Rally example:
2012-04-25 16:42:54,269 INFO Rally Connection - Selected rally workspace(s) and project(s) for [Defect]: QA_Workspace2: [RallyFullTesting] QA_Workspace1: [QA Project 1][QA Project 5]
JIRA example:
2012-04-25 17:46:34,706 INFO com.accurev.its.bridge.plugins.jira.JiraITSConnection - Selected jira project(s): [AutomationProject3] [AutomationProject2] [AutomationProject1]
The log file contains information about the total system memory, used system memory, and free system memory available to AccuSync after a synchronization takes place. The following example shows a sample log entry:
2012-04-25 17:46:39,007 INFO Synchronizer - Total System memory: 2047 Mb 2012-04-25 17:46:39,008 INFO Synchronizer - Used System memory:1290 Mb 2012-04-25 17:46:39,009 INFO Synchronizer - Free System memory: 757 Mb
When there is memory available for AccuSync to run another synchronization is low, a warning is included in the log file. The following example shows a sample warning:
2012-04-25 18:03:29,674 INFO Synchronizer - WARNING: POTENTIAL LOW MEMORY. Please check java -Xmx parameter's value in startup.bat, it should be increased to avoid out of memory exception 2012-04-25 18:03:29,677 INFO Synchronizer - JVM total memory: 27.000 Mb 2012-04-25 18:03:29,695 INFO Synchronizer - JVM used memory: 15.694 Mb 2012-04-25 18:03:29,695 INFO Synchronizer - JVM free memory: 11.306 Mb