Labeling Azure Kubernetes Service Nodes

Labeling is a means for identifying application processing and qualifying the application as a candidate to run on a specific node. For example, labeling an AKS node with the label kafka=yes specifies that a Kafka instance runs on that node.

For more information about labeling, see Understanding Labels and Pods

Labels required for AKS nodes include the following:

Label The node runs...
kafka=yes Kafka
zk=yes ZooKeeper
fusion=yes Fusion
th-processing=yes Transformation Hub data
th-platform=yes Transformation Hub
intelligence=yes Pods that manage functions and services for the ArcSight Intelligence capability
intelligence-spark=yes Analytics services for the ArcSight Intelligence capability
intelligence-datanode=yes Pods that manage HDFS services for the ArcSight Intelligence capability

HDFS NameNode services for the ArcSight Intelligence capability.

Place this label on one node only. The node and the hostname or IP address in the HDFS NameNode field in the Intelligence tab of the CDF Management Portal must match.

To label your AKS nodes:

  1. On your jump host, get a list of AKS nodes by running the following command:
    kubectl get nodes
NAME                                STATUS   ROLES   AGE    VERSION
aks-agentpool-36457641-vmss000000   Ready    agent   137m   v1.13.11
aks-agentpool-36457641-vmss000001   Ready    agent   137m   v1.13.11
aks-agentpool-36457641-vmss000002   Ready    agent   137m   v1.13.11
  1. Label the first AKS node by running the following command:
    kubectl label node <node-name> zk=yes kafka=yes th-processing=yes th-platform=yes fusion=yes
kubectl label node aks-agentpool-36457641-vmss000000 zk=yes kafka=yes th-processing=yes th-platform=yes fusion=yes
  1. Repeat the command in step 2 for each additional node.

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