Installing and Creating a Derby Database

Use these instructions if you want to download and install the latest version of Apache Derby to set up the TeamInspector data repository. If you already have Derby installed outside of your TeamInspector installation, or are using Oracle or Microsoft SQL Server for the data repository, you can skip these instructions.
  1. Download the Derby database software from the Apache website at
  2. Extract the files into the directory that you have created for the Derby database. For example: C:\Derby.
  3. Set the DERBY_HOME system variable to the location of your Derby installation. For example: C:\Derby\db-derby-
  4. Add the Derby executable path (for example, %DERBY_HOME%\bin) to your PATH statement.
    Note: If you are upgrading an existing TeamInspector installation, skip the remaining steps and go to the Upgrading a TeamInspector Installation section.
  5. Run the Derby ij tool to create a database for TeamInspector to use:
  6. Create a database and specify the administrative user account for TeamInspector to use to connect to the database, using the following syntax as an example:
    ij> connect 'jdbc:derby:<full path database name>;create=true;territory=en_US;collation=TERRITORY_BASED;
    user=<admin user name>;password=<admin user password>';
  7. After the database is created, specify the Derby "Builtin" authentication and grant full access to the user account you created in the above step, using the following syntax as an example:
    ij> call SYSCS_UTIL.SYSCS_SET_DATABASE_PROPERTY('derby.connection.requireAuthentication','true');
    ij> call SYSCS_UTIL.SYSCS_SET_DATABASE_PROPERTY('derby.authentication.provider','BUILTIN');
    ij> call SYSCS_UTIL.SYSCS_SET_DATABASE_PROPERTY('derby.user.<admin user name>', '<admin user password>'); 
    ij> call SYSCS_UTIL.SYSCS_SET_DATABASE_PROPERTY('derby.database.fullAccessusers', '<admin user name>');
  8. Exit the ij tool:
    ij> quit;
  9. Run the following setup script from your Derby bin directory to enable remote hosts to connect to your TeamInspector database:
  10. Start the Derby network server:
    Note: On Microsoft Windows hosts, the command-line window used to start Derby must remain active. On Linux, run the command as a background process.
    startNetworkServer -p <port number> -h <hostname>
    Note: Port number is the connection port for your Derby server. Derby uses 1527 as the default port assignment. If you specify localhost for the hostname, only TeamInspector on the local server can connect to the database, restricting any other TeamInspector server from using the database.
    Note: Any time the Derby Network Server is restarted, the TeamInspector services must also be restarted. If you are performing an upgrade, you will need to restart the Derby Network Server after running the migrate script. See the upgrade instructions for further details.