ArcSight Built-in Tokens

This table lists ArcSight built-in tokens


Note: Events must follow the RFC5424 standard.

Token String


Tokens Available for Database Parsers Only


JDBC Driver Name.


Database URL.


Host name or IP Address of the machine hosting the database.


Port where the database is listening for SQL queries.


Database name.

Tokens Available for Syslog Parsers Only


Time stamp received in the header of the syslog message.


Host name or IP address of the sender received in the header of the syslog message. In the unusual case if the header did not contain a host name or IP address, this will be the address that the connector received the packet from.


The actual IP address that the connector received the syslog message from. The token value can be assigned to the event field of your choice. (For example, event.deviceCustomString6=_SYSLOG_SOURCE_ADDR). The value of this token can be an IPv4 or an IPv6 address.


Facility received in the header of the syslog message (applies only to Syslog Daemon connector).


Priority received in the header of the syslog message (applies only to Syslog Daemon connector).

Tokens Available for Syslog NG Daemon Only
_SYSLOG_APP_NAME Identifies the device or application that originated the message.
_SYSLOG_PROCID Often used to provide the process name or process ID associated with a Syslog system.


Identifies the type of message.


Provides a mechanism to express information in a well-defined, easily parseable and interpretable data format, it can contain zero, one, or multiple-structured data elements.

Customers can obtain a value for of a built-in token if they map ESM fields in the parser's content. Ensure that the message field is parsed by the corresponding parser.

For example:

<151>1 2017-01-24T08:57:21+01:00 NBG-ECIT225 AlarmLog 16 aleAlarm [tsvSDID@15251 SENDHOST="nbg-ecit225" SENDHOST-IP="" TSV="NBG-ELT214null"] bs_SGC_10 Diameter supervisor processing cleared No connectivity to accounting server with realm: This alarm will be cleared when the connectivity to the accounting server is established SGC 17-19 4294967295

we need to let value "bs_SGC_10 Diameter superviser processing cleared No connectivity to accounting server with realm: This alarm will be cleared when the connectivity to the accounting server is established SGC 17-19 4294967295" is parsed by the corresponding parser then we can get data of 4 built-in tokens as below_SYSLOG_APP_NAME: AlarmLog_SYSLOG_PROCID: 16_SYSLOG_MSGID: aleAlarm_SYSLOG_STRUCTURED_DATA: [tsvSDID@15251 SENDHOST="nbg-ecit225" SENDHOST-IP="" TSV="NBG-ELT214null"]