Query Viewers

Query Viewers are a type of resource for defining and running SQL queries on other resources, including trends, assets, cases, connectors, events, and so forth. Each query viewer contains an SQL query along with other logic for establishing and comparing baseline results, analyzing historical data to find patterns in network activity, and performing drill-down investigation on a particular aspect of the results.

You can use query viewers to run the same queries used for reports, and get results quickly. Then, if desired, you can generate a simple report directly from the query viewer results. Full-featured reporting (with queries, trends, and templates) is still offered for more robust reporting requirements (see Building Reports), but query viewers provide a shortcut to running those same SQL queries apart from reporting.

Query viewers provide high-level summaries to monitor system health, reveal trends, and allow for drill-down investigation of all types of resources. Query viewers can work with trend tables rather than event tables, and so can return results much faster than Active Channels.

See Query Viewers for information about using and building query viewers.

Also, you can generate simple reports directly from query viewer results.

Query viewers provide: