Completing Post-Upgrade Tasks

This section describes tasks that must be completed after the upgrade.

Enable the ArcSight Database to Receive SSL Connections

In the Platform 23.2 release, enabling the ArcSight Database to receive SSL connections is mandatory. If you have not already enabled the Database to receive SSL connections, follow the steps described here to enable it now.

Post-Upgrade Tasks for Intelligence

If you have upgraded Intelligence, you must also perform the following post-upgrade tasks:

Applying Custom SQL Loader Scripts

Note: Applies if Intelligence has been upgraded.
  1. Run Analytics to start the next analytics run. For more information, see Running Analytics on Demand in the Administrator’s Guide for ArcSight Platform.

  2. During the analytics run, the folder is created in the following directory with the default SQL loader scripts:

    cd <arcsight_nfs_vol_path>/interset/analytics/vertica_loader_sql/0/
  3. (Conditional) If you have been using custom SQL loader scripts in 23.1.0, then the SQL loader scripts with inconsistent md5 sums between the current and previous versions are displayed in the Analytics logs. Perform the following steps to review and modify the SQL loader scripts:

    1. Execute the following command to check the logs of the analytics pod:

      export NS=$(kubectl get namespaces |grep arcsight|cut -d ' ' -f1)
      pn=$(kubectl get pods -n $NS | grep -e 'interset-analytics' | awk '{print $1}')
      kubectl logs -f $pn -n $NS -c interset-analytics
    2. Review and add the necessary modifications to the new SQL loader scripts present in the following directory:

      cd <arcsight_nfs_vol_path>/interset/analytics/vertica_loader_sql/0/
      1. If you are upgrading from 23.1 to 23.2, execute the following command:

        cd <arcsight_nfs_vol_path>/interset/analytics/vertica_loader_sql/0/
      2. Update the md5 files with the md5 sums corresponding to the modified SQL loader scripts.

      Analytics is triggered automatically after all the SQL loader scripts with inconsistent md5 sums are updated.