0000-0899 - DBEngine
Error code | Message and description |
0000 |
OK This is a notification that the last call to a DBEngine entry point was completed without error. |
0001 |
Commit transaction group This is a notification that DBEngine encountered the end of a transaction group. The accessory should now commit all updates it has received for this group. |
0002 |
Abort transaction group DBEngine has encountered an indication that the current transaction group was aborted. The accessory should discard all updates it has received in this transaction group. |
0003 |
Caller canceled An accessory’s callback procedure returned a FALSE, which indicates that it does not want to receive any more callbacks. |
0004 |
Invalid database name: name An accessory passed an invalid database name to an entry point. Check the input to the accessory and try again. |
0005 |
Invalid database name: name An accessory passed an invalid database name to an entry point. Check the input to the accessory and try again. |
0006 |
Invalid database name: name An accessory passed an invalid database name to an entry point. Check the input to the accessory and try again. |
0007 |
message where message is one of the following messages: "Active (usercode)database audit file afn is unavailable" The audit file is still in use by the Accessroutines. This is normal and indicates that the accessory should stop. "Active (*usercode*)database audit file *afn* has no more audit available" Databridge Plus has gathered all of the updates from the current audit file up to the last QPT. "(usercode)database Audit file afn is an incorrect audit file number" DBEngine was given an AFN less than one or greater than 9999. Check the values that the accessory passes to DBEngine to make sure they’re not invalid. "Another program opened (usercode)database audit file afn EXCLUSIVE" A different program has opened the audit file with the EXCLUSIVE attribute set to TRUE. Rerun the accessory when that program has finished. "(usercode)database Audit file afn was not found" An operator entered a mixnumber NF command to indicate that the audit file is not available. Reload the audit file and run the accessory again. "( usercode ) database Audit file afn missing section"Reload the missing sections of the audit file and run the accessory again. "(<i>usercode</i>)database Audit file <i>afn</i> is offline" The audit file is archived offline. Retrieve the audit file, load it, and run the accessory again. "(*usercode*)database Audit file *afn* is unavailable (no family packname)" The pack that contains the audit file is unavailable. Make the pack ready and rerun the accessory. "(*usercode*)database Audit file *afn* does not exist because the database was never updated." The database has never been updated by an application program and no audit files exist. Run an application program that updates the database and then rerun the accessory. |
0008 |
Missing DESCRIPTION file for Audit file update level updatelevel DBEngine cannot find a DMSII DESCRIPTION file that is compatible with the audit file. updatelevel gives the DMSII update level for the audit file. Copy the DESCRIPTION file that has the compatible update level from one of the following backups and rerun the accessory: DESCRIPTION/*databasename*/*updatelevel* *updatelevel*/DESCRIPTION/*databasename* This message can also appear when creating the secondary database if the primary database was dumped before an update program was run following the DASDL update to add the DBTWINCONTROL data set. If so, complete the procedure "Cloning Procedure on the Primary System," in the Databridge Twin Administrator's Guide, starting at step 2. Additionally, make sure that you copied the primary database DESCRIPTION file to the secondary side before compiling the (modified) secondary database DASDL. If you didn't, copy the DESCRIPTION file and complete "Installing Databridge Twin to the Secondary System," starting at step 6. |
0009 |
Audit file afn: Unexpected end-of-file DBEngine encountered an unexpected end-of-file error while reading the audit file given by afn. Most likely the audit file is corrupted. Use COPYAUDIT to reload the audit file from a backup and then rerun the accessory. |
0010 |
Data set structurenumber not selected An accessory requested information for a data set that it had not previously selected via the DBSELECT entry point. structurenumber is the structure number of the data set that was not previously selected. This typically indicates a problem in a user-written accessory. Check the userwritten source code and try again. |
0011 |
Invalid audit location for datasetname; value_2 must be from value_3 to value_4 An accessory tried to select a data set but gave an invalid audit location: datasetname: indicates the data set value_2: is the name of the audit location component that is invalid value_3 and value_4 :give the legal range for that component Check the input to the accessory. If the accessory is Span, check the Span parameter file to make sure that all of the audit locations have legal values. Correct any illegal values and try again. |
0012 |
Invalid dataset structure number: structurenumber An accessory passed an invalid data set structure number to an entry point. structurenumber in this case is not a data set in the DMSII database. Instead, it could be one of the following: The structure number for a set. In this case, check the input to the accessory and correct the structure number. —or— If the accessory specified a logical database, it could be a data set that exists in the physical database but not in the logical database. In this case, select a different logical or physical database. |
0013 |
Out of room in array arrayname DBEngine was unable to allocate more memory for one of its internal arrays. If this error occurs consistently, report this error to Technical Support. |
0014 |
Invalid attribute number attrnum The accessory requested file attribute information but gave an invalid file attribute number. |
0019 |
No datasets or remaps selected An accessory requested updates from DBEngine, but it did not previously select any data sets or remaps. |
0020 |
Table reorganization required for datasetname; DMS dataset level = updatelevel, Table level = clienttablelevel The DMSII update (format) level for datasetname does not match the update level for the corresponding client table. After making any necessary changes to the table in the client database, update the client table level information to match the DMSII update level for datasetname. This message applies to any accessory that calls the DBREAD entry point in DBEngine. |
0021 |
Table purge required for clienttablename The audit trail contains a record indicating a selected data set was initialized (using DMUTILITY). Purge the table in the client database and then set the mode value back to normal (2) for that table. This message applies to any accessory that calls the DBREAD entry point in DBEngine. |
0022 |
Database timestamp mismatch: Audit file has timestamp, DESCRIPTION file has timestamp The database timestamp in the audit file does not match the database timestamp in the DESCRIPTION file. Find the correct DESCRIPTION file and make it available to Databridge. |
0023 |
Array is too short: arrayname An accessory passed an array as a parameter to one of the DBEngine entry points, but the array was shorter than DBEngine expected. Typically, this error occurs when an accessory is not recompiled with the current version of the Databridge Interface. Recompile the accessory with the current Databridge interface and try again. |
0024 |
filetitle is not available DBEngine could not locate the database CONTROL file. Locate the DMSII database CONTROL file and make it available to Databridge. Make sure you check security access restrictions. |
0025 |
databasename is not an audited database The requested database is not an audited database. Databridge can use only audited databases. |
0026 |
modevalue is an invalid mode for datasetname An accessory tried to select a data set with an invalid mode value. (The mode value indicates whether the data set should be cloned, processed normally, etc.) In this case, set the mode to the correct value, as follows: Mode = 0 The data set needs to be cloned. Mode = 1 The data set is in the fix up phase Mode = 2 The data set is in the update phase Mode = 3 The data set was reorganized. Mode = 4 The data set was purged This message applies to any accessory that calls the DBSELECT entry point in DBEngine. NOTE: Mode values also apply to the Databridge Clients. In the Databridge Client's Administrator’s Guide, look for ds_mode in the client control tables. |
0027 |
datasetname does not have a set with a unique key An accessory tried to initiate cloning for the data set (indicated by datasetname) which does not have a NO DUPLICATES set. Cloning of certain types of data sets requires a NO DUPLICATES set. One option is to define a primary key for the data set. |
0028 |
Databridge not initialized The accessory called an entry point in DBEngine that requires a previous (successful) call of DBINITIALIZE, which determines the database being replicated. Check your user-written accessory to make sure you initialize DBEngine before you call any other entry points. |
0029 |
DMS Error: subtype subtype contains the text of a DMS error message. Consult your Unisys DMSII manuals for more information on this message. |
0030 |
Invalid set structure number: number An accessory passed an invalid set structure number to an entry point. number in this case is not a set in the DMSII database. Instead, it could be one of the following: The structure number for a data set. In this case, check the input to the accessory and correct the structure number. —or— If the accessory specified a logical database, it could be a set that exists in the physical database but not in the logical database. In this case, select a different logical or physical database. |
0031 |
Invalid data item number: itemnumber not found in dataset The accessory passed an invalid data item number to an entry point. The data set does not have a data item with that number. Most likely, the accessory passed the wrong data set and/or item number to the DBNULL entry point. Correct the user-written accessory. Note that the DBLAYOUT entry point returns information about individual data items, including their item numbers. |
0032 |
Invalid variable format record type number for dataset #structurenumber The accessory passed an invalid record type number for a variable format data set. Check your user-written accessory for the variable format record type number. The DBDATASETS and DBDATASETINFO entry points return information about valid record types |
0033 |
tablename: Audit location mismatch, subtype = value is wrong. Check for DMS rollback. tablename is the accessory-supplied name, which defaults to the data set name. subtype indicates which component of the audit location is incorrect, for example, the ABSN or INX. value contains the value of that component. This error could indicate that the DMSII database was rolled back. If so, roll back the client database as well. This message applies to any accessory that uses the DBSELECT entry point. This error can also occur if you attempt a roll back but have an invalid timestamp. |
0034 |
Internal error: Invalid node in DESCRIPTION file DBEngine encountered an error reading the DESCRIPTION file. If this error occurs consistently, report this error to Technical Support. |
0035 |
Internal error: Invalid STR index in procedurename DBEngine generated an invalid structure index. If this error occurs consistently, report this error to Technical Support. |
0036 |
Embedded dataset not supported: #structurenumber structurename An accessory tried to select an embedded data set for processing. Databridge does not support certain types of embedded data sets at this time. In order to clone an ORDERED or COMPACT data set, NO DUPLICATES must be set. structurenumber contains the structure number of the embedded data set. structurename contains the embedded data set name. |
0037 |
Database does not have a global record An accessory tried to select the global data set for processing but the database does not have a global data set. |
0038 |
Set setname does not have any keys An accessory requested the keys for a set but the set does not have a key. setname contains the set name. This is an informational message. |
0039 |
Invalid structure index: number An accessory requested the name of a structure but gave an invalid number for the structure index. (The structure index is not the same as the structure number. It is the unique number returned by DBSELECT.) In this case, correct the user-written accessory to request a valid number for the structure index. |
0040 |
Database name databasename not found An accessory requested a database, but DBEngine could not find the database indicated by databasename. In this case, check the following:
0041 |
Access to databasename denied until day @ time Access to databasename denied by operator QUIT Access to databasename denied by guardfile databasename indicates the logical or physical database name. This error can occur in any of the following cases:
0042 |
Missing DMSUPPORTlibrary for update level updatelevel DBEngine could not locate the DMSUPPORT library that corresponds to the indicated update level. DBEngine first reads the DMSUPPORT file title specified in the DASDL. The default is DMSUPPORT/databasename . It tries to link to DMSUPPORT using the following titles in order until it finds the one with the correct update level and update timestamp: normalname/updatelevel<br>updatelevel/normalname<br>normalname The error indicates that these files do not exist or they have the wrong update level and/or timestamp. To resolve this, find the correct DMSUPPORT library and copy it as normalname/updatelevel or updatelevel/normalname where the DASDL says DMSUPPORT is located. |
0043 |
Parent of datasetname must be selected datasetname indicates the name of an embedded data set. This occurs when an accessory tries to use the DBSELECT entry point without first selecting the parent of the embedded data set. To resolve this error, correct the user-written accessory to use DBSELECT for the parent data set first. In the Span, make sure the parameter file entries for parents precede the corresponding entries for embedded data sets. |
0044 |
DBTWINCONTROL data items are incorrect The DBTWINCONTROL data set for Databridge Twin Client must have a certain layout of data items. This error indicates that the data set does not have the proper layout. In this case, check the file PATCH/DATABRIDGE/TWIN/DASDL and make sure you inserted it exactly as is into both the primary database and secondary database DASDLs. See the Databridge Twin Client Administrator’s Guide for more information. |
0045 |
Error reading file: filename This error indicates an I/O error on a file. filename is the name of the file. Possible reasons are as follows:
0047 |
Database must have the INDEPENDENTTRANS option set This message applies to Databridge Twin. Modify the DASDL to set the INDEPENDENTTRANS option and then recompile the DASDL. Databridge Twin supports databases only when the INDEPENDENTTRANS and AUDIT options are set. |
0048 |
Missing audit location information. Please run DBTwin with the LOAD or LOCATION command.This message applies to Databridge Twin and indicates that there are no records in the DBTWINCONTROL (restart) data set. Before you attempt to run Databridge Twin in normal tracking mode, you must do one of the following:
-or- |
0049 |
Missing Database-Stack-Terminate record at end of afn. This message indicates that Databridge Twin could not find the DBST (Database-Stack-Terminate) record that marks the end of the loaded dump. afn is the number of the last audit file it tried. Remove the secondary database and all of its audit files and start Databridge Twin with the LOAD command again. |
0050 |
Checksum error on Audit file afn ABSN absn DBEngine has detected a checksum error in the audit file number afn at audit block serial number absn. This indicates that the audit file is corrupted. To resolve this, use COPYAUDIT to reload a valid copy of the audit file from backup. |
0051 |
Internal error: Structure structurenumber not found in SIB DBEngine could not find the structure indicated by structurenumber in the Structure Information Block (SIB) of the database. This is an internal error in DBEngine. Report this to Technical Support. |
0052 |
DESCRIPTION file property level is too old The database DESCRIPTION file you are trying to read was generated with an old version of DMSII. You must recompile the database with more current DMSII software before you can use Databridge. |
0053 |
Audit file format level is too old The database audit file Databridge is trying to read was generated with an old version of DMSII. You must recompile the database with more current DMSII software before you can use Databridge. |
0054 |
DESCRIPTION file property level is value_1 but Databridge is value_2 The database DESCRIPTION file you are trying to use was generated with a newer version of DMSII than Databridge was compiled for. Databridge might continue to work properly or it might not. Contact Technical Support for a newer version of Databridge. |
0055 |
DESCRIPTION file was compiled with DASDL n.n This message is displayed with the previous message (0054) for diagnostic purposes. It indicates the SSR of the DASDL compiler that built the DESCRIPTION file. |
0056 |
Databridge is not qualified on this DMSII release Databridge has not been tested using the version of DMSII you have. Contact Technical Support for a newer version of Databridge. |
0057 |
Internal error: procedurename reference not initialized This is an internal error in the DBEngine. Report this to Technical Support. |
0058 |
DMUTILITY failed Databridge Twin tried to run DMUTILITY to initialize a data set but DMUTILITY failed. Contact the database administrator to determine the cause. |
0059 |
Repositioning tape from word value_1 to word value_2 This is an informational message that indicates DBEngine is rewinding the audit tape to an earlier block. On some tape drives, for example, compressing drives, this would normally cause errors because they cannot read backwards or position to an earlier block. DBEngine will rewind the tape and attempt to read forward to the block you want. |
0060 |
Bad current block size in Audit afn and SEG seg DBEngine attempted to read the next audit block but found an invalid size for the current audit block. This could be the result of a corrupted audit file or an accessory passing an invalid audit location to DBEngine when calling DBSELECT. afn is audit file number. seg is segment number. To resolve this message, try the following:
0061 |
Audit file afn format level is AFLevel but Databridge is DBLevel The database audit file you are trying to use was generated with a newer version of DMSII than Databridge was compiled for. Databridge might continue to work properly or it might not. Contact Technical Support for a newer version of Databridge. afn is audit file number. AFLevel is audit file format level number. DBLevel is audit file format level when Databridge was compiled. |
0062 |
Audit file was generated with DMSII n.n This message is displayed with message 0061 for diagnostic purposes. It indicates the SSR of the Accessroutines that wrote the audit file. |
0063 |
Extracting for datasetname DBEngine has started reading records in datasetname. This is an informational message. |
0064 |
Reading fixup records DBEngine completed reading records from the database and is now applying the audit records that were generated during the extract phase. This is an informational message only. |
0065 |
Finished reading fixup records DBEngine completed reading the audit records generated during the extract phase. This is an informational message. |
0066 |
Audit location: AFN = afn ABSN = absn (num %) This message appears in response to a Databridge Twin AX STATUS command. It provides Databridge Twin’s location in the primary database audit file.afn is audit file number.absn is audit block serial number.num is percentage of audit file processed. |
0067 |
Audit time: timestamp This message appears in response to a Databridge Twin AX STATUS command and displays the audit location via the timestamp value. |
0068 |
subtype Create: value_1 Modify: value_2 Delete: value_3 This message appears in response to a Databridge Twin AX STATUS command to Databridge Twin. It indicates the number of records replicated to the client database.
0069 |
Waiting for AFN afn to become available DBEngine is waiting for an audit file to become available. Typically this occurs when DBEngine attempts to read an audit file that is in use by the Accessroutines.This message may appear in response to a Databridge Twin AX STATUS command. |
0070 |
Terminating at end of transaction group This message indicates that the accessory will stop at the end of the current transaction group. This is in response to an operator request to terminate the accessory (for example, mixnumber AX QUIT to terminate Span). |
0071 |
Started timestamp timestamp indicates when DBEngine started running. |
0072 |
Ended timestamp timestamp indicates when DBEngine finished running. |
0073 |
Version version compiled timestamp version indicates the release and patch level of DBEngine and timestamp indicates when DBEngine was compiled. |
0074 |
Filter filtername not found in libraryname The filter specified by filtername does not exist in the library specified by libraryname. Check the spelling of each and check the library to make sure it actually contains the filter. |
0075 |
datasetname does not have a set Databridge Twin requires a set for each data set that is replicated. It continues, however, replicating all of the other data sets that do have sets. If you want Databridge Twin to replicate datasetname, add a set to that data set in both the primary and secondary databases. Or, use the FIND command in the Databridge Twin parameter file if the data set has suitable subsets. |
0076 |
Entry point not supported in TwinEngine. You must have the complete version. To use this entry point, you must have the DBEngine that is part of the complete Databridge host release. The accessory you are using is linking to the DBTwinEngine, which is part of the Databridge Twin release and does not support all of the entry points in the standard DBEngine. |
0077 |
Guardfile missing: guardfiletitle Check your guardfiles, as explained in the Databridge Installation Guide. |
0078 |
Unknown NULL type: value Databridge does not recognize the NULL type displayed for value. This is an internal error; if it occurs consistently, report it to Technical Support. |
0079 |
Invalid structure number: structurenumber The structure number you requested is invalid or does not exist. Check your entry and check the DASDL for the correct structure number. You can also use the Lister report to determine the correct structure number. |
0080 |
Invalid year: year The year you entered is invalid. Check your entry and the format specified in the parameter file and try again. This message applies to any program (for example, Snapshot, Span, and Databridge Twin) that uses timestamps. |
0081 |
Invalid year: month The value you entered for months is invalid. Check your entry and the format specified in the parameter file and try again. This message applies to any program (for example, Snapshot, Span, and Databridge Twin) that uses timestamps. |
0082 |
Invalid year: day The value you entered for days is invalid. Check your entry and the format specified in the parameter file and try again. This message applies to any program (for example, Snapshot, Span, and Databridge Twin) that uses timestamps. |
0083 |
Invalid year: hour The value you entered for hours is invalid. Check your entry and the format specified in the parameter file and try again. This message applies to any program (for example, Snapshot, Span, and Databridge Twin) that uses timestamps. |
0084 |
Invalid year: minute The value you entered for minutes is invalid. Check your entry and the format specified in the parameter file and try again. This message applies to any program (for example, Snapshot, Span, and Databridge Twin) that uses timestamps. |
0085 |
Invalid year: second The value you entered for seconds is invalid. Check your entry and the format specified in the parameter file and try again. This message applies to any program (for example, Snapshot, Span, and Databridge Twin) that uses timestamps. |
0086 |
Compile of supportname failed An accessory (for example, Span) tried to recompile a tailored Support library because a filter or format had the wrong update level. The compile failed, however, so you must compile the Support library. After the library is successfully compiled, rerun the accessory. |
0087 |
DESCRIPTION file descriptionfilename is unavailable; Result code: subtype Check the usercode and pack where the DESCRIPTION file resides and make sure that DBEngine has access to that usercode and pack. |
0088 |
Starting online_or_offline extract This status message indicates that DBEngine is starting an online or offline extract. This message applies to all Accessories that clone data. |
0089 |
Forcing syncpoint This status message indicates that DBEngine is forcing a syncpoint to mark the boundary of the fixup phase. If there is a significant delay between this message and a subsequent message, most likely some other program is staying in transaction state too long and preventing the syncpoint from occurring. Correct the other program so that it exits transaction state sooner |
0090 |
Invalid Property level in parameter file: filename This message indicates that you have entered an invalid property level in the DBEngine parameter file. The property level must be six digits. |
0091 |
Trouble formatting record at AA=address auditlocation This message indicates a problem in a formatting routine. Specifically, it can occur when the accessory is using BINARYFORMAT and filtering null records (via the DBFilteredNullRecord API). If this message persists, notify Technical Support. |
0092 |
Expected ABSN=absn1 in AUDITafn at segment seg but found ABSN=absn2 This message indicates discontinuity or corruption in the audit trail, possibly resulting from an unsuccessful repositioning of the accessory after a rollback. Do the following:
0093 |
Stopping at task taskname This status message indicates that Span, DBServer, or Databridge Twin is stopping at the indicated taskname, based on the task specified for the STOP option. For more information, see the STOP option for the appropriate component. |
0094 |
Exceeded audit timestamp limit: timestamp This status message indicates that the Span, DBServer, or Databridge Twin is stopping at the indicated timestamp, based on the time specified for the STOP option. For a list of references, see the preceding error message. |
0095 |
Partitioned dataset datasetname is not supported This release of Databridge does not support partitioned data sets. If you are using Snapshot, comment the data set name in the list of data sets. If you are using Span, comment the data set replication status information. If you are using DBServer, turn off cloning for the data set in the client control tables. |
0096 |
DBSupport needs to be recompiled Basically you must recompile DBSupport anytime the DMSII database update level changes. Typically the database update level changes when you reorganize the database. When Span and DBServer detect an update level mismatch, they attempt to recompile the support library automatically. If the recompile fails, this message is displayed. You must then recompile the support library manually. To recompile the support library, follow the instructions in the Databridge Programmer’s Reference. If you use Databridge Clients older than version 2.7, this error can occur even after DBSupport is recompiled. Either upgrade you Databridge Client to the current version or reclone all of the data set tables. |
0097 |
location must be from nnnn to mmmm location represents a component of an audit location, as follows:
In this case, an accessory has passed an invalid audit location to DBEngine (during the DBSelect API). Check that the accessory parameter file or client control table contains a value that falls within the range specified by nnnn to mmmm. |
0098 |
subsetname is not a set of datasetname This message occurs when the (DBTwin or the DMSII Client) parameter file contains a "FIND dataset USING subsetlist" option. One of the names in the subset list is not a set or subset of the data set. Correct the subset name in the parameter file and rerun DBTwin or the DMSII Client again. |
0099 |
entrypoint does not allow re-entry This message can occur when you are using a user-written accessory. It indicates that a DBEngine entry point cannot be called recursively (directly or indirectly). For example, this message could occur if an accessory called the DBDATASETS entry point and passed it a callback routine that in turn called DBDATASETS. When this message occurs, rewrite your accessory so that it does not call entry points recursively. |
0100 |
Incorrect ABSN in block after AFN=afn ABSN= absn This message indicates a problem in the DMSII audit trail. Each audit block should have an ABSN that is one greater than the previous block. When this message occurs, however, DBEngine has encountered an audit block where this is not true. The most common cause of this problem is failing to remove obsolete audit files after performing a database rollback. |
0101 |
Audit file afn corrupted This message indicates that the file named AUDIT afn is corrupted and therefore Databridge cannot read it. To remedy this situation, you may need to rebuild to a previous, uncorrupted audit file. |
0102 |
Incorrect timestamp in audit file AUDIT afn near ABSN absn This message indicates a problem in the DMSII audit trail. Each audit block should have its own timestamp and the timestamp of the previous audit block. When this message occurs, however, DBEngine has encountered an audit block where this is not true. The most common cause of this problem is failing to remove obsolete audit files after performing a database rollback. |
0103 |
Statistics are not available. Compile Databridge Engine with $ SET STATS This message indicates an accessory has called the DBStatistics entry point but the DBEngine was not compiled with the $ STATS option. Load the DBEngine code file that was compiled with the $ STATS option and then rerun the accessory. |
0104 |
Filter excluded record This message indicates the filter rejected the record, that is, the record did not satisfy the filter. Normally, this message is not visible. It is used internally to communicate between the filter and the accessory. |
0105 |
Database update level changed from previousupdatelevel to updatelevel This message indicates that the DMSII database update level of the primary system does not match the update level of the secondary system. You must reclone the primary database. |
0106 |
Invalid timestamp: hextimestamp This message indicates that DBSPLITTIMESTAMP detects an invalid timestamp. Correct the specified invalid timestamp |
0107 |
Invalid processing parameter type nnn This message indicates that the accessory passed an invalid processing parameter type to the DBParameters entry point. Correct the accessory and run it again. See the list of valid parameter types in SYMBOL/DATABRIDGE/INTERFACE below the comment line "DBPARAMETERS processing parameter types." |
0108 |
Restart dataset is unsuitable for DBTwin This message indicates that the restart data set does not meet the required criteria. Either modify the layout of the restart data set or add the DBTWINCONTROL data set to your primary database DASDL source. Refer to the Databridge Twin Administrator’s Guide for more information. |
0109 |
Audit switch wait exceeded maxdelay seconds This message indicates that the DBAUDITSWITCH has failed and has exceeded the maximum delay retry rate. This problem could also be caused by some other application program remaining in transaction state too long. |
0110 |
Invalid audit medium value: nnnn This message indicates that the AUDIT ON parameter in either the Span, Server, or parameter file is invalid. Enter a valid AUDIT ON parameter into the appropriate parameter file. See the list of valid audit mediums in SYMBOL/DATABRIDGE/INTERFACE below the comment line "DBAuditMedium |
parameters." | |
0111 |
Invalid audit type value: nnnn This message indicates that an accessory called the DBAuditMedium entry point in DBEngine with an invalid audit type. Correct the audit type value. See the list of valid audit types in SYMBOL/DATABRIDGE/INTERFACE below the comment line "DBAuditMedium parameters". |
0112 |
Port portnumber at server is unavailable reasoncode. This message indicates that the specified port does not exist or is unavailable. Verify that the SOURCE entry is correct in the accessory's parameter file. The reasoncode is a number indicating the type of open error. |
0113 |
Can't track datasetname without INDEPENDENTTRANS This message indicates that the mode of the embedded data set datasetname is one (fixup) or two (normal) and the database does not have the INDEPENDENTTRANS option set. The embedded data set must have a mode of zero. |
0114 |
Program fault This message indicates that an internal error occurred. Contact Technical Support. |
0115 |
Interface version mismatch: Databridge Engine = engineversion, accessory: accessoryversion This message indicates that DBEngine and the interface of the specified accessory are incompatible. Recompile the accessory using the current Databridge interface file and retry the task. |
0116 |
Unknown filter name: filtername DBSupport returns this message if the accessory specifies an unknown filter name. Verify the filter names in the accessory’s parameter file. |
0117 |
Invalid AFN in DMSIIcontrolfilename: afn This message indicates that the AFN in the DMSII CONTROL file is invalid. One possible reason for this error is that the database administrator did a DMCONTROL INITIALIZE on the DMSII CONTROL file and no update programs have been run since then. |
0118 |
Invalid task name: taskname This message indicates that an accessory supplied an invalid program name to the DBLIMITTASKNAME entry point. |
0119 |
Recovery point not found This message indicates that the Engine could not find the Rollback or Rebuild point in the audit trail. Consult the Rollback or Rebuild DMSII reports to determine the recovery point. |
0120 |
Database rolled back to AFN=afn ABSN=absn Seg=seg Inx=inx timestamp This message indicates that DBEngine detected that an accessory supplied an invalid audit location. DBEngine will automatically look for a database rollback (or rebuild) and use it. The accessory should reload its client database as of that point before trying to reprocess. Use the timestamp displayed in this message for the timestamp to specify in the DBSelect call. |
0121 |
Missing transform transformname DBSupport returns this message if the accessory specifies an unknown transform name. Verify the transform name in the accessory's parameter file. |
0122 |
Setname does not have key data This message indicates that the specified set does not contain any key data. The DBEngine returns this result in response to a call to the DBKeyDataRemap entry point. |
0123 |
Unable to link to libraryname reason DBEngine tried to link to the indicated library but was unable to do so because of the stated reason. If this is unexpected and persists, contact Technical Support. |
0124 |
Missing format formatname The specified format does not exist. Create the format or enter the name of a different format. |
0125 |
GetStatus error: reason This message describes errors returned from calls to the system GetStatus function. |
0126 |
filename is not a file This message indicates that the specified filename is actually a directory name. |
0127 |
Error reformatting itemname of datasetname with user value uservalue This message indicates a problem with the specified reformatting routine. Check the reformatting routine for errors. |
0128 |
Reader-specified dataset datasetname failed VERIFY test for record recordloc in file afn This message occurs when a flat file record returned by a FileXtract Reader library fails the VERIFY test associated with that structure. Correct the FileXtract Reader library or the VERIFY test in the DASDL and then rerun FileXtract. Refer to the Databridge FileXtract Administrator’s Guide for more information. |
0130 |
Remote DBServer protocol level is ServerLevel but needs to be RequiredLevel This message indicates that the remote DBServer protocol level is lower than what is required. The remote system needs to run a newer version of DBServer. |
0131 |
Remote DBServer protocol level is ServerLevel but needs to be RequiredLevel This message indicates that the remote DBServer protocol level is lower than what is required. The remote system needs to run a newer version of DBServer. |
0132 |
Remote DBServer protocol level is ServerLevel but needs to be RequiredLevel This message indicates that the remote DBServer protocol level is lower than what is required. The remote system needs to run a newer version of DBServer. |
0132 |
virtualds is derived from basedataset, so they must be selected together The accessory attempted to clone a virtual dataset virtualds without also cloning the dataset basedataset from which it is derived. |
0133 |
Invalid DBSupport title: 'supporttitle' The accessory specified an illegal title for the Support Library. |
0134 |
No license for platform product The DBEngine parameter file does not contain a valid key for running the product on the platform. |
0135 |
License for platform product expired The DBEngine parameter file contains a key for the product but the license expired on the indicated date. |
0136 |
License for platform product will expire timestamp The DBEngine parameter file contains a key for the product but the license will expire soon on the indicated date. This is only a warning message. |
0137 |
Invalid audit file prefix: p'refix' The accessory called the DBAuditPrefix entry point with an illegal audit file prefix. |
0138 |
Can't track embeddeddataset because parent records do not have a valid AA The accessory selected an embedded dataset in fixup or normal mode but the parent dataset does not have record addresses usable for associating an embedded record with its parent record. |
0139 |
Invalid file title: f'iletitle' DBEngine encountered an illegal file title for the DMSII DESCRIPTION file or another file. |
0140 |
Invalid AFN: afn The accessory supplied an illegal audit file number. For DMSII audit files, valid audit file numbers range from 1 to 9999. |