Create the Virtual Private Cloud


Creating the VPC

To create the VPC, in the AWS CLI, run the following command:

# aws ec2 create-vpc \
--cidr-block <CIDR allocated for new VPC> \
| jq -r '.Vpc.VpcId'

The command will return the new VPC's VPC ID. Record the VPC ID and VPC CIDR to the AWS worksheet.

For example below is an input and output:

# aws ec2 create-vpc \
--cidr-block \
| jq -r '.Vpc.VpcId'

To (optionally) verify assigned tags:

Run the command:

# aws ec2 describe-tags \
--filters "Name=resource-id,Values=<VPC ID>"

For example:

# aws ec2 describe-tags \
--filters "Name=resource-id,Values=vpc-0143197ca9bd9c117"

Enabling DNS and Hostname Resolution

DNS support and hostname resolution should be enabled to make IP addresses more easily human-readable.

Next Step: Create the External IP Address