Running Analytics on Demand

Before you run Analytics on Demand, do the following:

  1. To ensure that Analytics is not currently running, run the following command on any worker or master node to confirm:
    ANALYTICS_POD=$(kubectl get pods -n $(kubectl get namespaces | awk '/arcsight/ {print $1}') |awk '/interset-analytics/ {print $1}') ; kubectl exec -it -n $(kubectl get namespaces | awk '/arcsight/ {print $1}') ${ANALYTICS_POD} -c interset-analytics -- ls -l /tmp/interset_lock/
  2. If Analytics is currently running, the output of this command will be:

    => tenant_0.lock

    In this case, wait for Analytics to complete running before proceeding. The command can be run periodically to monitor the status of Analytics.

  3. If the previous Analytics execution failed, check whether the properties in the Intelligence tab are set correctly. If this does not solve the issue, contact OpenText Customer Support.

To run Analytics on demand:

  1. Launch a terminal session and log in to the NFS node.

  2. Navigate to the following directory:

    cd <NFSVolume>/interset/analytics

  3. (Conditional) Delete the blackhawk_down file, if present. This is an error file and it is generated if the previous Analytics execution fails.

    rm blackhawk_down

  4. When prompted whether you want to delete the file, enter yes.

  5. Execute the following command to delete the latest and AnalyticsCompleted files:

    rm -rf AnalyticsStarted-0-<Today's_date>.mk AnalyticsCompleted-0-<Today's_date>.mk

  6. When prompted whether you want to delete the files, enter yes.

    After 30 seconds of deletion of the files, Analytics is triggered automatically.