Creating Focused Reports

In addition to using the reports already available in the Navigator panel's Reports resource tree, you can easily make and save refinements to these definitions. These more narrowly defined or focused reports are also stored in the resource tree, so other people can also use them.

Focused reports are identical to other reports. They differ only in being useful variations on already defined reports. You create focused reports when you want to make a special variation available to other ArcSight users through the Reports resource tree.

Note: A focused report reflects changes made to the report on which it is based.

Where: Navigator > Resources > Reports

To create a focused report:

  1. Right-click the report and select New Focused Report.

  2. In the Focused Report Editor, select the Attributes tab and name the report. Name focused reports in a fashion that properly distinguishes them from their originals.

  3. Click the Parameters tab and change any of the values as appropriate. These values are the same ones you set when Running a New or Archived Report.

    Tip: You can use Velocity template references for parameter fields that accept text, as described in Velocity References for Reports.

  4. Click Apply to make changes and keep the editor open. Click OK to store the definition in the resource tree in the same folder as the original report and close the editor.