Welcome to COBOL-IT OpenESQL (CitOESQL).
Below are the guides available for CitOESQL:
Getting Started
Use the Getting Started application to set up an ODBC data source...
Migration Guide
Learn how to migrate from CitSQL to CitOESQL
User Guide
Walk through the product features.
Reference Manual
This guide describes the programming features available for SQL applications.
COBOL-IT OpenESQL is an Embedded SQL (ESQL) preprocessor for COBOL-IT. It reads COBOL source code and writes amended source code where EXEC SQL statements are replaced with calls to a runtime library that accesses ODBC data sources.
COBOL-IT OpenESQL can be used as a stand-alone preprocessor that is executed separately and before the COBOL-IT compiler, or in conjunction with COBOL-IT’s -preprocess= option, in which case it is invoked by the COBOL compiler.
When used stand-alone, the preprocessor provides conditional compilation and copybook expansion. These tasks may be performed by the COBOL compiler when used with the -preprocess option.
The debugger will show the code generated by CitOESQL rather than the original EXEC SQL statements. When used with the compiler’s -preprocess option, debugging of the original source code is available.
Pre-requisite knowledge
Some basic knowledge of Embedded SQL is assumed in this document.
It is also assumed that the reader has basic knowledge of the COBOL-IT compiler and debugger and has worked through the getting started process for them. The same applies to COBOL-IT Developer Studio, if this is used.