Negating Event Conditions

This topic applies to standard rules.

Purpose: To catch events that you expect to happen in a sequence of events, but events do not happen after all. You do this by negating the expected event in the rule's Conditions tab.

Negated events depend upon other events that have happened. For purposes of discussion, let us refer to these events that happen as positive events.

Where: Navigator > Resources > Rules


The rule must have two or more event conditions, so that you can negate at least one. To create event conditions, see Creating or Editing Rules.

Scenario 1: Monitoring past events to catch a non-occurring event

This scenario shows two expected events that must appear in sequence.

  1. Someone physically accesses a system (in the rule, call it BadgeScan event).

  2. Someone accesses an application (in the rule, call it Login event).

Your rule conditions specify that BadgeScan must occur first before Login. You want the rule to trigger if these events are not received in that sequence. In this case, you negate the BadgeScan event. Both events must have occurred (they are past events) before the rule triggers.

Scenario 2: Monitoring a future non-occurring event

In this scenario, you negate a future event condition. For example, consider this sequence of events you want to monitor:

  1. A server reboots (ServerReboot event).

  2. The server successfully comes up and is available again (ServerUp event).

  3. If the server does not come up, you want to be notified.

In this case, you will negate the ServerUp event condition so that the rule is triggered if that event is not received (the server does not come up from a reboot) on the same device.

A time out property is used in conjunction with negating an event condition. If the negated event is not received within the specified timeout, then the rule is triggered. For example, you can configure your rule to notify you if a server that reboots does not start up successfully.

To negate event conditions:

  1. Right-click a standard rule and select Edit Rule.

  2. In the Rules Editor, select the Conditions tab.

  3. Right-click the event alias of interest and select Negated.

  4. Right-click the negated event alias and select Set Negated Alias Timeout.

  5. In the popup, enter a time out value in seconds, minutes, or hours.

    Time Out is the amount of time to wait between the occurrence of the positive event and the non-occurrence of the negated event, after which the rule is triggered. This value is required.

    On the Conditions tab, the negated event is preceded by an exclamation point (!) and the time out period appears next to the event. The following example shows a five-minute time out period.

    !<EventAliasName> (Time Out: 5m)
  6. Click OK to save the time out value.
  7. To remove the Negated flag, right-click the negated event and select Negated again.

See also Logical Operators, Condition Tree Command Buttons, Condition Tree Context Menu Commands, Common Conditions Editor (CCE), and Adding Conditions.