DBMTYPE procedure DBParameters (ParamType, ParamValue);
Input | Type | Definition |
PARAMTYPE | REAL | The processing parameter type Possible values are as follows:
For more information on these values, see DBPARAMETERS Processing Parameter Types. |
PARAMVALUE | REAL | The processing parameter value If the value is less than 0, the entry point discards the change. Set the value to 0 to disable the processing parameter. |
This entry point returns the structure number of the NODUPLICATES set that does not allow key changes and has the fewest key items for the given data set.
DBMTYPE procedure DBPRIMARYSET (DSStrNum, SetStrNum);
Input | Type | Definition |
DSSTRNUM | INTEGER | The structure number of the data set or remap |
Output | Type | Definition |
SETSTRNUM | INTEGER | The structure number of the set |
This entry point returns true if the caller is a privileged program or running under a privileged usercode. Otherwise, it returns false.
boolean procedure DBPrivileged;
This entry point sets the DBMESSAGE parameter values. Libraries that return standard DBMTYPE values can set the message parameter values so that DBMESSAGE fills in the parameter values correctly when an Accessory requests the message text. For related information, see DBMESSAGE.
DBMTYPE procedure DBPUTMESSAGE (Subtype, Str1, Str2, Str3, Str4);
Input | Type | Definition |
Subtype | STRING | This is the message subtype. |
Str1 | STRING | This is additional information supplied with the error. The information supplied varies with the type of error. |
STR2 | STRING | This is additional information supplied with the error. The information supplied varies with the type of error. |
STR3 | STRING | This is additional information supplied with the error. The information supplied varies with the type of error. |
STR4 | STRING | This is additional information supplied with the error. The information supplied varies with the type of error. |
This entry point receives a transaction group (up to a quiet point or super quiet point) of changes to data set records from the audit trail.
The DBREAD entry point is compatible with older Accessories. Using DBREADTRANGROUP is the preferred method.
You should also be aware that you must have selected at least one data set with DBSELECT in order to use this entry point.
DBREAD defaults to committing at the first QPT after the CHECKPOINT interval specified in the DBEngine parameter file. If you want DBREAD to commit at every QPT, call DBSETOPTION (DBV_OP_QPT_GROUP). The DBSETOPTION entry point is explained in DBSETOPTION. If the next transaction group is not available, DBREAD returns immediately with an error.
DBMTYPE procedure DBREAD (Callback);
Input | Type | Definition |
CALLBACK | BOOLEAN | The callback procedure that receives information about data set record updates found in the current transaction group |
The procedure is called back for each data set record update (CREATE, DELETE, CHANGE) found in the current transaction group.
boolean procedure Callback (Image, UPDATE_INFO);
Parameter | Type | Definition |
IMAGE | ARRAY | This array contains the record image, as determined by [UI_UPDATE_TYPE] in the UPDATE_INFO layout. The [UI_UPDATE_TYPE] will be one of the following values. For more information, see Record Change Types.
UPDATE_INFO | ARRAY | This array contains the description of the modification. See UPDATE_INFO Layout. |
The entry point reads the audit file region, starting with the indicated ABSN and block offset. The region contains an integer that is equal to the number of audit blocks. The actual word offset of the region can be computed from NEXTREGIONOFS minus REGIONSIZE.
DBMTYPE procedure DBReadAuditRegion (RegionABSN, RegionOfs, RegionSize, Region, NextRegionABSN, NextRegionOfs);
Input | Type | Definition |
REGIONABSN | INTEGER | The ABSN of the first block in the region |
REGIONOFS | INTEGER | The file-relative word offset of the first block in the region A -1 indicates that the value is unknown. |
REGIONSIZE | INTEGER | Maximum size (in words) of the region to be returned |
Output | Type | Definition |
REGION | ARRAY | The buffer containing the audit region |
NEXTREGIONABSN | INTEGER | ASBN of the first block in the next region (that is, following the region returned in the REGION array) |
NEXTREGIONOFS | INTEGER | The file-relative word offset of the next region (that is, following the region returned in the REGION array) |
REGIONSIZE | INTEGER | The size (in words) of the region returned in the REGION array |
This entry point allows an Accessory to specify the title of the FileXtract Reader library and the parameter string that is passed to the Reader library. The parameter string typically contains a file name or directory name, but the individual Reader library determines the format of the string.
The string values specified in DBREADERPARAMETER override the values specified in the logical database comment in the DASDL. However, if you leave either DBREADERPARAMETER string parameter empty, the Accessory Reader library ignores the empty parameter, and the DASDL comment prevails.
DBMTYPE procedure DBReaderParameter (LibraryTitle, Param);
Input | Type | Definition |
LIBRARYTITLE | STRING | The title of the FileXtract Reader library If this string is empty, the default title specified in the DASDL logical database comment is used instead. |
PARAM | STRING | The character string passed to the FILEREAD entry point of the FileXtract Reader library in the FileInfo array. Refer to the Databridge FileXtract Administrator's Guide for more information about Reader libraries. If this string is empty, the default parameter specified in the DASDL logical database comment is used instead. |
This entry point receives a transaction group (up to a quiet point) of changes to data set records from the audit trail.
You must have selected at least one data set with DBSELECT in order to use this entry point.
By default, the CHECKPOINT interval specified in the DBEngine parameter file determines the size of the transaction group. If you want DBREADTRANGROUP to commit at every QPT, call DBSETOPTION (DBV_OP_QPT_GROUP). The DBSETOPTION entry point is explained in DBRESETOPTION. If a transaction group is not available, DBREADTRANGROUP waits up to the amount of time specified in MAXWAITSECS for the group to become available.
DBREADTRANGROUP responds if an Accessory's EXCEPTIONEVENT or ACCEPTEVENT is caused. This ensures that the AX command works immediately.
DBMTYPE procedure DBReadTranGroup (Callback, RetrySecs, MaxWaitSecs);
Input | Type | Definition |
CALLBACK | BOOLEAN | The callback procedure that receives each data set record update found in the current transaction group |
RETRYSECS | REAL | The number of seconds between retries |
MAXWAITSECS | REAL | The maximum number of seconds to wait for a transaction group to become available Values are as follows:
This procedure receives each data set record update (CREATE, DELETE, or CHANGE), STATE_INFO update, or documentation record found in the current transaction group.
boolean procedure Callback (UPDATE_INFO, BI, AI);
Parameter | Type | Definition |
UPDATE_INFO | ARRAY | The UPDATE_INFO value describing the update For a description of the array, see UPDATE_INFO Layout. |
BI | ARRAY | The before-image of the record This array is valid only for update types DBV_DELETE and DBV_MODIFY. See Record Change Types for a description of these types. |
AI | ARRAY | The after-image of the record This array is not valid for update type DBV_DELETE. See Record Change Types for a description of this type. |
This entry point resets (turns off) the DBEngine run-time options. To set run-time options, see DBSETOPTION.
Input | Type | Definition |
OPTION | INTEGER | This specifies the option to turn off. For a description of the options, see DBSETOPTION/DBRESETOPTION Run-Time Options. |
This entry point selects which data set(s) to process with subsequent DBREADTRANGROUPs, DBREADs, or DBWAITs.
Since DBEngine returns data set records only for data sets that are specified here, you cannot able use DBREADTRANGROUP, DBREAD, or DBWAIT unless you specify a data set(s).
DBSELECT validates the data set's audit location (unless it is to be cloned) and the client format level, and it verifies that the filter allows the specified structure number and record type.
The parent of an embedded data set must be selected before selecting the embedded data set.
To deselect data sets, see DBDESELECT.
DBMTYPE procedure DBSELECT (STATE_INFO, TableName, StrIdx);
Input | Type | Definition |
STATE_INFO | ARRAY | The state of the client table, including the audit location The STATE_INFO array contains the DMSII structure number of the data set and the variable-format record type number. For a description of the array, STATE_INFO Layout. |
TABLENAME | STRING | The name of the client table DBEngine uses this name in place of the data set name in any error messages. If TABLENAME is empty, Databridge updates it to the DMSII data set name implied by the structure number in the STATE_INFO array |
Output | Type | Definition |
STRIDX | INTEGER | Unique index for this data set-record type, suitable for an array index NOTE: Remember this STRIDX because any entry point that returns the UPDATE_INFO array uses it. |
This entry point checks to see if the specified data set has been successfully selected. For related information, see DBSELECT.
The procedure returns the value DBM_OK, which equates to a value of 0, if the data set you specify has been selected with DBSELECT. If it has not been selected, the procedure returns DBM_DS_NOTFOUND (10).
DBMTYPE procedure DBSELECTED (DSStrNum, RecType);
Input | Type | Definition |
DSSTRNUM | REAL | DMSII structure number of the data set |
RECTYPE | REAL | Record type number (0 for fixed format) |
This entry point retrieves information about a set.
Input | Type | Definition |
SETSTRNUM | REAL | The structure number of the set |
Output | Type | Definition |
SET_INFO | ARRAY | The information about the set For a description of the array, see SET_INFO Layout. |
This entry point sets (enables) the DBEngine run-time options. To reset these options, see DBRESETOPTION.
DBMTYPE procedure DBSETOPTION (Option);
Input | Type | Definition |
OPTION | INTEGER | This specifies the option to turn on |
For a description of these options, see DBSETOPTION/DBRESETOPTION Run-Time Options. |
This entry point returns set names and their structure numbers for a given data set or remap.
DBMTYPE procedure DBSETS (DSStrNum, Callback);
Input | Type | Definition |
DSSTRNUM | REAL | The structure number of the target data set or remap for which the sets are to be returned |
CALLBACK | BOOLEAN | The procedure that provides information for each set |
This procedure is called once for each set it finds.
boolean procedure Callback (pSetName, Len, SetStrNum, DuplicatesAllowed, KeyChangeAllowed);
Parameter | Type | Definition |
P_SETNAME | POINTER | The pointer to a set name The caller is expected to copy the actual set name into local memory. |
LEN | REAL | The length of the set name |
SETSTRNUM | REAL | The structure number of the set |
DUPLICATESALLOWED | BOOLEAN | Set to TRUE if duplicates are allowed |
KEYCHANGEALLOWED | BOOLEAN | Set to TRUE if key changes are allowed |
This entry point returns information for each set of a given data set or remap.
DBMTYPE procedure DBSETSINFO (DSStrNum, Callback);
Input | Type | Definition |
DSSTRNUM | REAL | This is the structure number of the target data set or remap for which the sets are to be returned |
CALLBACK | BOOLEAN | The procedure that receives information for each set |
This procedure is called once for each set it finds.
boolean procedure Callback (SET_INFO);
Parameter | Type | Definition |
SET_INFO | ARRAY | This is the information describing the set For a description of the array, see SET_INFO Layout. |
This entry point converts a timestamp from TIME (6) format to a date and time in yyyy,mm,dd,hh,mn,ss form. Each component is in binary format.
Input | Type | Definition |
TS | REAL | The timestamp in TIME (6) form, such as from the UI_TIME field of UPDATE_INFO See UPDATE_INFO Layout for a description of the UI_TIME field. |
Output | Type | Definition |
YYYY | INTEGER | The year in four digits, 1970–2035 |
MM | INTEGER | The month in two digits, 1–12 |
DD | INTEGER | The day in two digits, 1–31 |
HH | INTEGER | The hour in two digits, 0–23 |
MN | INTEGER | The minute in two digits, 0–59 |
SS | INTEGER | The second in two digits, 0–59 |
This entry point splits a timestamp in TIME (60) format into separate components similar to DBSPLITTIMESTAMP.
Input | Type | Definition |
TS | REAL | Timestamp in TIME (60) format |
Output | Type | Definition |
YYYY | INTEGER | The year in four digits, 1970–2035 |
MM | INTEGER | The month in two digits, 1–12 |
DD | INTEGER | The day in two digits, 1–31 |
HH | INTEGER | The hour in two digits, 0–23 |
MN | INTEGER | The minute in two digits, 0–59 |
SS | INTEGER | The second in two digits, 0–59 |
This entry point converts the STATE_INFO array, which includes the audit location, to a readable format. The value of this entry point is the length of the resulting message.
Input | Type | Definition |
STATE_INFO | ARRAY | The state information as it is received from DBEngine For a description of the array, see STATE_INFO Layout. |
POUT | POINTER | The destination of the readable format state information |
This entry point returns statistics for the specified category. DBEngine prints a report of the statistics
collected (at EOJ) if DBEngine is compiled with $ SET STATS
, which is available as OBJECT/DATABRIDGE/ENGINE/STATS.
DBMTYPE procedure DBStatistics (StatCategory, StatDescription, STATISTICS_INFO);
Input | Type | Definition |
StatCategory | INTEGER | The statistics category number For a description of these values, see Statistics Category Values. |
This entry point returns the structure index of the specified data set or remap.
DBMTYPE procedure DBSTRIDX (DSStrNum, RecType, StrIdx);
Input | Type | Definition |
DSSTRNUM | REAL | The DMSII structure number of the data set or remap |
RECTYPE | REAL | The record type number (0 for fixed format) |
Output | Type | Definition |
STRIDX | REAL | The structure index of the specified data set or remap. This is the same value returned by DBSELECT. |
This entry point returns a structure number for the specified structure name.
DBMTYPE procedure DBSTRNUM (pStrName, StrNum);
Input | Type | Definition |
PSTRNAME | POINTER | The pointer to a structure name Any illegal character, such as a space, terminates the name. |
Output | Type | Definition |
STRNUM | REAL | The DMSII structure number |
This entry point returns a structure name for a DMSII structure number and always uses the physical database, even if the caller specifies a logical database. It also returns the name of a virtual data set when given the structure number specified in DBGenFormat.
DBMTYPE procedure DBSTRUCTURENAME (StrNum, pName, Len);
Input | Type | Definition |
STRNUM | REAL | The DMSII structure number (data set, set, remap) from UPDATE_INFO [UI_STRNUM] |
PNAME | POINTER | The pointer to the array that is to receive the structure name |
Output | Type | Definition |
LEN | REAL | The length of the structure name in bytes Characters beyond this point in the array are unchanged. |
This entry point returns information about each subset of a given data set.
DBMTYPE procedure DBSubsetsInfo (DSStrNum, Callback);
Input | Type | Definition |
DSSTRNUM | REAL | The structure number of the data set containing the subset |
This procedure receives information about the subset. It is called once for each subset.
boolean procedure Callback (SET_INFO);
Parameter | Type | Definition |
SET_INFO | BOOLEAN | The array of information describing the subset For a description of the array, see SET_INFO Layout. |
This entry point forces an audit file switch. If you write your own utility for periodically closing the audit file, you can use this entry point to actually perform the audit switch without having to give the database stack number an SM command.
You must call the DBINITIALIZE entry point before you call DBSWITCHAUDIT.
This entry point does not take any parameters.
When DBSWITCHAUDIT retries a failed switch (such as after "***VISIBLE DBS BUSY - TRY AGAIN
"), it increases the delay between retries until it is successful or until the maximum delay retry
rate (120 seconds) is exceeded. The DBM_AUDITSWITCH (109) message appears when you exceed
the maximum delay retry rate.
DBSWITCHAUDIT also performs an AUDIT CLOSE FORCE, rather than a simple AUDIT CLOSE, which makes the closed audit file available immediately instead of having to wait until two control points are generated normally.
This entry point converts the timestamp from TIME (6) format to a date and time message in displayable format.
Input | Type | Definition |
TS | REAL | The timestamp in TIME (6) form |
Output | Type | Definition |
TSSTRING | STRING | The timestamp in displayable form, as follows:month day, year @ hh:mm:ss November 25, 2009 @ 11:27:45 |
This entry point returns the database update level and update timestamp. These values correspond to the last DASDL compile.
DBMTYPE procedure DBUpdateLevel (Updatelevel, UpdateTimestamp);
Output | Type | Definition |
UPDATELEVEL | REAL | The update level of the database |
UPDATETIMESTAMP | REAL | The timestamp of the update |
This entry point provides the version number of the Databridge API file (SYMBOL/DATABRIDGE/ INTERFACE) for which DBEngine was compiled. This number must match DBV_VERSION in the API file you include in your program, as in the following example:
DIE ("Databridge ENGINE software version
real procedure DBVERSION;
This entry point receives a transaction group of changes to data set records from the audit trail. It waits up to the amount of time specified in MAXWAITSECS for the group to become available.
The DBWAIT entry point is compatible with older Accessories. Using DBREADTRANGROUP is the preferred method.
You must have also selected at least one data set with DBSELECT in order to use this entry point.
DBWAIT responds if an Accessory's EXCEPTIONEVENT or ACCEPTEVENT is caused. This ensures that the AX command works immediately.
DBMTYPE procedure DBWAIT (Callback, RetrySecs, MaxWaitSecs);
Input | Type | Definition |
RETRYSECS | REAL | The number of seconds between retries For example, a value of five means to look for more available audits every five seconds. |
MAXWAITSECS | REAL | The maximum number of seconds to wait for a transaction group to become available For example, a value of 100 means that this procedure waits a total of 100 seconds (which implies 20 retries when RETRYSECS is set to 5). Values are as follows:
CALLBACK | BOOLEAN | The procedure to call back for each data set record update (CREATE, DELETE, CHANGE), STATE_INFO update, or documentation record found in the current transaction group |
This procedure receives information about the modification.
boolean procedure Callback (Image, UPDATE_INFO);
Parameter | Type | Definition |
IMAGE | ARRAY | This array contains the record image, as follows:
UPDATE_INFO | ARRAY | This array contains the description of the modification For a description of the array, see UPDATE_INFO Layout. |
This entry point returns the DASDL source expression associated with the WHERE clause of an automatic subset or the SELECT cause of a remap.
DBMTYPE procedure DBWhereDASDL (StrNum, pDASDLText, Len);
Input | Type | Definition |
STRNUM | REAL | The structure number of the desired subset or remap |
PDASDLTEXT | POINTER | Destination for the DASDL expression |
Output | Type | Definition |
PDASDLTEXT | POINTER | Destination for the DASDL expression |
LEN | REAL | The length in bytes of the text copied into PDASDLTEXT Possible values are as follows:
This entry point returns the ALGOL source code fragment associated with the WHERE clause of an automatic subset or the SELECT clause of a remap.
DBMTYPE procedure DBWhereText (StrNum, pText, Len);
Input | Type | Definition |
STRNUM | REAL | The structure number of the desired subset or remap |
PTEXT | POINTER | The destination for the source code text |
Output | Type | Definition |
PTEXT | POINTER | Destination for the source code text |
LEN | REAL | The length in bytes of the text copied into PTEXT Possible values are as follows:
DBSupport Entry Points
Use the DBSupport library to filter and format the data you receive from DBEngine.
Security Filtering
DBSupport provides the following levels of security through filtering:
- Data set-level security—For more information, see DBVIEWABLE.
- Record-level security—For more information, see DBFILTER.
Additional Filtering.
The DBGenFormat utility can generate additional filtering routines using brief text descriptions in a parameter file. Refer to the Databridge Host Administrator's Guide for information.
In a non-tailored support library, you cannot use any data set or data item names, nor can you use any SELECT statements. Therefore, you must create a tailored support library to create effective filters.
You have access to the source code for the DBSupport library (SYMBOL/DATABRIDGE/SUPPORT) and can modify it in order to implement data filtering, data security, and other functions. (For instance, using DBFILTER.) It is strongly recommended, however, that you use DBGenFormat to provide these features if at all possible.
CAUTION: If you patch DBSupport directly rather than using declarations in DBGenFormat, make sure you observe the comments in the source that indicate where user-written patches should go. These lines are preserved from release to release; all other lines are subject to change and resequencing.
DBSupport Formatting.
By default, the data records DBEngine returns to an Accessory are not formatted. In other words, they are the binary image of the corresponding record in the DMSII database as they would appear to a COBOL program. Often these records need to be reformatted into individual fields so that an Accessory can store the fields in a more suitable format.
The DBGenFormat utility generates additional formatting routines using brief text descriptions in a parameter file. Refer to the Databridge Host Administrator's Guide for description of all default formats.
Accessories can select a format routine by setting the ACTUALNAME of the DBFORMAT entry point to one of the defined formatting routines. For details, see DBFORMAT.
You have access to the source code for the DBSupport library (SYMBOL/DATABRIDGE/SUPPORT) and can modify it in order to implement custom formatting. We strongly recommend, however, that you use DBGenFormat to provide these features if at all possible.
If you patch DBSupport directly rather than using declarations in DBGenFormat, make sure you observe the comments in the source that indicate where user-written patches should go. These lines are preserved from release to release; all other lines are subject to change and resequencing.
Using the DBSupport Entry Points.
Before you can use the entry points in the DBSupport library, you must complete the items listed in Accessing the DBEngine and DBSupport Libraries. One of these tasks is to specify a filter using DBSUPPORTINIT. When a description of a DBSupport entry point refers to a filter, it is referring to the specified filter.
The table below summarizes the DBSupport entry points and their functions, and each of these entry points is explained in detail later in this chapter. The Entry Point column in this table contains the name of the entry point, the Type column indicates the type of ALGOL procedure, and the Description column describes what the entry point does. See Entry Point Procedure Values for an explanation of the various procedure types and the values they return. DBMTYPE values are listed in the API file (SYMBOL/DATABRIDGE/INTERFACE) and the Databridge Host Administrator's Guide.
Entry Point | Type | Description |
DBCLIENTKEY | EMATYPE | Reports errors You can write your own error handling routine to analyze the error and take appropriate action. If no error handler is defined in the DBGenFormat parameter file, this entry point displays the error message and lets the Accessory decide what to do, such as whether to terminate, keep going, or do an ACCEPT. |
DBEXTRACTKEY | DBMTYPE | Extracts the primary key of a data set record |
DBFILTER | BOOLEAN | Filters records |
DBFILTEREDDATASETS | DBMTYPE | Enumerates the data set names and other information about each data set as restricted by a filter |
DBFILTEREDITEMNAME | DBMTYPE | Returns information for a data item in a data set and applies the current filter and any ALTERs |
DBFILTEREDLAYOUT | DBMTYPE | Enumerates data items in a data set as restricted by a filter |
DBFILTEREDLINKS | DBMTYPE | Returns the LINK items for a data set as allowed by the current filter |
DBFILTEREDNULLRECORD | DBMTYPE | Returns a record with all data items set to NULL |
DBFILTEREDSETS | DBMTYPE | Enumerates set names and their structure number for a data set as restricted by a filter |
DBFILTEREDSETSINFO | DBMTYPE | Enumerates information for each set of a given data set available in the filter |
DBFILTEREDSTRNUM | DBMTYPE | Returns the structure number for a data set name |
DBFILTEREDSUBSETSINFO | DBMTYPE | Enumerates information for each subset of a given data set, provided it is available in the filter |
DBFILTEREDWRITE | DBMTYPE | Performs all of the necessary filtering and formatting of an update received from DBReadTranGroup |
DBFORMAT | BOOLEAN | Formats the data record for output |
DBINITDATAERROR | DBMTYPE | Initializes data-error handling for the formatting routines |
DBINITIALIZESUPPORT | DBMTYPE | NOTE: This entry point has been replaced by the DBINITIALIZESUPPORT entry point. Verifies that the Accessory is using the same version of DBInterface and allows the DBSupport library to link to DBEngine |
DBPRIMARYKEY | DBMTYPE | Enumerates data items that form a unique key for a data set |
DBSETUP | BOOLEAN | Verifies that the Accessory is using the same versions of the Databridge interface. This also allows the DBSupport library to initialize. |
DBSUPPORTENGINE | DBMTYPE | Allows an Accessory to specify the title of the DBEngine library that DBSupport should link to |
DBSUPPORTINIT | DBMTYPE | Required. Verifies that the Accessory is using the same version of DBInterface and allows the DBSupport library to link to DBEngine NOTE: This entry point replaces the DBINITIALIZESUPPORT entry point. |
DBSUPPORTMISSINGENTRYPOINT | STRING | Returns the name of the first entry point missing from the DBSupport library code file that the Accessory expected to be present based on the interface file |
DBUNREMAPITEMINFO | DBMTYPE | Takes a remap data item number and returns item information for the data item in the original data set |
DBVIEWABLE | BOOLEAN | Determines whether a data set is viewable for userdefined data set filtering |
The client calls this entry point to indicate the primary key it is using for a structure. The formatting routines will then send both the BeforeImage and AfterImage of a modify if the key value changed.
DBMTYPE procedure DBClientKey (StrIdx, KeyCount, KeyList);
Input | Type | Definition |
StrIdx | INTEGER | Structure index of a selected data set |
KeyCount | INTEGER | Number of key items in KeyList |
KeyList | REAL ARRAY | LIst of item numbers of keys |
Accessories call this entry point to report errors. You can write your own error handling routine to analyze the error and take appropriate action. You must declare any error handler you create in the DBGenFormat parameter file (see Error Handling Routines for more information about error handling routines). If no error handler is defined in the DBGenFormat parameter file, this entry point displays the error message and lets the Accessory decide what to do, such as whether to terminate, keep going, or do an ACCEPT.
EMATYPE procedure DBErrorManager (AccessoryID, ErrNbr, pErrMsg, ErrMsgLen);
Input | Type | Definition |
ACCESSORYID | AIDTYPE | The ID number of the Accessory AIDTYPE values are listed in Types, Values, and Array Layouts. |
ERRNBR | DBMTYPE | The error number Error numbers are listed in the Databridge Host Administrator's Guide. |
PERRMSG | POINTER | The error message text Error messages are listed in the Databridge Host Administrator's Guide. |
ERRMSGLEN | REAL | The length of the error message in bytes |
The following code shows how DBSpan calls DBErrorManager:
case DBErrorManager (DBV_Span, DMR, Msg, offset (pMsg)) of
DBV_Default: % Accessory can decide
DBV_Fatal: % Accessory should terminate
Fatal := true;
DBV_Ignore: % Accessory should continue
Fatal := false;
DBV_Retry: % Accessory should retry the operation
Fatal := false;
if DMR ^= DBM_OK then % still an error
WriteMsg (MSG_ERROR);
if Fatal then
display (Msg);
This entry point extracts the primary key of a data set record.
DBMTYPE procedure DBEXTRACTKEY (DSStrNum, Record, Key);
Input | Type | Definition |
DSSTRNUM | INTEGER | The structure number of the data set whose primary key you want to extract |
RECORD | ARRAY | Unformatted data set record from the audit trail from DBREADTRANGROUP, DBREAD, or DBWAIT |
Output | Type | Definition |
KEY | ARRAY | The primary key value for the record The caller must ensure that this array is large enough to hold the key value; otherwise, a SEG ARRAY ERROR may occur. |
This entry point allows you to apply user-defined record filtering. Use it for record security and selection.
The procedure value can be the following:
- TRUE—The record meets the criteria, so the caller should continue to process the record.
- FALSE—The caller should discard the record.
- Boolean (DBV_WRONGLEVEL)—The record has a different format level than the filter. Recompile the DBSupport library.
- Boolean (DBV_BAD_STRNUM)—The record is for an unknown data set. Recompile the DBSupport library.
boolean procedure DBFILTER (UserRec, UI);
Input | Type | Definition |
USERREC | ARRAY | Unformatted data set record from the audit trail |
UI | ARRAY | Description of the modification For a description of the array, see UPDATE_INFO Layout. |
You have access to the source code for the DBSupport library (SYMBOL/DATABRIDGE/SUPPORT) and can modify it in order to implement data filtering, data security, and other functions. We strongly recommend, however, that you use DBGenFormat to provide these features if at all possible. See the Databridge Host Administrator's Guide for more information on DBGenFormat.
Make sure you observe the comments in the source that indicate where user-written patches should go. These lines are preserved from release to release; all other lines are subject to change and resequencing.
This entry point returns data set names and other information about each data set in the filter. If the filter discards all records from a particular data set, that data set's information is not returned.
DBMTYPE procedure DBFilteredDatasets (Callback);
Input | Type | Definition |
CALLBACK | BOOLEAN | The procedure that receives information for each data set |
This procedure receives information about each data set in the filter.
boolean procedure Callback (pDSName, Len, DATASET_INFO);
Parameter | Type | Definition |
PDSNAME | POINTER | The pointer to a data set name The calling program must copy this name into its local memory. |
LEN | REAL | The length of the data set name |
DATASET_INFO | ARRAY | Information about the data set For a description of the array, see DATABASE_INFO Layout. |
This entry point returns information for a data item in a data set or remap and applies the current filter and any ALTERs. See Altered Data Sets for more information on ALTERs.
This entry point supports virtual data sets. For more information on virtual data sets, see Virtual Data Sets.
DBMTYPE procedure DBFilteredItemInfo (DSStrNum, RecType, ItemNum, ITEM_INFO);
This entry point returns information for a data item in a data set as restricted by a filter and any ALTERs.
DBMTYPE procedure DBFilteredItemName (DSStrNum, RecType, ItemName,ITEM_INFO);
Input | Type | Definition |
DSSTRNUM | REAL | The structure number of the desired data set |
RECTYPE | REAL | The record type of the desired data set |
ITEMNAME | STRING | The name of the data item whose information is to be returned |
Output | Type | Definition |
ITEM_INFO | ARRAY | The information for the data item For a description of the array, see ITEM_INFO Array Layout. |
This entry point returns data items in a data set or remap as restricted by a filter and any ALTERs.
DBMTYPE procedure DBFilteredLayout (DSStrNum, RecType, Callback);
Input | Type | Definition |
DSSTRNUM | REAL | The structure number of the data set or remap that contains the data items you want to return |
RECTYPE | REAL | The record type number (0 for fixed format) |
CALLBACK | BOOLEAN | The procedure that receives information about each data item |
This procedure receives information about each data item in the data set or remap.
boolean procedure Callback (ITEM_INFO);
Output | Type | Definition |
ITEM_INFO | ARRAY | Information about the data item For a description of the array, see ITEM_INFO Array Layout. |
This entry point returns the link items for a data set as restricted by the filter.
DBMTYPE procedure DBFilteredLinks (DSStrNum, Callback);
Input | Type | Definition |
DSSTRNUM | REAL | The structure number of the desired data set |
This procedure receives information about the link items in a data set. This procedure is called once for each link item.
boolean procedure Callback (ITEM_INFO);
Parameter | Type | Definition |
ITEM_INFO | ARRAY | The array of information describing a link item in the data set For a description of the array, see ITEM_INFO Array Layout. |
This entry point returns a record with all data items set to NULL. The record layout reflects the filter and any ALTERs.
DBMTYPE procedure DBFilteredNullRecord (DSStrNum, RecType, NullRec);
Input | Type | Definition |
DSSTRNUM | INTEGER | The structure number of the data set or remap |
RECTYPE | INTEGER | The record type number (0 for fixed format) |
Output | Type | Definition |
NULLREC | ARRAY | A binary image of a data set record with all data items set to NULL |
This entry point returns set names and their structure numbers for a data set or remap as restricted by a filter. If a set contains a key that the filter does not allow, the set is not returned to the calling program.
DBMTYPE procedure DBFilteredSets (DSStrNum, Callback);
Input | Type | Definition |
DSSTRNUM | REAL | The structure number of the data set or remap for which you want to return sets |
CALLBACK | BOOLEAN | The procedure that receives information for each set |
This procedure receives information about each set of the specified data set or remap in the filter.
boolean procedure Callback (pSetName, Len, SetStrNum, DuplicatesAllowed, KeyChangeAllowed);
Parameter | Type | Definition |
P_SETNAME | POINTER | The pointer to the set name The calling program must copy this name to its memory |
LEN | REAL | The length of the set name |
STRNUM | REAL | The structure number of the set |
DUPLICATESALLOWED | BOOLEAN | One of the following:
KEYCHANGEALLOWED | BOOLEAN | One of the following:
This entry point returns information for each set of a given data set or remap, as restricted by the filter. If a set contains a key that the filter does not allow, the set is not returned to the calling program.
DBMTYPE procedure DBFilteredSetsInfo (DSStrNum, Callback);
Input | Type | Definition |
DSSTRNUM | REAL | The structure number of the data set or remap that is the target of the returned sets |
CALLBACK | BOOLEAN | The procedure that receives information for each set |
This procedure receives information for each set of the data set or remap as restricted by the filter.
boolean procedure Callback (SET_INFO);
Parameter | Type | Definition |
SET_INFO | ARRAY | The information describing the set For a description of the array, see SET_INFO Layout. |
This entry point returns the structure number for a data set or remap name, including virtual data sets. If the filter does not allow the specified data set or remap, the entry point returns an error.
DBMTYPE procedure DBFilteredStrNum (pDSName, DSStrNum);
Input | Type | Definition |
PDSNAME | POINTER | The pointer to a data set name Any illegal character, such as a space, terminates the name. |
Output | Type | Definition |
DSSTRNUM | REAL | The structure number for the specified data set or remap |
This entry point returns information about each subset of a given data set or remap, as restricted by the filter.
DBMTYPE procedure DBFilteredSubsetsInfo (DSStrNum, Callback);
Input | Type | Definition |
DSSTRNUM | REAL | The structure number of the data set that is the target of the subsets |
CALLBACK | BOOLEAN | The procedure that receives information for each subset |
This procedure receives information about the subset. This procedure is called once for each subset.
boolean procedure Callback (SET_INFO);
Parameter | Type | Definition |
SET_INFO | BOOLEAN | The array of information describing the subset For a description of the array, see SET_INFO Layout. |
This entry point performs all of the necessary filtering and formatting of an update received from DBREADTRANGROUP.
DBFILTEREDWRITE determines two things from UPDATE_INFO as follows:
- Whether to send only the after-image or both the before- and after-images to be modified.
- Whether or not a modify causes a change in the DBFILTER result and sends the appropriate update type. For example, if the update causes the DBFILTER result to change from FALSE to TRUE, DBFILTEREDWRITE sends the update as a CREATE. A change from TRUE to FALSE causes a DELETE.
Procedure values include:
- DBM_OK (0)—The record was written.
- DBM_FILTERED_OUT (104)—The record was not written because it did not satisfy the WHERE condition.
- DBM_FORMAT_ERROR (91)—The formatting routine encountered an error.
- DBM_COMP_SUPPORT (96)—DBSupport needs to be recompiled.
DBMTYPE procedure DBFilteredWrite (UI, BI, AI, DBFormat, Writer)
Input | Type | Definition |
UI | ARRAY | The UPDATE_INFO describing the update For a description of the array, see UPDATE_INFO Layout. |
BI | ARRAY | The before-image of the record |
AI | ARRAY | The after-image of the record |
DBFORMAT | BOOLEAN | The formatting routine to call |
WRITER | BOOLEAN | The procedure to call to return the formatted record |
This procedure receives information about the formatted record.
boolean procedure writer (P, Chars);
Output | Type | Definition |
P | POINTER | The pointer to the formatted record |
CHARS | REAL | The length of the formatted record in bytes |
This entry point formats a data record for output. This is the default format, which is a binary image of the corresponding record in the database as it would appear to a COBOL program. RAWFORMAT is an alias for this formatting routine.
The procedure value can be any DBMTYPE result code.
DBMTYPE procedure DBFORMAT (UserRec, UI, Callback);
Input | Type | Definition |
USERREC | ARRAY | An unformatted data set record from the audit trail |
UI | ARRAY | A description of the modification For a description of the array, see UPDATE_INFO Layout. |
CALLBACK | DBMTYPE | The procedure to call with the formatted record |
This procedure receives information about the formatted record.
DBMTYPE procedure Callback (P, Chars);
Parameter | Type | Definition |
P | POINTER | The pointer to the formatted record |
CHARS | REAL | The length of the formatted record in bytes |
UPDATE_INFO | ARRAY | A description of the modification. For a description of the array, see the UPDATE_INFO Layout. |
RawImage | ARRAY | The original unformatted record |
Additional Options
Databridge includes several other formats, which DBGenFormat produces from its parameter file. The release object code (executable program) for the DBSupport library contains predefined formatting routines corresponding to the format declarations in DATA/GENFORMAT/SAMPLE/ CONTROL.
For more information, see the Databridge Host Administrator's Guide.
An Accessory typically refers only to DBFORMAT. By changing the ACTUALNAME of DBFORMAT, however, you can redirect any calls to DBFORMAT to another formatting routine such as FIXEDFORMAT. This allows the Accessory to dynamically select the formatting routine while keeping a simple call to DBFORMAT.
This example shows how to redirect calls from DBFORMAT to another formatting routine.
% get the format name
Layout Information
The DBFORMAT routines in a non-tailored DBSupport library load new layout information as necessary. For example, if a data set is reorganized, DBFORMAT loads the new layout when it receives records with the new layout. The generic formatting routines check the DESCRIPTION file for layout information.
This entry point initializes data-error handling for the formatting routines. When the formatting routines detect one of the specified error conditions during subsequent processing, they call the indicated procedure, DataError_Output. (The DBINITDATAERROR entry point itself does not call DataError_Output.)
DBMTYPE procedure DBINITDATAERROR (DataError_Options, DataError_Output);
Input | Type | Definition |
DATAERROR_OPTIONS | BOOLEAN | Each bit specifies the type of data error checking to perform For a description of these error types, see Data Error Types. |
DATAERROR_OUTPUT | BOOLEAN | Procedure to call when a formatting routine detects a data error. |
This procedure receives information about the error message.
boolean procedure DataError_Output (P, Chars);
Parameter | Type | Definition |
P | POINTER | The pointer to the data error message |
CHARS | REAL | The length of the data error message in bytes |
You should use the DBSUPPORTINIT entry point instead of DBINITIALIZESUPPORT. This entry point is not the preferred method for initializing the DBSupport library.
If you use this entry point, you must first specify the filter and format names in the Accessory using the LIBPARAMETER attribute of DBSupport. (The Accessory cannot specify a transform using this entry point.) DBINITIALIZESUPPORT provides backward compatibility for existing Accessories. All new Accessories use DBSUPPORTINIT.
This entry point verifies that the DBInterface version of the Accessory, DBSupport, and DBEngine are all compatible. If the DBInterface versions used to compile DBEngine, DBSupport, or the Accessory do not match, it returns DBM_VER_MISMATCH (115). If the versions match, DBINITIALIZESUPPORT installs the designated filter and format and returns DBM_OK.
An Accessory must call this entry point (if not DBSUPPORTINIT) before calling any other DBSupport entry points. See Accessing the DBEngine and DBSupport Libraries for more information.
Before calling DBINITIALIZESUPPORT, the Accessory must specify the name of the filter and format DBSupport should use in all of its routines. To specify the filter and format names, set the LIBPARAMETER string library attribute of DBSupport to the filter name followed by a space and the format name as in the following example:
If you do not set LIBPARAMETER to the name of a filter, DBSupport defaults to the predefined DBFILTER, which allows everything.
define DBInitializeSupport (AccessoryVersion, AccessoryID) = DBSupportInit
(AccessoryVersion, AccessoryID, head (Support.LIBPARAMETER, not " "),
tail (tail (Support.LIBPARAMETER, not " "), " "), empty) #;
Input | Type | Definition |
ACCESSORYVERSION | REAL | The version of the Databridge Interface used to compile the Accessory |
ACCESSORYID | STRING | A description of the Accessory to insert in the error message |
This entry point returns data items that form a unique key for a data set. The key is either user- defined (in DBGenFormat) or is the key of the set with the fewest key items that does not allow duplicates.
DBMTYPE procedure DBPRIMARYKEY (DSStrNum, Callback);
Input | Type | Definition |
DSSTRNUM | INTEGER | The structure number of the data set or remap for which you want a primary key |
CALLBACK | BOOLEAN | The procedure that receives information for each key item |
This procedure receives information about the data item that forms the unique key.
boolean procedure Callback (ItemNum, Descending);
Input | Type | Definition |
ITEMNUM | INTEGER | The item number of the data item, as in ITEM_INFO [II_ITEM_NUM] |
DESCENDING | BOOLEAN | TRUE if the item is descending |
Use the DBSUPPORTINIT entry point instead of DBSETUP. This entry point is not the preferred method for initializing the DBSupport library. If you use this entry point rather than DBSUPPORTINIT, you cannot specify a filter or format name. They default to DBFILTER and DBFORMAT respectively.
This entry point checks the versions of the Databridge API and initializes the DBSupport library. Your program must call this entry point, if not DBSUPPORTINIT, before calling any other entry points in DBSupport. The success of the procedure is reflected in the Boolean procedure value, as follows:
- TRUE—The version number is correct, and the DBSupport library is initialized.
- FALSE—The initialization failed.
boolean procedure DBSETUP (Caller_Version);
Input | Type | Definition |
CALLER_VERSION | REAL | The version of the API file you used to compile your program |
This entry point allows an Accessory to specify the title of the DBEngine library that DBSupport should link to. Contact Micro Focus for additional information.
This entry point replaces the DBINITIALIZESUPPORT entry point; however, DBINITIALIZESUPPORT is provided for backward compatibility.
An Accessory must call this entry point first to verify that the DBInterface version of the Accessory, DBSupport, and DBEngine are all compatible and to allow the DBSupport library to link to DBEngine.
If the Accessory, DBEngine, and DBSupport are not all compiled against the same version of DBInterface, this entry point returns a DBM_VER_MISMATCH message.
DBMTYPE procedure DBSupportInit (AccessoryVersion, AccessoryID,
FilterName, FormatName, TransformName);
Input | Type | Definition |
ACCESSORYVERSION | REAL | The version of the API file you used to compile your program |
ACCESSORYID | STRING | A string describing the Accessory that prefixes an error message |
FILTERNAME | STRING | The name of the filter to use If you do not specify a filter, the default is DBFILTER. |
FORMATNAME | STRING | The name of the format to use If you do not specify a format, the default is DBFORMAT. |
TRANSFORMNAME | STRING | The name of the transform to use If you do not specify a transform, the default is DBTRANSFORM. |
This entry point returns the name of the first entry point missing from the DBSupport library code file that the Accessory expected to be present based on the interface file.
string procedure DBSUPPORTMissingEntryPoint;
string MissingEP;
MissingEP := DBSUPPORTMissingEntryPoint;
if MissingEP NEQ empty then
display ("Missing DBSupport entry point " !!
This entry point takes a remap data item number and returns item information for the data item in the original data set.
In the following example, if R remaps D, and you pass this procedure the structure number of R and the item number of R2, it returns ITEMINFO for D1. The item name in ITEMINFO, for example, will be D1.
If the item number is for RVIRT, the routine zeros out the ITEMINFO because it is a VIRTUAL and, therefore, has no original data item information.
D1 ALPHA (6);
D2 NUMBER (12);
R2 = D1;
DBMTYPE procedure DBUnRemapItemInfo (RemapStrNum, RemapRecType,
RemapItemNum, ITEM_INFO);
Input | Type | Definition |
REMAPSTRNUM | INTEGER | The structure number of the remap |
REMAPRECTYPE | INTEGER | The record type containing the remap item (0 for fixed-format) |
REMAPITEMNUM | INTEGER | The number of the data item for which to return information |
Ouput | Type | Definition |
ITEM_INFO | ARRAY | The item information about the original data set item For a description of the array, see ITEM_INFO Array Layout. |
This entry point determines if a structure is viewable (for user-defined data set filtering). The Boolean procedure values are as follows:
- TRUE—The caller can see the data set.
- FALSE—The caller cannot see the data set.
boolean procedure DBVIEWABLE (DSStrNum);
Input | Type | Definition |
DSSTRNUM | REAL | The DMSII structure number |