3. Working with AccuSync™ Configurations : Understanding Synchronization Status

Understanding Synchronization Status
The status symbol provides an at-a-glance summary of the synchronization status for both AccuSync Configurations and synchronization patterns, as summarized in the following table:
Note: This symbol is also displayed when the synchronization is idle.
One or more errors occurred during the synchronization. Placing the pointer over the button displays a tooltip that tells you the number of errors, Status (2 errors), for example. For an AccuSync Configuration, this is the summary of errors for all synchronization patterns associated with the configuration; for a synchronization pattern, this number represents the errors for that synchronization pattern only.
See Responding to Errors for more information.
Getting Status Details
When you click the status button for an AccuSync Configuration, the status page for that configuration appears. The status page displays a summary of error messages, if any, per system and per synchronization pattern. The following illustration shows no errors for the SyncStory synchronization pattern in the AccuWork system, for example:
To review errors for a particular ITS, click the name of that system (AccuWork or Rally, in this example), and then click the synchronization pattern you want to investigate. The Errors table displays all errors for the currently selected synchronization pattern; errors are listed in the order in which AccuSync encounters them. See Responding to Errors for more information on working with synchronization errors.
The AccuSync Log
When you start AccuSync, AccuSync creates a log that is updated while AccuSync runs. The log, bridge.log, is written to the \bin directory of the AccuSync installation directory (c:\Program Files (x86)\AccuSync\bin\bridge.log, for example). The log can provide useful information when troubleshooting synchronization errors.
Synchronization Information
The log file contains a record of the synchronization. The following example shows a sample log entry for a synchronization, identified with a time and date stamp:
Rally example:
2012-04-25 16:42:54,269 INFO Rally Connection - Selected rally workspace(s) and project(s) for [Defect]:
QA_Workspace2: [RallyFullTesting]
QA_Workspace1: [QA Project 1][QA Project 5]
JIRA example:
2012-04-25 17:46:34,706 INFO com.accurev.its.bridge.plugins.jira.JiraITSConnection - Selected jira project(s):
Available Memory Information
The log file contains information about the total system memory, used system memory, and free system memory available to AccuSync after a synchronization takes place. The following example shows a sample log entry:
2012-04-25 17:46:39,007 INFO Synchronizer - Total System memory: 2047 Mb
2012-04-25 17:46:39,008 INFO Synchronizer - Used System memory:1290 Mb
2012-04-25 17:46:39,009 INFO Synchronizer - Free System memory: 757 Mb
When there is memory available for AccuSync to run another synchronization is low, a warning is included in the log file. The following example shows a sample warning:
2012-04-25 18:03:29,674 INFO Synchronizer - WARNING: POTENTIAL LOW MEMORY. Please check java -Xmx parameter's value in startup.bat, it should be increased to avoid out of memory exception
2012-04-25 18:03:29,677 INFO Synchronizer - JVM total memory: 27.000 Mb
2012-04-25 18:03:29,695 INFO Synchronizer - JVM used memory: 15.694 Mb
2012-04-25 18:03:29,695 INFO Synchronizer - JVM free memory: 11.306 Mb

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