Configuring and Installing the Database Server

This section describes how to configure and install the Google Cloud database.

Before installing the database, ensure that you estimate the storage needed for the incoming EPS (event per second) and event size, and also evaluate the retention policy accordingly.

Perform the following steps as root user:

  1. On the Database cluster node1 server, create a folder for the database installer.

    For example:

    mkdir /opt/arcsight-db-tools
    cd /opt/arcsight-db-tools
  2. /opt/arcsight-db-tools should not be under /root or /opt/vertica.
  3. Download and unzip. The directory to where you unzip it will be referred to as {Unzipped-arcsight-platform-cloud-installer-folder}.

  4. Extract the database binaries with the following command:

    tar xvfz db-installer_x.x.x.x.tar.gz
  5. Edit the config/ file and add all database node IPs to the hosts property.




    A comma separated list of the database servers in IPv4 format (for example,,,

    If it is necessary to construct the cluster, avoid using local loopback (localhost,, etc.).

  6. Install the database.

    ./db_installer install
  7. When prompted, create the database administrator user.

    The database administrator user account is used during database deployment, configuration, upgrade, and debugging. For security reasons, the platform deployed capabilities will not ask you for the credentials for this user.

    Please specify a username for [ DB Admin ] user:
    Please specify a password for [ DB Admin ] user:
    Re-enter password:
    For a list of options that you can specify when installing the database, see Understanding the Database Installer Options.
  8. Specify the shard count. The default shard count is 3 for single-node or 18 for multi-node to allow for scalability. The prompt options are based on your environment, single-node or multi-node:

    • Single-node:

      # ========================================
      # STEP 1: Specify Database Shard Count for Eon Mode
      Data in communal storage is broken into segments called shards. Number of shards in the system should always be an even divisor of the number of nodes in your database.
      For the best performance, the number of shards you choose should be no greater than 2× the number of nodes. At most, you should limit the shard-to-node ratio to no greater than 3:1.
      For smaller databases 1:1 ratio can be used. You can re-shard the database in future if you add or remove nodes to accommodate new workload.
      Use Shard Count [3]:
      Confirm shard count [3]?(y/n):y
      Check memory size, 48GB required for single node installation with shard count > 3.
      PASS: Single node installation for shard count: 3
    • Multi-node:

      # ========================================
      # STEP 1: Specify Database Shard Count for Eon Mode
      Data in communal storage is broken into segments called shards. Number of shards in the system should always be an even divisor of the number of nodes in your database.
      For the best performance, the number of shards you choose should be no greater than 2× the number of nodes. At most, you should limit the shard-to-node ratio to no greater than 3:1.
      For smaller databases 1:1 ratio can be used. You can re-shard the database in future if you add or remove nodes to accommodate new workload.
      Use shard Count [6]:
      Confirm shard count [6]?(y/n):y
  9. Set up the communal storage type for Google Cloud Storage when prompted. For example:

    # ========================================
    # STEP 2: Specify communal storage details
    Supported communal storage types - 
    1) S3
    2) Azure Blob Storage
    3) Google Cloud Storage
    Choose a communal storage type from the above (1-3):3
    Specify GCS access key: <access ID>
    Specify GCS secret: <secret>
    Specify GCS bucket for communal storage: <communal storage location>
    Specify the folder under bucket for communal storage if applicable: <folder to be created by the script>
    Communal storage url is: <full GCS URL>
    Check S3 storage write access	
    Test writing to S3 storage succeeded.	
    Starting Database installation...
    # ========================================			


    <access ID> and <secret> are the values obtained from the The HMAC key procedure.

    <communal storage location>, <folder to be created by the script> and <full GCS URL> are the values explained in The communal storage location.

    Make sure that the value for <communal storage location> is simply the bucket name, not a full URL
  10. Create the schema.

    ./db_installer create-schema
  11. When prompted, create the following users:

    • App admin user: A regular database user granted elevated permissions for performing operations on the database to manage the database, schema, and resource pools. The credentials for this user will need to be provided later in the OMT Management Portal when you are deploying capabilities.

    • Search user: A regular database user with permissions restricted to event search operations. The credentials for this user will need to be provided later in the OMT Management Portal when you are deploying capabilities.

  12. Monitor your database cluster status constantly. For more information, see Database Cluster Node Status and Monitoring the Database.

    • Database nodes status: Ensures all nodes are up

    • Database nodes storage status: Ensures storage is sufficient

Note: If you have a Recon license, the default retention period for Default Storage Group events is 12 months. You can modify this value based on your data storage policy. If you do not have a Recon license, the retention period for the Default Storage Group is one month.