Create the External IP Address
The external IP address (EIP) is required for the NAT Gateway, used by the worker nodes, to access the Elastic Container Registry (ECR). In this step, you will create the EIP and then tag it.
Creating the EIP
- Run the following command:
- Record the
value in the AWS worksheet.
aws ec2 allocate-address --domain vpc
For example:
{ "PublicIp": "", "AllocationId": "eipalloc-004be822658206abe", "PublicIpv4Pool": "amazon", "NetworkBorderGroup": "eu-central-1", "Domain": "vpc" }
Tagging the EIP
Run the following command:
aws ec2 create-tags \
--resources <Allocation Id> \
--tags Key=Name,Value=<eip-name>
<Allocation Id>:
Use the Allocation ID of the EIP. -
Assign an EIP name for easier identification.
For example:
aws ec2 create-tags \ --resources eipalloc-004be822658206abe \ --tags Key=Name,Value=srgdemo-eip
Next: Creating Subnets