A successful installation results in the following files and directories being created in the installation directory you specify:
- _AccuSync_installation
- Contains files used to uninstall
AccuSync and logs of
AccuSync installations.
- backup
- Contains files used to create the default configurations for supported ITSs.
- bin
- Contains startup, backup, and restore utilities.
- conf
- Contains a configuration file used internally by
- db
- Contains the
AccuSync database, including configuration settings, watermarks, and errors
- defaultAccuWorkSchema
- Contains default
AccuWork schema for supported ITSs.
- doc
- Contains
AccuSync user documentation.
- import
- Contains files used to create the default configurations for supported ITSs.
- jiraPlugin
- Contains the
AccuSync plugins required for
JIRA installations.
- jre
- Contains the
Java Platform, Standard Edition Runtime Environment.
- lib
- Contains
AccuSync .JAR files, including those used by the custom transformer.
- plugins
- Contains plugins for supported ITSs.
- sdk
- Contains source code and documentation directories that help you use the
AccuSync API to develop custom configurations.
- tomcat
- Contains the Apache Tomcat server for
- transformers
- Contains
AccuSync transformers.
- userTransformersSampleProject
- Contains a sample
Java project you can use to create custom transformers.
- www
- Contains the
accusync.war file used by the Tomcat Server.
- version.txt
- A text file stating the
AccuSync version.
What to Do Next
If you are installing
AccuSync for the first time, verify that the
AccuSync Services are running or start them, as needed. Go to
Start AccuSync Services.