Performing a Keyword Search on Raw Event Data

Recon adds a rawEvent field, or a subset of event fields, to a text index for use in free-form text search. Users can perform a free-form text search for values only in event fields that are indexed.


Understanding Indexed Fields for Free-form Search

If the rawEvent field has a value, the database will tokenize the field's content and store it as indexed text. If the rawEvent field is null, search allows you to perform a full-text search on the following columns:

agentDnsDomain deviceCustomNumber3Label filePermission
agentHostName deviceCustomString1 fileType
agentTranslatedZoneURI deviceCustomString1Label flexDate1Label
agentZoneURI deviceCustomString2 flexString1
applicationProtocol deviceCustomString2Label flexString1Label
categoryDeviceGroup deviceCustomString3 flexString2
categoryDeviceType deviceCustomString3Label flexString2Label
categoryObject deviceCustomString4 message
categoryOutcome deviceCustomString4Label name
categorySignificance deviceCustomString5 oldFileId
categoryTechnique deviceCustomString5Label oldFileName
cryptoSignature deviceCustomString6 oldFilePath
destinationDnsDomain deviceCustomString6Label oldFilePermission
destinationGeoLocationInfo deviceDnsDomain oldFileType
destinationHostName deviceDnsDomain rawEvent
destinationNtDomain deviceDomain reason
destinationProcessName deviceEventCategory requestClientApplication
destinationServiceName deviceEventClassId requestContext
destinationTranslatedZoneURI deviceExternalId requestCookies
destinationUserId deviceFacility requestMethod
destinationUserName deviceHostName requestUrl
destinationUserPrivileges deviceInboundInterface requestUrlFileName
destinationZoneURI deviceNtDomain requestUrlQuery
deviceAction deviceOutboundInterface sourceDnsDomain
deviceAssetId devicePayloadId sourceGeoLocationInfo
deviceCustomDate1Label deviceProcessName sourceHostName
deviceCustomDate2Label deviceProduct sourceNtDomain
deviceCustomFloatingPoint1Label deviceSeverity sourceProcessName
deviceCustomFloatingPoint2Label deviceTranslatedZoneURI sourceServiceName
deviceCustomFloatingPoint3Label deviceVendor sourceTranslatedZoneURI
deviceCustomFloatingPoint4Label deviceVendor sourceUserId
deviceCustomIPv6Address1Label deviceZoneURI sourceUserName
deviceCustomIPv6Address2Label eventOutcome sourceUserPrivileges
deviceCustomIPv6Address3Label externalId sourceGeoPostalCode
deviceCustomIPv6Address4Label fileId sourceGeoRegionCode
deviceCustomNumber1Label fileName sourceZoneURI
deviceCustomNumber2Label filePath transportProtocol


Indexing Event Fields Before Installing the Database

Before installing the database, you can index event fields that would not otherwise be indexed when the rawEvent field is null. To do so, contact Support Services so they can assist you in modifying the superschema_vertica.sql file in the installer.


Indexing Event Fields After Installing the Database

After installing the database, you can index event fields that would not otherwise be indexed when the rawEvent field is null. If there are events in the database, you must drop the text index and recreate it. The reindexing process might take time, depending on the number of events in the system.