Checking for a Worker Node Instance Profile
To check for a worker node instance profile using the web UI:
- Using the Find Services search tool, browse to the IAM dashboard.
- In the left navigation panel, under Access management, click Roles to get a list of existing roles.
- In the search box, specify the Worker Nodes role name (from the AWS worksheet) to filter it from the other roles.
- Click the role name to get its details, then check the row Instance Profile ARNs.
- (Conditional) If no instance profile has been assigned to the role (that is, the row Instance Profile is empty, as illustrated here), then continue with creating an instance profile.
- (Conditional) If the row Instance Profile ARNs is filled, then record the value in the AWS worksheet.
The Instance Profile creation guide works only on the command-line interface. It is not possible to create a separate instance profile without an assigned role.
To check for a worker node instance profile using the CLI:
- Run the following command:
# aws iam list-instance-profiles-for-role \
--role-name <Workernodes role name from AWS worksheet>
# aws iam list-instance-profiles-for-role \
--role-name ARST-EKS-Workers-Custom-Role
The command will return only of the following outputs:
No instance profile for the role exists. Example output for this case:
{ "InstanceProfiles":[ ] }An instance profile exists for the role. Example output for this case:
{ "InstanceProfiles":[ { "Path":"/", "InstanceProfileName":"ARST-EKS-Workers-Custom-Role", "InstanceProfileId":"AIPARVXFDN4TBQBCRKX45", "Arn":"arn:aws:iam::115370811111:instance-profile/ARST-EKS-Workers-Custom-Role", "CreateDate":"2020-06-16T05:57:59+00:00", "Roles":[ { "Path":"/", "RoleName":"ARST-EKS-Workers-Custom-Role", "RoleId":"AROARVXFDN4TNRSAMVCVX", "Arn":"arn:aws:iam::115370811111:role/ARST-EKS-Workers-Custom-Role", "CreateDate":"2020-06-16T05:57:58+00:00", "AssumeRolePolicyDocument":{ "Version":"2012-10-17", "Statement":[ { "Effect":"Allow", "Principal":{ "Service":"" }, "Action":"sts:AssumeRole" } ] } } ] } ] }
- Do one of the following:
- (Conditional) If no instance profile exists for the role, proceed with creating an instance profile, OR,
- (Conditional) If the instance profile already exists for the role, record its name (
InstanceProfiles -> InstanceProfileName
) and ARN (InstanceProfile -> Arn
) in the AWS worksheet, then continue with the procedure to create a launch configuration.
Next Step: Create an Instance Profile