The ODBC installation supports multiple Oracle homes. Each ODBC driver is uniquely identified by the name of the Oracle home in which it is installed. Applications using Oracle ODBC drivers use the value of NLS_LANG for making decisions related to character set conversion. The character set portion of the NLS_LANG setting must be AMERICAN_AMERICA.WE8MSWIN1252. If your database was previously Oracle 8i, then you use AMERICAN_AMERICA.WE8ISO8859P1.
The ODBC driver installation uses the value of the Windows code page (ACP) and defines the value of NLS_LANG in the registry. The value of NLS_LANG should be verified for accuracy. Be sure to check for the NLS_LANG environment variable because it will override the registry setting. You may choose to delete the variable. For more information, see Defining the NLS_LANG as an Environment Variable.
You can define NLS_LANG for the Oracle Client in either of the following ways: