Using External Case Management Systems

ESM provides the ability to integrate with ServiceNow®. For other external management systems, you can export ESM cases as XML files.

For information about configuring the integration with ServiceNow®, see the ESM Installation Guide.

To export an ESM case as an XML file:

  1. On the Resources tab in the Navigator pane, select Cases.

  2. Right-click a case and select Export > Export to External System.

The output file is stored in the Manager’s archives/exports/ directory. You must configure the external case management system to consume the XML file.

Exporting Cases to ServiceNow®

You can export ESM cases and create them as tickets in ServiceNow®. After you configure integration with ServiceNow®, ESM adds a ServiceNow® ITSM ID field to the Console Case Editor. The ID value in this field is a live link to the case. Clicking the ID value launches ServiceNow®.

ServiceNow® manages the session and session expiration between the ArcSight Console and ServiceNow®. If your ITSM session expires and you are not done with your tasks, log in again.

Ensure that your environment meets the following prerequisites before you attempt to export a case:

To export an ESM case:

Displaying the case editor is not required for this procedure. You can export a case whether it is locked or unlocked.

  1. On the Resources tab in the Navigator pane, select Cases.

  2. Right-click the case and select Export > Export to ServiceNow® ITSM.
  3. Use one of the following methods to log in to ServiceNow®:

    • Use the ServiceNow® Global ID.
    • Provide your ServiceNow® credentials and click Next.
    • To use token authentication, select the OAuth checkbox and click Next. Enter the token and click Next.
  4. Provide the requested information, and then click Create Ticket.

To access the exported case in ServiceNow®:

  1. In the ArcSight Console, display the Edit panel for the exported case.

  2. In the ServiceNow® ITSM ID field, double-click the ID value.

  3. Provide the ServiceNow® login credentials.