Adding, Editing, or Removing a Rule Action

Where: Navigator > Resources > Rules:

To add or edit a rule action:

  1. In the rule's editor, display the rule's Actions tab.

    If you are adding a rule action for standard rules, the first trigger On First Event is active by default. For other rule types, only the On Every Event trigger is active and all other triggers are disabled.

    For standard rules, select an applicable threshold trigger that is active. If the desired trigger is not active, right-click it and select Activate Trigger.

  2. If you are adding an action, click Add (), then

    • For standard rules, choose an action from the available options.

    • For lightweight rules, choose either Active List or Session List.

    • For pre-persistence rules, only the Set Event Field action is available.

    If you are editing an action, click Edit to open that action's Add Action dialog box.

  3. If you are adding an action, in the Add “Action Name” Action dialog box, set the action's parameters, if present.

    If you are editing an action, change the action's parameters as required.

    See Rule Actions Reference for information about rule action types.

    Tip: You can use references to Velocity Templates as parameters for rule actions to derive values from event fields and variables. See Velocity Templates.

  4. Click OK to add the new action to the rule's threshold trigger.

To remove a rule action:

Select an action below a trigger in the Actions tab and click Remove.