Script Commands

ESM users run the ArcSight Console on many different machines. Integration script commands always run on the same machine as the ArcSight Console used to launch them. Therefore, the working directory and program path names should reflect where commands are found in ArcSight Console users’ environments




User-friendly Name for the command.

Working Directory

Directory containing the executable script.

For example, $systemRoot\system32\

You can enter the directory path in the Program field, or click the Browse Directory button to get a file browser. Use the file browser to navigate to and select the command.

Note: Be sure this path reflects the location of the script on machines used by ArcSight Console users for whom you are building these commands.


Full path to the executable command.

For example, $systemRoot\system32\ping.exe

You can type the full path to the command in the Program field, or click the Browse Directory button to get a file browser. Use the file browser to navigate to and select the command.

Note: Be sure this path reflects the location of the script on machines used by Console users for whom you are building these commands.


Provide parameters for the command. (See Adding and Editing Command Parameters.)

The Attributes list provides Velocity Expressions for all event fields and an option to add $selectedItem as an attribute.


Tip: Entering data in the Common and Assign sections is optional, depending on how your environment is configured. For information about the Common and Assign attributes sections, as well as the read-only attribute fields in Parent Groups and Creation Information, see Common Resource Attribute Fields.