Populating the Network Model Using the Wizard

The Network Model wizard (menu option Tools > Network Model) makes it possible to quickly populate the network model by batch loading asset and zone information from Comma Separated Values (CSV) files.

Caution: Before using the Network Model Wizard :

  • Make sure you have Administrator privileges.

  • Do not import assets with an ampersand (&) in the name. The ArcSight resource framework does not support that character in asset and zone names.

The following data can be imported into the Manager from CSV files:

You can import combinations of input CSV files at one time using the Network Model wizard but only one file of each type can be imported during a single import. For example, if you only have assets to import, you can import only an assets CSV file. If you have a zones CSV file, an assets CSV file, and an asset ranges CSV file to import, you can import all three at once using the Network Model wizard.