Hierarchy Map Features
The Hierarchy Map data monitor includes the following features.
The data monitor shows the complete hierarchy, with the hierarchy path built not just by using the delimiter within a field value but also across different field values. (Previous versions of the data monitor did not show the complete hierarchy.)
Group By fields provide options to specify a list of delimiters for use by each selected Group by field. By default, no delimiters are used, if no delimiters are specified then the whole field is taken as a single level for hierarchy. (Previous versions built the hierarchy path within a field value based on only one type of separator, a forward slash, which did not support fields that use other separators like a backward slash, “\”, or a dot, “.” )
Group By fields also provide an option to set the maximum depth level of hierarchy within a field.The default depth level is equal to the number of delimiters in the field. Entering 0 for this option signifies no depth level for the selected field, effectively defining the field as a single-level hierarchy.
A list of Group Attributes can be specified as a drill-down display to show when a user drills down into a group. For each attribute, the user can select a field and a function (max, min, count, average, count unique) on that field value.
Enhanced visualization tools for label, size by, and color by provide fine-grained control of hierarchy map display with regard to Group By and Group Attributes fields and values.