Creating the Internet Gateway

The Internet gateway is the prerequisite for the NAT gateway, which will be created later.

To create the internet gateway and attach it to the VPC:

  1. Run the following command:
    aws ec2 create-internet-gateway

Example output:

  1. Record the value of InternetGatewayId in your AWS worksheet.
  2. Optionally, you might tag the internet gateway by running the following command:
    aws ec2 create-tags --resources <InternetGatewayId> --tags Key=Name,Value=<internet gateway name>
  3. Attach the internet gateway to your previously-created VPC by running the following command (command has no output):
    aws ec2 attach-internet-gateway --internet-gateway-id <InternetGatewayId> --vpc-id <VPC Id>

For example:
aws ec2 attach-internet-gateway \
--internet-gateway-id igw-0ddcfa7511fe10b43 \
--vpc-id vpc-0143197ca9bd9c117

Next Step: Creating the NAT Gateway