Setting Up Error Notification

Micro Focus Connect can generate email messages when system and synchronization errors occur. You specify default values for settings that are used by both types of errors on the Error Notification tab of the Settings dialog box: your SMTP server settings, who you want to receive error notification email, and how often. If you want, you can override email settings on an individual connection basis as described in Creating a Connection.

  1. Click the Actions button (GUID-EB85987B-3C24-4206-9B32-A78583864975-low.png) and select Settings. The Global Settings screen appears.
  2. In the SMTP Configuration and Email Settings groups, complete the fields as described below.
  3. When you are done, click Save to save your changes.
SMTP Configuration
Use these fields to specify information needed to identify and connect to your SMTP server.
The email system's host name.
The email system's port number.
Login Name
The email user.
The password for the email user.
From Address
The email address from which notification emails will be sent.
Email Settings
Use these fields to specify email recipients and how often you want Micro Focus Connect to send error notification email.
Send Email To
Email addresses for the users you want to receive error notification email. Separate addresses with a semicolon (;).
The frequency with which you want Micro Focus Connect to send error notification email. The default is 60 minutes.