Synchronization Patterns Summary The following table summarizes the synchronization patterns included in the default configuration for Rally. Details for individual mapping definitions follow this table. If you create a new AccuSync Configuration (as opposed to using the default configuration for Rally), you need to create one synchronization pattern for each type of issue you want AccuSync to synchronize. Separate synchronization patterns must be created to manage change package information for each type. Note that you can name these synchronization patterns as you choose. Synchronization Pattern Name Mapping Definition Type Frequency SyncDefects DefectMapping two-way 1 minute SyncDefectCpk cpkDefectMapping one-way(AccuWork master) 1 minute SyncStory StoryMapping two-way 1 minute SyncStoryCpk cpkStoryMapping one-way(AccuWork master) 1 minute SyncTask TaskMapping two-way 1 minute SyncTaskCpk CpkTaskMapping one-way(AccuWork master) 1 minute