Adding Targets to the Target Group for Controller Services

To add targets to the target group:

  1. Run the following command:
    # aws elbv2 register-targets \
    --target-group-arn <Target group values for frontend-ingress-controller-svc and portal-ingress-controller-svc ARN> \
    --targets Id="Instance 1 ID,Port=<new ingress service node port>" Id="Instance 2 ID,Port=<new ingress service node port>" Id="Instance 3 ID,Port=<new ingress service node port>"


<Instance x ID>: Use the instance IDs you gathered for instances of the Auto Scaling group. Refer to the AWS worksheet.

<Target group values for frontend-ingress-controller-svc and portal-ingress-controller-svc ARN>: The ARN of the target group you just created.

<New ingress service node port>: Use the node port number you just created.


# aws elbv2 register-targets \
--target-group-arn arn:aws:elasticloadbalancing:eu-central-1:115370811111:targetgroup/srgdemo-5443-tg/a096cb67c2f9144d \
--targets Id="i-05662f9ef84c182ca,Port=31704" Id="i-07cfcd6716e9890b5,Port=31704" Id="i-08d819b5ccabe83cb,Port=31704"

Next Step: Modifying Listeners on Ports 3000 and 5443