Creating a Data Source

This topic describes how to use the Micro Focus Connect UI to:

  • Create a data source.
  • Enter the data source connection details.
  • Test the connection to the data source.
  • Add types from the data source that you want to use.
Tip: You need a data source in order to fully define a connection.
  1. On the Micro Focus Connect dashboard, click the Data Sources tab.
  2. Above the Data Sources list, click Create New Data Source.
  3. On the dialog box that opens, complete the Name and Product fields:
    New Data Source Name
    Enter a unique name for your data source.
    Data Source Product
    The products that are available in the list are the connectors that were added with the product installation or the ones that you downloaded from our community and installed yourself.
  4. Click Data Source. Your data source is added to the list of data sources. Select it to edit it. The data source pane is refreshed with additional fields that are specific to that product. Refer to the Readme.html file that was installed with your connector for more information on these fields.
  5. Click OK.
    Note: The bottom pane already displays a Type with the name ChangeSet. There is no need to make any changes within this pane.