Release 2017.1

The following fixes were made for this release:

1097613 - Default settings in cause sync failure

Certain synchronization operations require a larger log file to complete successfully. GitCentric increased the max log size to 100 MB in the log4j file. This issues has been resolved in the current release.

1101108 - Commits page returns 500 Internal Server Errors when multi-byte characters in messages

When displaying the repository history with commit messages containing multi-byte characters, GitCentric would display a 500 Internal Server Error. This issue has been resolved in this release.

1104114,40990 - Cloning of a repository via GitCentric is timing out

The gerrit.config sshd.idleTimeout configuration has been restored in this release. It can be used to configure timeout on clone/pull/push operations. See https://gerritreview. for more information.

1104728, 41934 - Problem pushing changes via GitCentric to AccuRev

Customer reported that a push to AccuRev was failing. This issues has been resolved in the current release.

624310 - Missing xercesImpl.jar causing product failure with error 'SAXParser not found'

This issue has been resolved in this release.

624311 - This issue has been described in several ways

Install GitCentric on any Linux server. Have a modern Linux (e.g. Ubuntu 16.04 or later) client communicate with that server via Git clone/push/pull or via ssh commands. He will see the above errors. This issue has been resolved in this issue. (The workaround has been documented in Known Issues and Workarounds.)

624309 Simplify Code - Review

Create a repository. Turn code review on (using the Administration > Repo > Basic tab). Then edit some ACLs for that repository. It is now not possible to turn code review off. Solution is to replace graphic user interface (GUI) check box for code review on/off with two ACL-only repositories: Code-Review, and Direct-Push. By re-parenting the users repository to one of these two, he can turn code review on or off. This issues has been resolved in the current release.

1102562, 2844963 - Delete file and replace with a directory causes push error

A certain sequence of Git changes was causing a push error. This issue has been resolved in the current release.

1106810, 2873527, 43464 - catalina.out growing without limit and fills the disk.

The information that is written to the KandoBridge and KandoGerrit logs was duplicated in the tomcat, catalina.out file. Since catalina.out doesn't get rotated or limited, the disk would fill up. Changes in this release mean that catalina.out only gets output that isn't available in kandoBridge or kandoGerrit logs.