Removing the Cluster

You can remove the cluster to make it possible to perform a fresh installation of OMT and the ArcSight Suite. As part of the removal, you will remove or clean some cluster-specific resources. However, some of your existing resources are reusable.

Reusable Resources

Many of the resources created during your OMT and ArcSight Suite installation are reusable, and do not need to be removed during the cluster removal. You might find it useful to keep such resources on hand for use with other product suites.

Cluster Removal

As part of removing the cluster, you will perform the following tasks: 

Each of these procedures is explained below.


Removing the Auto Scaling Group

The AWS Auto Scaling group holds the worker nodes instances. Accordingly, in order to delete the worker nodes, you must delete the Auto Scaling group.

To delete the Auto Scaling group:

  1. Run the following command:
    aws autoscaling delete-auto-scaling-group --force-delete --auto-scaling-group-name <auto-scaling group name from AWS worksheet>
  2. The command has no output, and in the background the deletion instances will start. Check the presence of the Auto-Scaling group by running the following command:
    aws autoscaling describe-auto-scaling-groups \
    | jq -r '.AutoScalingGroups[] | select(.AutoScalingGroupName=="<auto-scaling group name>") | .AutoScalingGroupName'
If the group name is returned, the Auto Scaling group and its instances are not fully deleted including its instances. The process can take around 5 minutes to complete.
  1. Once the auto-scaling group and worker nodes are removed, you can check the pods by executing this command on the bastion:
    kubectl get pods -A -o wide

All pods are shown in the Pending state, as they do not have a host to run on, but the Kubernetes control plane still has the cluster definition.

If desired, you can create another Auto Scaling group with a different launch template. All the pods will be deployed and started on the new worker nodes. Remember to add respective targets to Target Groups. Any new worker nodes will receive new instance IDs.


Removing the EKS Control Plane

The Kubernetes control plane holds the definitions of services, daemons, deployments, pods, and other resources, including the fully qualified identifier of Docker images in the registry. To clean the AWS infrastructre for a new installation, this control plane needs to be removed as well.

To remove the EKS control plane:

  1. Run the following command:
    aws eks delete-cluster --name <cluster name from AWS worksheet>
The command output is very verbose. An example is given below.
  1. Verify the cluster has been deleted by running the command:
    aws eks list-clusters | jq -r '.clusters[] | select(.=="<cluster name from AWS worksheet>")'

    An empty output indicates that the cluster has been deleted.

Example output of a cluster in the process of being deleted:



Cleaning or deleting NFS/EFS

Your NFS/EFS is a partially reusable resource. For the EFS you created, you have the following options:

To delete the folder structure:

  1. Log on to the bastion host.
  2. Unmount the EFS file system by running the following command:
    sudo umount -f /mnt/efs
  3. As a sudo user, open the file /etc/fstab in a text editor.
  4. Locate the following line: /mnt/efs nfs4 nfsvers=4.1,rsize=1048576,wsize=1048576,hard,timeo=600,retrans=2,_netdev 0 0
  5. Uncomment the line and then save the file.
  6. Mount EFS to the bastion by running the following command:
    sudo mount -a
  7. Change your current working directory to the mount point, in our case /mnt/efs.
  8. Delete the whole folder structure by running the following command:
    sudo rm -Rf <parent folder from AWS worksheet>

To delete the EFS instance (not required for re-installing the OMT bootstrap):

  1. Delete the mount targets by running the following command on each configured mount target:
    aws efs delete-mount-target \
    --mount-target-id <mount target id from AWS worksheet>
  2. Verify the deletion by running the following command:
    aws efs describe-mount-targets \
    --file-system-id <filesystem Id from AWS worksheet>

Example output:

  1. Delete the filesystem by running the command:
    aws efs delete-file-system --file-system-id <filesystem Id from AWS worksheet>


Next Steps

At this point the filesystem has been deleted. As explained above, some reusable resources will remain.

You can now perform a clean installation of a new cluster.