Printing Navigation Tree Views of Resources
To print the Navigation tree for a resource:
In the Navigator, choose the resource you want to print.
Click items in the tree to expand or collapse folders in the tree depending on what you want to see in the printout.
Tip: A printout of the Navigation tree for a resource will show the tree exactly as it is displayed on the Console. Folders that are expanded or collapsed on the Console will show the same way in the printout. To print the tree showing the items contained in a particular folder, expand the folder in the Navigation tree before selecting the Print option.
Right-click any element in the Navigation tree for that resource and choose Print <ResourceName> Tree. (For example, Print Rule Tree.) Regardless of which item you select to access the right-click menu, the whole tree prints.
The system displays a print preview that matches the resource's tree view on the Navigator panel.
Click Print to bring up a standard Print dialog, and set these properties (destination printer, page layout to use, and so on).
Click OK to print.