Create the Artifactory Registry

Each Artifact Registry repository must have a unique name, and only accounts with the right permissions can create the repositories.

  1. Execute the following command to create an Artifact Registry repository:

  2. gcloud artifacts repositories create <REPOSITORY> --location=<LOCATION> --repository-format=<REPOSITORY_FORMAT>  --description=<DESCRIPTION> 


    <REPOSITORY> the ID or name for the repository

    <LOCATION> the location of the repository. Setting the location here will override the default artifacts location value.

    <REPOSITORY_FORMAT> format of the repository. The available options are: apt, docker, go, kfp, maven, npm, python or yum. For more information about the formats, see REQUIRED FLAGS.

    <DESCRIPTION> is an optional description of the repository

    For example:
    gcloud artifacts repositories create gcp-arcsight-test-artifact-registry \
    --repository-format=docker \
    --location=us-central1 \
    --description="Repository for container images for GCP ArcSight Test"
  1. Add the Docker credHelper entry to the Docker configuration file, thus registering Google Cloud as the credential helper for all Google-supported Docker registries. Execute the following command:

  2. gcloud auth configure-docker <[REGISTRIES]> 


    <REGISTRIES> is a comma-separated list of repository hostnames to add to the credential helper configuration.

    For example, to add the us-central1 and asia-northeast1 regions, run the following command:

    gcloud auth configure-docker,
  1. If prompted, select Yes.

Remember to note down all incumbent configuration values in your Google Cloud worksheet