User’s Guide for Fusion 1.3

This User’s Guide provides concepts, use cases, and contextual help for the Fusion common layer of services, helping you with the following activity:

Intended Audience

This book provides information for individuals who need to create users, groups, and roles; create and run reports and dashboards, and use the ArcSight Dashboard. These individuals have experience using security and identity management products, as well as creating reports and dashboards.

Additional Documentation

When you use Fusion with the ArcSight Platform, the documentation library includes the following resources:

For the most recent version of this guide and other ArcSight documentation resources, visit the documentation site for ArcSight.

Contact Information

We want to hear your comments and suggestions about this book and the other documentation included with this product. You can use the comment on this topic link at the bottom of each page of the online documentation, or send an email to

For specific product issues, contact Micro Focus Customer Care at