Adding an AccuRev Server

In the AccuRev Plug-In for Eclipse, you are asked to select the AccuRev Server where your AccuRev files are stored. If your AccuRev Server does not appear as a choice, you can add the server using this procedure.
  1. Click the New button on the Eclipse toolbar.
    Tip: Or, you can select File > New > Project from the Eclipse main menu or select File > Import from the Eclipse main menu.
    The New Project dialog box appears.

  2. In the Wizards field, navigate to AccuRev > Project from AccuRev. (If you have many wizards, simply type A in the Wizards field to go directly to AccuRev in the list.)
  3. Click Next.
    Note: If you are not already logged in to AccuRev, you are prompted to do so. See Logging In to AccuRev.
    The Checkout from AccuRev page appears.
  4. Click the Add Server button to add a server to the list of servers. The Available AccuRev Servers dialog box appears.

  5. Click the Add Server button. The New Server dialog box appears.

  6. Complete the Address and Port fields and click OK. The new server is added to the list of servers.