In previous releases, performing cut/copy/paste and delete/remove operations on individual files took longer than expected because AccuRev Plug-In for Eclipse was getting status on both the file’s directory and the workspace parent. This problem has been corrected in the current release, and AccuRev Plug-In for Eclipse now performs required operations on individual files when appropriate.
In previous releases, refreshing a project using Eclipse (F5, , or choosing Refresh from the context menu in the Project Explorer) caused AccuRev Plug-In for Eclipse to perform a full refresh of the AccuRev statuses. This problem has been corrected in the current release, and AccuRev Plug-In for Eclipse now performs a complete refresh of AccuRev statuses only when using the (or All Projects) menu.
In previous releases, AccuRev Plug-In for Eclipse did not properly manage multiple elinks with the same target, which sometimes resulted in some elinks not getting refreshed. This problem has been corrected in the current release.
In previous releases, AccuRev Plug-In for Eclipse tried to resume dormant jobs started by other IDEs when it was refreshed. This problem has been corrected in the current release.
In previous releases, you could not promote changes against an issue unless you had defined a default query.AccuRev Plug-In for Eclipse would display a dialog box which allowed you to promote against the default issue only. This problem has been corrected in the current release, and you can now select an issue number when promoting.