Producing Events with SmartConnectors

SmartConnectors can publish events to Transformation Hub topics. In order to publish events, you must configure your SmartConnectors to use the Transformation Hub destination. To send events to multiple topics, you can configure multiple concurrent destinations with the same Transformation Hub using different topics.

Once configured with a Transformation Hub destination, the SmartConnector sends events to Transformation Hub's Kafka cluster, which can then further distribute events to real-time analysis and data warehousing systems. Other applications, including Recon, ESM, Logger, and any third-party application that supports retrieving data from Kafka can receive them, for example, Apache Hadoop.

Transformation Hub balances incoming events between nodes, by distributing them evenly between the partitions in the configured topic.

Acknowledgments ("acks") ensure that Transformation Hub has received the event before the SmartConnector removes it from its local queue. You can disable acknowledgments, require acknowledgment only from the primary replica, or require every replica to acknowledge the event. (Acknowledgments do not indicate that consumers, such as Logger, have received the event data, only that Transformation Hub itself has.)

Supported SmartConnector versions encode their own IP address as meta-data in the Kafka message for consumers that require that information such as Logger Device Groups.

Legacy Micro Focus documentation is available for download from the Micro Focus support community.