High Watermarks

High Watermarks allow Micro Focus Connect to know what has previously been synchronized. It's acts as a time and place marker so that Micro Focus Connect compares what has been updated, added, deleted, and etc. after the High Watermark was made.

Micro Focus Connect manages the High Watermarks. For example, after a synchronization iteration completes, Micro Focus Connect moves the High Watermarks forward in time.

At times, you may want to reset the High Watermarks. For example, if you have been synchronizing for an extended period of time and decide that you need to change some of the configured mappings.

To reset the High Watermarks, click a connections Options button (GUID-EB85987B-3C24-4206-9B32-A78583864975-low.png) on the dashboard and choose Clear Watermarks from the menu.

Resetting the High Watermarks ensures all items get back in sync.