Upgrading the Database in AWS

The upgrade process is irreversible. Before beginning this procedure, ensure that you back up the database. Also, be patient as the Database upgrade might take time to complete. The Database might need time to create indexes and complete upgrade tasks. The Database upgrade might appear to be complete; however, if you start the product before the Database upgrade is complete, you might experience errors and performance issues.

For more information about upgrade paths see, Cloud – ArcSight Platform Install and Upgrade Paths.

Follow the Checklist: Upgrading Your AWS Cluster to ensure a successful upgrade.

If the installation is passwordless you need to generate the ssh public key using the command, ssh-keygen.
  1. Log in to the bastion where you downloaded the files.
  2. Copy the db-installer_x.x.x-x.tar.gz file to the Database cluster node 1.
  3. Log in to Database cluster node 1.
  4. Create a directory to extract the db-installer_x.x.x-x.tar.gz file into. We will refer to this directory as {unzipped-db-installer-dir}.
  5. Do not use the directories /root, /opt/vertica, or the existing database installer directory (default is /opt/arcsight-db-tools). The files in /opt/arcsight-db-tools will be upgraded by the database upgrade tool.
  6. Change to the directory.
    cd {unzipped-db-installer-dir}
  7. Extract (untar) the db-installer_x.x.x-x.tar.gz file into the directory using the following command:
    tar xvfz  db-installer_x.x.x-x.tar.gz
  8. Execute the following command to start the upgrade of the schema and database tools.
    ./db_upgrade -c upgrade-utilities

    The output of the command will look similar to the following:

    Stopping cronjob. Please wait. 
    All cronjobs are stopped.
    Upgrade related changes cannot be rolled back, do you want to continue with the upgrade (Y/N): Y
    Starting upgrade... *********************
    Start of Database Upgrade ******************
    Enter previous installed location (/opt/arcsight-db-tools):
    Running Pre-Upgrade checks
    Checking all database nodes are UPAll database nodes are UP
    Replacing files in installed location
    Upgrading script and config files.
    Creating backup directory: /opt/arcsight-db-tools/oldVersion
    Backing up: /opt/arcsight-db-tools/db_installer
    Backing up: /opt/arcsight-db-tools/scriptsBacking up: /opt/arcsight-db-tools/data
    Backing up: /opt/arcsight-db-tools/upgradeBacking up: /opt/arcsight-db-tools/lib
    Backing up: /opt/arcsight-db-tools/udfs
    Backing up: /opt/arcsight-db-tools/db.properties
    Backing up: /opt/arcsight-db-tools/kafka_scheduler
    Backing up: /opt/arcsight-db-tools/sched_ssl_setup
    Backing up: /opt/arcsight-db-tools/schema_registry_setupBacking up: /opt/arcsight-db-tools/db_ssl_setup
    Backing up: /opt/arcsight-db-tools/db_upgrade.py
    Backing up: /opt/arcsight-db-tools/db_upgrade
    Backing up: /opt/arcsight-db-tools/copyright.txt
    Upgrading: /opt/arcsight-db-tools/db-installer_upgrade-12.0.2-1-6.tar.gz
    Upgrading: /opt/arcsight-db-tools/db_installerUpgrading: /opt/arcsight-db-tools/scriptsUpgrading: /opt/arcsight-db-tools/data
    Upgrading: /opt/arcsight-db-tools/upgrade
    Upgrading: /opt/arcsight-db-tools/libUpgrading: /opt/arcsight-db-tools/udfs
    Upgrading: /opt/arcsight-db-tools/db.properties
    Upgrading: /opt/arcsight-db-tools/kafka_scheduler
    Upgrading: /opt/arcsight-db-tools/sched_ssl_setup
    Upgrading: /opt/arcsight-db-tools/schema_registry_setup
    Upgrading: /opt/arcsight-db-tools/db_ssl_setup
    Upgrading: /opt/arcsight-db-tools/db_upgrade.py
    Upgrading: /opt/arcsight-db-tools/db_upgrade
    Upgrading: /opt/arcsight-db-tools/copyright.txtUpgrading: /opt/arcsight-db-tools/db-upgrade.log
    Add new fields for event integrity
    Successfully added new fields for event integrity.
    Checking if Logger Event Table exists
    Successfully updated Logger Events Table.
    Version specific upgrade methods
    ********************* Database Upgraded Complete. Version is 3.7.4 ******************

  9. (Optional) Start the firewall service.