Determining the image

Determine the image name that will be used for your bastion instance. An OS image and its corresponding name can be selected from Images under Compute Engine > Storage > Images.

You can also get new image name by running OS-based commands:

gcloud compute images list --filter=family:rhel-8 --show-deprecated

Example output:

NAME                    PROJECT         FAMILY           DEPRECATED  STATUS
rhel-8-v20211214        rhel-cloud      rhel-8           DEPRECATED  READY
rhel-8-v20220119        rhel-cloud      rhel-8           DEPRECATED  READY
rhel-8-v20220120        rhel-cloud      rhel-8           DEPRECATED  READY
rhel-8-v20220126        rhel-cloud      rhel-8           DEPRECATED  READY
rhel-8-v20220303        rhel-cloud      rhel-8           DEPRECATED  READY
rhel-8-v20220314        rhel-cloud      rhel-8           DEPRECATED  READY
rhel-8-v20220317        rhel-cloud      rhel-8           DEPRECATED  READY
rhel-8-v20220406        rhel-cloud      rhel-8           DEPRECATED  READY
rhel-8-v20220519        rhel-cloud      rhel-8           DEPRECATED  READY
rhel-8-v20220629        rhel-cloud      rhel-8           DEPRECATED  READY
rhel-8-v20220719        rhel-cloud      rhel-8           DEPRECATED  READY
rhel-8-v20220822        rhel-cloud      rhel-8           DEPRECATED  READY
rhel-8-v20220920        rhel-cloud      rhel-8           DEPRECATED  READY
rhel-8-v20221102        rhel-cloud      rhel-8           DEPRECATED  READY
rhel-8-v20221206        rhel-cloud      rhel-8           DEPRECATED  READY
rhel-8-v20230202        rhel-cloud      rhel-8           DEPRECATED  READY
rhel-8-v20230306        rhel-cloud      rhel-8           DEPRECATED  READY
rhel-8-v20230411        rhel-cloud      rhel-8           DEPRECATED  READY
rhel-8-v20230509        rhel-cloud      rhel-8           DEPRECATED  READY
rhel-8-v20230615        rhel-cloud      rhel-8           DEPRECATED  READY
rhel-8-v20230711        rhel-cloud      rhel-8           DEPRECATED  READY
rhel-8-v20230809        rhel-cloud      rhel-8                       READY

Record the Name and Project values of the chosen image in the Google Cloud worksheet.